- Events - Adventures

If you would like your cruising group listed below, please contact us.
We welcome all Catalina 25-250, and Capri groups, whether formal fleets, casual clubs or just a few friends who gather for cruises.
If you are interested in others joining in on the fun, list your group here!
All Catalina Fleet 69
(Lake Travis, Austin TX)
Gary Payne
We are a friendly and active group of sailors in the Lake Travis and Austin, Texas area.
Wepromote recreational sailing, fellowship, and skill development through regular meetings, cruises, and social activities.
Columbia River All Catalina Association
(Portland, Oregon)
Michael Lewis
(503) 981-7467
Submitted by: Dennis Niedermeyer
#2074 - 1980 C25 Std/Fin
Vancouver, WA
The Columbia River All Catalina Association is taking shape in Portland. The owners of Catalina Sailboats are forming an association with the International All Catalina Alliance to provide members the following
- Knowledge Exchange: Share your sailing experiences with other owners and learn from them while doing so.
- Clout with Factory: Catalina factory and Sailboats of Oregon are available to assist in technical advice and factory upgrades.
- Tips on Catalina Sailboats: At the cruising events you can board other Catalina's and see improvements that have been made.
- Monthly Meetings with Guest Speakers: Meet guest speakers who are experts in fields of boating such as cruisers, riggers, sail makers, mechanics, marine surveyors, etc.
- Social Events: Monthly meetings at popular locations with a social hour before a short business meeting.
- Group Discounts: Discount pricing at local chandleries and discounts on membership in national boating organizations.
- Flotilla Cruises/Day sails: Coastal and River cruises is always more pleasurable and safer with other boats.
- Local Class Racing: Be a part of One-Design Catalina Racing.
- Protection of Investment: An active association encourages greater resale value and higher public and vendor awareness of Catalina's.
- Catalina Mainsheet Magazine: Membership includes the outstanding magazine that is dedicated to the enjoyment of our Catalina Sailboats.
If you have any questions, call Michael Lewis at (503) 981-7467 or michael.hane.lewis@worldnet.att.net