The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Chief, judging by your list of accomplishments in your profile, I'd think you can call your new station anything you like. Although you seem a bit young at only 2 years old...
Thanks for your service (USN here as well), and welcome to the forum.
delliottg: Thank you for your service as well. How many years did you do? I was a ET1 w/ 10 years US Navy (11 US Army). If I can be of any help just contact me and thank you for the Port Captain honor/responsibility for Bodega Bay area. I have been sailing for about 35 years and my old boat was a 26' Clipper Marine. Picked this one up in your area at Sequim last Sept. and put her in the sea for her first time in Bodega Bay.(Arizona lakes boat) Chief
delliottg: I joined the club just now as I said I would but already have a problem! It just informed me that my membership I signed up for today just expired today! Thats what I call a short membership! Think you could get this problem resolved for me? Whats the chances of getting a title a bit better than "Deckhand" since you just promoted me to "Port Chief"? Chief
I was only in for 5 years, got out as an EM2. My dad & oldest brother both retired as LCDR's.
I'll let our treasurer know about your problem, it should get fixed promptly. I'm not actually an officer in the organization, just an editor for the magazine.
"Deckhand" and subsequent titles are awarded with participation, the more posts you make, your title will progress. If it's truly offensive to you, I think it can be changed, but actually not sure.
Last time I was in Bodega Bay, my brothers & I went clamming there. That was probably 20 years ago.
As far as "promoting" you, I have no such powers, you simply volunteered for the post (as has every other port captain), effectively granting yourself the title. I've had the good fortune to go sailing with a couple of guys from the forum, and have met a couple others to give them a hand working on their boats.
David: Deckhand is not an offensive title as I have swabbed the deck of the USS Kidd DD661 as a seaman many years ago. She is now a museum and I visited her in 2007 at Baton Rouge. The promotion thing was stated as kind of tongue in cheek. I had no idea how they came up with these titles. I found the Treasurer after posting to you and let him know that my membership was a bit short. ha Being the Editor is certainly a title itself and I am sure much work. I have done quite a bit of writing composition during my careers. Mostly relating to electronics as that is/was my major field. Thanks for your help. Chief
The association is updating the Port Captains list.
What is a Port Captain? The original concept was to have a member of the association in a specific geographical area who would be able to assist other association members when they are traveling to the area. This could be range from local sailing information to taking them on their boat for a sail. This is not meant to be a charter and no financial compensation should be sought or offered.
Guidelines for Port Captain:
Be a member of the association Be available to meet/email traveling members Send an email to the Vice Commodore if they are contacted by members Affirm annually they are active and want to be the Port Captain
The association will build a web page with the port captains listed and how to use the program. Contact will be via email.
If you would like to be a Port Captain, or re-affirm you are a Port Captain, send an email to the Vice Commodore (VC), include your contact data and home port. You will then be contacted by the VC with the details of the program.
Sam VC
Sam Bruce 2016-2024 Association Vice-Commodore (vicecommodore at
Hello VC Sam, I responded to your email however my original attempt bounced so I re-emailed it to your vc forum email last week. Please let me know whether you received it. As I said, I’d be delighted to serve as Port Captain for my area. If anybody plans to visit Milford Harbor in Connecticut I’m happy to host and have plenty of resource information about transient marinas, dining, lodging and attractions nearby. Also willing to advise on a useful data model for the port captains’ database or data entry forms.
Bruce Ross Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032 Port Captain — Milford, CT
Is the current list of port captains handy? I am a brand new owner and new to sailing. Looking to travel the country and would enjoy meeting other 250 owners who certainly know a lot that I don’t! Don Minton, 867, Kemah, Texas
It’s been a long time since I volunteered as a Port Captain for the Stratford and Milford CT area of The north shore of Long Island Sound, so I don’t recall whether there’s a list or spreadsheet of Port Captains by Geography somewhere other than just the three pages of postings here in this thread. I’d imagine that someone could create a Google Sheet or an Office 365 spreadsheet in the Cloud so folks can sign up for available areas around the country and internationally. Anybody here available to set one up? It would probably list the Forum username, port name or geography, State or Province, body of water, Lat/Lon, boat name, boat type, and 1-2 sentences about the port. Maybe sortable by forum name, state, Lat/Lon, or boat name?
Bruce Ross Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032 Port Captain — Milford, CT
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.