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 Manual bilge pump hose/pipe
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Initially Posted - 05/31/2018 :  14:01:37  Show Profile
Hi all,

Last fall, when decommissioning Molly Jim, I opened the bilge to clean it out of debris. When I gently moved the rubber manual bilge pump hose, I noticed that it moved WAAAY too easily. I am now finally getting to that task.

Here is what I found: the rubber pick-up hose on my ‘89 connects to a white plastic ridgid 3/4” pipe. It connects about 4” from the aft end of the bilge. The pipe runs aft under the sole and reappears in the area under the quarter berth. There, the pipe extends about 6” and is connected to another rubber hose which runs to the pump in the cockpit. The pipe is 3-4’ long.

The pipe is broken somewhere in the middle about where the quarter berth starts.

I was able to easily remove the forward section by slipping it out of it’s slot through the bilge. The aft portion, however, will not budge.

Do others (with late model c-25’s) have this pipe or are you hose the entire length?

Any ideas? I found a dowel and tried tapping it aft, but no luck. I tried sticking my phone down the bilge facing aft for a pic, but no real luck.

Could I run a smaller diameter hose through the remaining portion of pipe, using it as a conduit, and settle for a slower pump rate due to the restriction?

1989 c25 WK/TR #5838
1998 Catalina 36 mkii
1983 Vagabond 14

Edited by - dalelargent on 06/02/2018 06:28:00


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Response Posted - 05/31/2018 :  14:57:09  Show Profile
Sounds like we have almost identical boats. I don't typically use the built-in bilge pump because the amount of water involved is so small. Instead I use a small super-soaker and siphon the water into a plastic container and pour it overboard. I haven't been willing to open up my boat for a few days due to overwhelming clouds of midges, but they're starting to die off and I'll check my setup and respond in a couple of days. Good luck.

Solomon Smith
TANGO 89/WK/TR/#5942
Petoskey, Michigan
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Response Posted - 06/02/2018 :  04:21:35  Show Profile
Thank you sfsmith. I would sure appreciate that! Feeling rather stumped.

1989 c25 WK/TR #5838
1998 Catalina 36 mkii
1983 Vagabond 14
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Response Posted - 06/05/2018 :  06:36:43  Show Profile
I don't know how much this will help, but here's the setup on Tango (hope the links work). This first photo is under the quarterbirth. There's a rigid pipe that drains into the bilge. It's glassed in and doesn't move. The large hose is the outflow from the bilge, and the small hose supplies the galley sink.

This is the aft end of the bilge. The flexible hose is fastened down, and there's a mesh screen over the end to prevent debris from getting sucked in. I haven't tried moving the hose, but I'm sure it connects with the pipe under the quarterbirth.

This is the center bilge compartment, with glassed-in pipes connecting the forward and aft compartments.

The forward bilge compartment. The reddish cast isn't rust, it's residual from antifreeze that found its way into the bilge.

Last but not least, here's my sophisticated gear for clearing out the bilge. Tango has a couple of minor leaks, so I just siphon out the bilge after washing the boat or a heavy rain. I've only used the built-in bilge pump once, and it seemed to hold more water in the hose than it pumped out. That's why I switched to the super soaker method.

Good luck.

Solomon Smith
TANGO 89/WK/TR/#5942
Petoskey, Michigan

Edited by - sfsmith on 06/06/2018 07:47:31
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/05/2018 :  07:03:35  Show Profile
Could you possibly abandon the PVC pipe and run a vinyl hose from the bilge to the pump like its done on earlier models. You just have to find a way to snake the hose through.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Response Posted - 06/05/2018 :  09:01:56  Show Profile
Solomon, your pics didn’t seem to come through. Are you able to try again?

1989 c25 WK/TR #5838
1998 Catalina 36 mkii
1983 Vagabond 14
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Response Posted - 06/06/2018 :  07:18:55  Show Profile
I guess I need a refresher on posting photos. This was my first attempt since I parted ways with Photobucket. I'll try again.

Solomon Smith
TANGO 89/WK/TR/#5942
Petoskey, Michigan
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 06/06/2018 :  08:37:06  Show Profile
I added a Rule 1500 pump this spring. Placed it in the lowest point of the keel sole in the cabin. I managed to BARELY be able to run a length of 1 1/8” ID hose to the transom. It was a very tight fit, but I was able to get the hose to follow the keel line all the way back. I installed a new SS thru hull above the waterline, at the same level as the manual pump’s thru hull outlet, which was also replaced with a SS unit due to 30 years of sun eating on the plastic.

I used an Ultra Safety Systems automatic switch to activate the pump. Main reason for installing the pump was added protection while the boat was left alone on its mooring in Lake Tahoe.

Heather and Scott
1989 C-25 TR/WK
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Response Posted - 06/11/2018 :  09:35:34  Show Profile
I got it done and it worked. :)

Ran half inch reinforced vinyl hose from bilge sump aft using the existing (stuck in place) 3/4” plastic pipe as a conduit. The hose exited the pipe under quarter berth and connected to much larger rubber hose with plastic adapters. Worked great!

1989 c25 WK/TR #5838
1998 Catalina 36 mkii
1983 Vagabond 14

Edited by - dalelargent on 06/11/2018 09:36:37
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