The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
A few weeks ago I awoke on a Sunday morning, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed into the back yard to greet our new friend. I started with the only words that seemed proper, "ToTo, were not in Kansas anymore!!!". With that I climbed the ladder and shared the Texas sunrise with Fellow Ship, her first of many. I have much to do before we move her to her new home. Frank has taken good care of her for us. I've got the water system reinstalled and tomorrow I'm getting the stove. Then a mast raising system of some type and we'll be ready to get wet!!! We can't wait!! Thanks again to Frank and all his friends for making the process smooth and very pleasant. There will be more updates as they apply.
I certainly hope we have not "lost" Frank but have just shifted him into active Admirality. Frank, I have learned more from you comments about sailing, sailing a Cat25, sailing to win, and just about sailing than from any others. I hope that downsizing does not frustrate you and you find beach sailing a whole lot easier. Please don't stop making comments as we newbies and novice sailors sure can use your solid advise!!!!
Hi Frank, so how is the multi-hull thing going. I took a course in Maui a few years back and my instructor was a world class multi-hull racer from France. A few hours in the big water and big waves were enough to convince me that a tradiational boat was my thing. But it was a thrill!!! Have fun with it and if your not wet your not trying!
I'll finally chime in. I have never seen a boat as beautifully personalized and detailed as yours, nor I have I met anyone more willing to share knowledge so freely and clearly as you. I do hope you will continue to help us all and keep us updated on your activities. Since the boats are out of production, we might as well keep skippers out of ownership around. And by the way, an Avon? You might have more boats than us (5)!
Welcome aboard Terry, you have a gem to start with.
Once again, thanks for the kind words. Some have probably noticed that I am not posting much now, I feel awkward making Catalina 25 specific comments when I do not own one. I have made a few general sailing posts but they are of dubious value since so much is locale dependent as well as a function of the type of sailor one is. However the Hobie Getaway forum is a very sleepy place so I may ramp back up a little. The Avon belongs to the gentleman who bought my Hobie Kayak; quite a boat huh?! I don't know much about inflatables but this seems to be a steal.
DAVE! NO NO NO, Randy is just being funny. It is my personality that feels this way and has no implications for others. This forum would miss you ten fold over me.
Okay everybody, why don't we just simmer down now! Nobody's goin nowhere...
Normally I'm just lurking around here but want tell you flat out that this site is special. Just a few years ago and being new to sailing I stumbled (literally) across a 1986 Catalina 25. Here I am, not knowing what the heck is going on and out of all the boats in the world, I buy a 20 year old Catalina 25...didn't even haul it out for a survey. Next couple of days, I stumbled across this site. 3 years later I have turned a project into a solid vessel that will take care of me because I paid attention to her. The thoughts and ideas that flow across this site are in her.
Karma folks...Karma.
To Frank, Dave, and the many others who so freely contribute, you are this site and have no idea how many others you have helped. You can't leave, you will never leave, because you are this site.
Don has hit the nail on the head. During the past year I've always looked forward to hearing from Frank, Dave, and all of you. One of the reasons I decided to buy a C25 was the people on this forum.
So Frank, Dave don't you see that you cannot leave? We're all a family and no one leaves their family!
Just got back from an overnight on the lake. Dave and all, I was kidding. Note the smiley face. I guess that is the problem with text, it is hard to convey subtle humor. This forum is awesome and Dave is one of the people who really has a lot of knowledge even if, on occasion, we disagree.
Now, what we all want is a picture of Frank out on the flying bench of that Hobie with just one hull in the water!!
I guess I picked the wrong emoticon, too--just kidding! Like I said, no luck finding another group like this for stinkpotters. (I wonder why...) I'll have to concede that I'll always be a sailor, whether I happen to own a sailboat at the moment or not. Hopefully after 50 years of sailing various craft, and seven on a C-25, I can offer some useful opinions--some of them even right... some controversial or even argumentative... and some just an attempt at friendly chatter.
Frank has no rival for wise, pithy, hilarious replies, and few rivals for the the care he gave his boat! I suspect he'll feel as I have--that there's no other community out there quite like this!
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="4">A different point of view is posted on [url=""]Catalina 25/250 Association Observer [/url]
Any and ALL comments will be posted barring obscenities. </font id="size4"></font id="Comic Sans MS">
Ad hominem abusive(also called argumentum ad personam) usually and most notoriously involves insulting or belittling one's opponent, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensibly damning character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions. This tactic is frequently employed as a propaganda tool among politicians who are attempting to influence the voter base in their favor through an appeal to emotion rather than by logical means, especially when their own position is logically weaker than their opponent's.
Hmmmm.... Looks like someone has an axe to grind! I think you are a pretty sad person if you actually have to create a blog to watch your own negative comments posted. (It appears that all posts were from Peregrine!)
Some other reflections and comments:
Frank, where are you going to keep your sidearm for those nasty run ins with stink potters?
<font size="1">Quote:"I feel awkward making Catalina 25 specific comments when I do not own one."</font id="size1">
I too tend to stay off of the C25 specific stuff as I no longer can measure something or see how it is set up. Only from memory. But I do find value in popping in from time to time as I find it entertaining and informative.
As far as letting "stink potters" and blue water boat people hang out here - I have been told more than once by a couple of the more vocal to restrict my comments to boats I actually own... Hmmm, that is an easy jab, but not really a valid argument. And, those comments came from 250 owners! Not C25 owners!This forum is helpful to newbies and the uninformed, and those who like myself still contribute even though we have moved on are of great value to the organization and to the continued value of the C25/0...
I hope Frank will post about his new experiences. Life sans engine, head, galley, etc. Just how high can you point with that thing? Inquiring minds wanna know!
Rant on! And those of you who have an axe to grind are just as welcome to post and be villified like anyone else! Dumb ass! People who step up to the plate and do something are always going to take heat from neerthewells like you! if you don't like something, run for office and change it - don't just wallow in your self imposed exile! Or do us a favor and buy a Hunter! bendy toy, or Catalina 470 that drags all over the place! Rant off...
Now silly question - having had one of my posts once removed by Frank for having political content, and having seen others requesting that he mitigate something or another, whose job is that now?
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.