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John Russell
Master Marine Consultant

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3444 Posts

Response Posted - 12/15/2007 :  17:51:41  Show Profile
Me, too, Mike.

If it weren't for the cookie (whatever that is) on my hard drive (wherever that is) I wouldn't have access either. That's one of the 2 problems that have been discussed here.

First, access to the Member's area is probably more cumbersome than it needs to be. It's not really difficult but, I think it could be a whole lot easier. I think the problem is that the username and password are "foreign" to each of us. Therefore, we're less likely to remember them because we use them so infrequently.

Second, the financials. If we were a "brick and mortar" club, we wouldn't tape our financial statement on the window for passersby to review. Because of our tax status, I'd imagine (but don't really know) that they are required to be made available, as you described, to anyone requesting them. This would probably require, if it were a traditional club, say the Elks Club, some kind of formal request, followed by some kind of due process on the part of the club. The same kind of restrictions should apply to us: Readily available to members and, available upon proper request to anyone else.

After all this brouhaha, I've forgotten what my questions were. What's more, I've stopped caring. It isn't worth the heartburn. If you want to raise the rates, kewl. If you don't, kewl too. If you want to take all my dues and give them to Randy, equally kewl. Just don't take away my forum.

Yeah, I read too much Lats and Atts. Kewl, huh?

Edited by - John Russell on 12/15/2007 17:52:09
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