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John Russell
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  10:05:00  Show Profile
We pay $1300/season plus about $450 for winter storage at Sandusky Harbor Marina. (Recommended by an Association member, BTW) Storage fees include haul out, bottom wash and spring launch. The marina has nice amenities. The shower rooms are large, comfortable and, most importantly, very clean even on the busiest weekends. A nice heated swimming pool that my 8 year old thinks is the reason for going to the marina. A "community room" with TV, etc. Friendly staff and a full service department that always seems busy. There's a yacht club located on the marina but, I haven't yet figured out a reason to join it. The owner's of my marina (Marinas International) also own one 15 or 20 miles west on Lake Erie where we can enjoy free transient docks but, I haven't been there yet.

Dave, do you haul Sarge in the winter or use circulators to keep that "hard" water away?

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  10:56:58  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by John Russell</i>
<br />...Dave, do you haul Sarge in the winter or use circulators to keep that "hard" water away?<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">She's on the hard in a boatyard nearby. (I guess I left that little cost out.) We use circulators to keep the ice from pulling the pilings up as the tide rises.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  10:58:25  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
Marina Village in Mission Bay is about $4000/year. Bottom Cleaning $360. Cortez Racing Association $75. PHRF San Diego $30. PHRF So Cal $75. San Diego All Catalina Association $30. Catalina 25/25 Capri 25 International Association $25. Insurance and Vessel Assist about $200. It adds up to about $5000 per year. I guess I spend about $4000 / year on maintenance including fuel, sails, lines, broken things, and bottom painting ever 2nd year (also including entry fees for races which can be over $100). So $9000/year total to keep a boat in Mission Bay at the cheapest Marina in town.

Assuming I take the boat out 200 days per year (Wow, just try to do that) :

It is = $45 every trip.

It is worth it to me.

My god consider the poor fools who use the boat 1 or 2 times per year, they could have a 2 week charter in the Virgins every year for less. Of course they are not paying for fuel, sails, bottom paint or other maintenance, but still.

Edited by - JimB517 on 12/19/2007 19:02:23
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  11:38:52  Show Profile
I wish our club was as affordable as many of you...Right now dues are $3200 for the year, $50 grounds fee per month and a $100 min resturant/bar cost. Thats $4800 per year without parties etc....No slips only mooring field, but very good launch service. We have a pool as well.....So figuring about 6 months of in water time, and regretfully only about 30 days wortyh of sailing it comes out to $160 per sail...Not sure if I'm liking the math here!

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Web Editor

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  13:06:13  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by delliottg</i>
<br /> We'd be exhausted & irritable at the end of the weekend instead of relaxed.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

It's a trade off. with a slip we could get out more often, but would most likely work extra days to pay for it which would reduce the sailing days.

I'm not much of a 'day sailor', preferring to take mini cruises.

The best marina around is Blackpoint, it's 75mins away through heavy traffic lanes, so leaving here on Friday Mornings is not so bad.

Another issue with having the boat in a slip nearby would be the risk of divorce!

Must admit, it's really an eye opener to see what other folks are paying for slips.

Dry storage is $100 a month less, but there is still the ramp process to handle, the only advantage would be the 10 minutes mast raising/lowering routine.


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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  13:12:07  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Our dry storage is a mast up storage, drag it to the ramp and shove it off.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  13:22:38  Show Profile
Our fees just went up. Now paying $800 for a mooring ball and $1 per day for yard storage for the trailer. This is a 40% increase over last year.

My daughter is in the Navy - she has a slip in what has to be one of the best equipped marinas in Canada for ....$32 per year. I'm thinking of signing up

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Master Marine Consultant

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Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  14:19:18  Show Profile
My sailing habit costs me around $1,800 per season give or take a few hundred.

<i>"So $9000/year total to keep a boat in Mission Bay"</i> - JimB517

$9,000.00 per year...Yikes!

