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 Bimini for a 1984 C25
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Rob Moffat

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Initially Posted - 05/29/2018 :  09:46:52  Show Profile
In addition to Catalinadirect what are other venders for a Bimini for our C25?

Thanks in advance!

Rob and Kathy Moffat
s/vLiberty, #4673
Rocky Fork, OH

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Response Posted - 05/29/2018 :  11:46:01  Show Profile  Visit HerdOfTurtles's Homepage
Unless someone gives me a VERY compelling reason not to, my plan is to go with this one:

Cut-to-height design, built-in storage boot, 51" length, rear support poles for storage, stellar reviews, and only $114.

1978 Standard Rig
Fin Keel
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Erik Cornelison

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Response Posted - 05/29/2018 :  14:59:48  Show Profile
I’m getting ready to purchase a Bimini too. Looking for a stainless steel frame & Sunbrella type fabric.

Erik Cornelison
6th Generation Professional Sailor, First Gen Submarine Sailor.
1986 Standard Rig SW. #5234
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Leon Sisson
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/29/2018 :  16:28:38  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage
I agree with the decision to go with stainless steel bimini on a Catalina 25. That's what I have (or will have, once I replace the canvas).

Sunbrella on SS is going to be in a very different price range from the Amazon bimini [].

I suggest getting your dimensions, check Amazon, Catalina Direct, maybe other online vendors to get a feel for prices. Then Search Craig's List, other local sources, and ebay for a used bimini or SS frame which can be cut to fit. Pay attention to shipping costs if the bows (arches) are one-piece. For example, I recently picked up one and a half SS bimini frames and a handful of related SS fittings for $40 on Craig's List.

Getting a new Sunbrella canvas covering sewn should cost a fraction of an all new SS-framed bimini. In his book "This Old Boat" Don Casey describes how to sew your own bimini, in case you're feeling creative, talented, and adventurous. He also includes a picture of a DIY tubing bender suitable for bimini bending.

I just bought a cheap new bimini for my low budget Catalina 22: []. Although I haven't installed it yet, the quality looks good for the price, and it was highly recommended by $tingy Sailor, [], one of my favorite Catalina 22 tinkerers. That same vendor, Marine and RV Direct, also has a website, and an ebay store where their ebay buy-it-now price is almost $35 less than on Amazon for the same product!

-- Leon Sisson

— Leon Sisson
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  05:27:22  Show Profile
The Dimensions might be a problem with the Amazon bimini. The length is only 51" My bimini is 72". so its rather short. the amazon bimini has a minimum height of 35". My bimini was 36" and I had to cut quite a bit off almost to the first bow joint but mine is mounted on top of the coaming and how much you will have to cut will depend on where you plan to mount it. My bimini was 61"-66" wide and fit the coaming mount. If you are going to mount it on the deck you need the next size up. The amazon bimini is Polyester fabric that is like Sharksin not Sunbrella just so you know. The short length of the amazon bimini is what would turn me off to it. This is what 6ft length looks like.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  07:13:07  Show Profile
I second the preference for a SS frame--this can become a hand-hold in various situations such as boarding or somebody losing their balance, so I considered strength/rigidity a plus. I added two telescoping SS struts in place of the rear straps, attached with quick-release pins to the stern-rail near the forward bases. They increased the rigidity and gave me the option of folding the bimini back as an alternative to the cabin top, while holding it up out of the cockpit. The bimini came from a company in Canada--it was too long ago for my declining memory...

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge

Edited by - Stinkpotter on 05/30/2018 07:15:50
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Erik Cornelison

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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  08:41:24  Show Profile
I like the setup, can you answer a few questions I have?

A. What length tracks do you have? I like being able to move the bimini back & forth a little.

B. Could you or would you have a longer bimini to give more shade?

C. Or longer tracks to move the current bimini.

Or do you like it the way it is?


Originally posted by islander

The Dimensions might be a problem with the Amazon bimini. The length is only 51" My bimini is 72". so its rather short. the amazon bimini has a minimum height of 35". My bimini was 36" and I had to cut quite a bit off almost to the first bow joint but mine is mounted on top of the coaming and how much you will have to cut will depend on where you plan to mount it. My bimini was 61"-66" wide and fit the coaming mount. If you are going to mount it on the deck you need the next size up. The amazon bimini is Polyester fabric that is like Sharksin not Sunbrella just so you know. The short length of the amazon bimini is what would turn me off to it. This is what 6ft length looks like.

