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 Tables that came with my C25?
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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 06/07/2018 :  08:26:12  Show Profile
I have the dinette configuration (boat is a '77) and I have the dinette table.

The previous owner gave me these and didn't know what they were for. The small table is less than half the size of the dinette table and has the same brackets. I'm assuming this can be used in place of the dinette table? Or for when the dinette table is a bunk and you can put this in to put your things on?

The longer one I'm wondering if it's a cockpit table. No brackets or hardware though. It looks to be about the size of the cockpit between the seats.

Can anyone help with what these are for?

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  09:42:46  Show Profile
I have a dinette also. I replaced my large table with a smaller one so my guess is that the small table you have is a replacement for the large table considering it has the brackets on it. The large table i'm not so sure about. The large table should measure around 24" wide and 44" long and would have a folding leg mounted to the bottom if it is the larger dinette table. It looks rather long to be used as a cockpit table and it has curved corners on one side and square corners on the other so ???? What's the dimensions of the large table?
This is my smaller table

This is the bottom of my original table with a folding leg

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

Edited by - islander on 06/07/2018 10:06:00
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  10:51:12  Show Profile
I’ll get measurements often I’m finished with brightwork. Trying to get ready to splash her Saturday. My other thought was a way to turn the dinette seating, table, and such into a larger bed. Maybe it spans the area across the isle to the starboard bunk.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  12:51:48  Show Profile
It might span that area but a simple plywood board could do that. The piece you have looks more like a table top that took some work to build. Also wouldn't explain the 2 rounded corners and the two square corners. Might be a narrower table top for the dinette area. Maybe a PO was on the large size You know it could be a cockpit table that just never got finished with a base. The square corners by the transom and the curved corners forward.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

Edited by - islander on 06/07/2018 13:47:19
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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  17:24:41  Show Profile
I just installed a Lagun leg and teak table top I picked up from Marine Teak in the UK , the table top is 18.5 by 31.5 . I put a extra mounting bracket in the cockpit works well in both locations . About 30 minutes to install both brackets .

1984 Catalina 25 SK/SR/Trad.
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  18:06:40  Show Profile
I replaced my dinette table with a shorter one that looks similar to Scott Islander’s but is angled to give you a little more room. It looks a lot like the crib boards. I just got a piece of 12” 1x lumber. I cut three pieces that are 23-1/4” long to fill the space between the seats. I put a cushion in the slot and made it into a very comfy deep sofa. My wife can lounge on it while I relax on the starboard settee and we can chill for the evening or overnight. If I add a filler between the dinette area and starboard settee, we can put in a queen sized air mattress. Very comfy!

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT
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