Erik Cornelison
6th Generation Professional Sailor, First Gen Submarine Sailor.
1986 Standard Rig SW. #5234
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  09:12:25  Show Profile
I found that positioning my new bimini on the C-25 genoa track was critical to having easy access to the foredeck under sail with the bimini up. My old bimini was attached to the coaming, and it was incredibly difficult squeezing through the space over the cabin top.

Now going forward on the side deck is much easier with the bimini as wide as the boat.

1978 C25 SR/FK "Gypsy"
Mill Creek off the Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay
Port Captain, northern Chesapeake Bay
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  09:52:44  Show Profile
A. What length tracks do you have? I like being able to move the bimini back & forth a little.

B. Could you or would you have a longer bimini to give more shade?

C. Or longer tracks to move the current bimini.

Or do you like it the way it is?

Erik, The tracks are I think 14 or 16". Sure who wouldn't want a full coverage bimini but the C25 limits the maximum size you can fit on it. The boom restricts the height and the mainsheet and backstay limits the length as far as getting more coverage over the cockpit. When sailing it has to be far enough forward so the mainsheet clears it. If at anchor you can disconnect the mainsheet and slide it back till it hits the backstay for a little more coverage so the tracks are more that long enough to cover that limited for/aft movement. Yes I put a lot of thought into it and after 10yrs I wouldn't change anything. Like Dave I went with all SS because it will(Trust me) be used as a handhold.

I find it odd that you think going forward with the bimini mounted outboard on the tracks makes it easier to go forward. I mounted mine on top of the coaming for that exact reason, To clear the side deck of any trip hazard.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

Edited by - islander on 05/30/2018 10:04:45
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Response Posted - 05/30/2018 :  11:39:25  Show Profile
I had a post about this a year ago or so. This is what I did. The top is 36 inches high,67-72 wide and the fabric length is 72 inches. The top is from National Covers,Quality of the frame is ok,speed rated to 45mph 1 inch aluminum frame. The cost was $209.00 shipped. No problems with the boom rubbing or the mainsheet pulleys rubbing under sail.
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Response Posted - 06/06/2018 :  19:38:20  Show Profile  Visit pthatcher's Homepage
Hey Erik,

where did you get your bimini from & how much was it?


Originally posted by Erik Cornelison

I like the setup, can you answer a few questions I have?

A. What length tracks do you have? I like being able to move the bimini back & forth a little.

B. Could you or would you have a longer bimini to give more shade?

C. Or longer tracks to move the current bimini.

Or do you like it the way it is?


Originally posted by islander

The Dimensions might be a problem with the Amazon bimini. The length is only 51" My bimini is 72". so its rather short. the amazon bimini has a minimum height of 35". My bimini was 36" and I had to cut quite a bit off almost to the first bow joint but mine is mounted on top of the coaming and how much you will have to cut will depend on where you plan to mount it. My bimini was 61"-66" wide and fit the coaming mount. If you are going to mount it on the deck you need the next size up. The amazon bimini is Polyester fabric that is like Sharksin not Sunbrella just so you know. The short length of the amazon bimini is what would turn me off to it. This is what 6ft length looks like.

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Erik Cornelison

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Response Posted - 06/07/2018 :  14:25:17  Show Profile
I haven't bought one yet! That's why I'm asking all these questions.

If Catalina Direct is close enough in price I'll buy from them, I'd like to keep them around so I can buy more parts for the boat. That's one reason I bought a are available.


Originally posted by pthatcher

Hey Erik,

where did you get your bimini from & how much was it?


Originally posted by Erik Cornelison

I like the setup, can you answer a few questions I have?

A. What length tracks do you have? I like being able to move the bimini back & forth a little.

B. Could you or would you have a longer bimini to give more shade?

C. Or longer tracks to move the current bimini.

Or do you like it the way it is?


Originally posted by islander

The Dimensions might be a problem with the Amazon bimini. The length is only 51" My bimini is 72". so its rather short. the amazon bimini has a minimum height of 35". My bimini was 36" and I had to cut quite a bit off almost to the first bow joint but mine is mounted on top of the coaming and how much you will have to cut will depend on where you plan to mount it. My bimini was 61"-66" wide and fit the coaming mount. If you are going to mount it on the deck you need the next size up. The amazon bimini is Polyester fabric that is like Sharksin not Sunbrella just so you know. The short length of the amazon bimini is what would turn me off to it. This is what 6ft length looks like.

Erik Cornelison
6th Generation Professional Sailor, First Gen Submarine Sailor.
1986 Standard Rig SW. #5234
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