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John Russell
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  14:32:45  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by dlucier</i>
<br />My sailing habit costs me around $1,800 per season give or take a few hundred.

<i>"So $9000/year total to keep a boat in Mission Bay"</i> - JimB517

$9,000.00 per year...Yikes!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
Or, about $8/mile. Not so bad. It's all about perspective.

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Chris Z

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  14:35:32  Show Profile  Visit Chris Z's Homepage
Mine, $150 a year for mooring. Storage Free!

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  14:38:28  Show Profile
NEVER, I repeat NEVER compute the cost of things you love to do - and that add vitality to your life - on a per use basis. If you act on that data you will be penny wise and pound foolish. My .02

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  14:53:57  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by SJ</i>
<br />...and regretfully only about 30 days worth of sailing it comes out to $160 per sail...Not sure if I'm liking the math here!<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">Don't do that!! How much was it worth to you every day in your office to know she was there? How much better did you feel every Monday after being out there, every day planning the next sail, and every Friday knowing you were headed out? How much is it worth every day through the winter to know she's waiting for spring? How much is each memory worth--talking about, writing about, thinking about sailing...?

To me, you take those totals and divide by 365, which ammortizes yours down to about $13--lunch money. Then smile at those guys on the golf course every weekend, dropping some serious cash so they can curse at themselves, drive around in electric carts, search for little white balls, and go back to the office and talk about the one seven-iron shot...

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  16:12:04  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
Thankfully I am not paying interest on a boat loan. Also I don't think my 1978 boat is depreciating. I spend a lot on maintenance because I use her a lot and want the boat to be in top shape. Also it is fitted out for offshore racing with all the mandatory equipment. Groups like this keep the value of 30 year old Catalina 25s up (Indiscipline will turn 30 in March).

Also keep in mind this is all I really do. I got rid of all extraneous things in my life like playing golf in favor of focusing on sailing. In my view it is the lifestyle I want to live.

I wish I could join a real yacht club but around here that is real serious folding money.

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  16:19:08  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
I am feeling so guilty I almost feel like paying on some of your bills.

Our 15 acre marina and club includes: 2 tennis courts, boat storage in winter, parking, brand new remodeled club house, pavilion with fireplace, Picnic grounds, boat ramp, dock, moorings (that's where I am), picnic pavilion, beach, dinghy storage on-shore,all on Mosquito lake (11 x 1.5 mile lake.)

We pay $135 per YEAR! $50 to state for mooring sticker.

I don't feel your pain!

(Sorry to gloat)

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Chris Z

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  17:27:03  Show Profile  Visit Chris Z's Homepage

What is the name of your club. I am up at Pymatuning. I might be considering moving to Mosquito in the next couple of years depending on what happens.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  19:54:45  Show Profile
Turk... I Google-Earthed Mosquito Lake--found your marina--SE side, right? Two tennis courts, clubhouse, boats stored on land (off-season),... Looks nice. I'm curious--can you get under the Greenville Rd. bridge that bisects the lake? From 1500', it doesn't look like it.

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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  22:23:48  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chris Z</i>
<br />Turk,

What is the name of your club. I am up at Pymatuning. I might be considering moving to Mosquito in the next couple of years depending on what happens.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

It's called Cortland Conservation Club or CCC. One time fee to buy 1/200 share in real estate (about $900-1000) There are only 200 members. If you are interested you need to start now to look for someone giving up their membership. Usually 1 per month is available. Contact me when the time comes. We had 3 moorings open last year.

Edited by - Turk on 12/18/2007 22:30:48
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Response Posted - 12/18/2007 :  22:29:19  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Dave Bristle</i>
<br />Turk... I Google-Earthed Mosquito Lake--found your marina--SE side, right? Two tennis courts, clubhouse, boats stored on land (off-season),... Looks nice. I'm curious--can you get under the Greenville Rd. bridge that bisects the lake? From 1500', it doesn't look like it.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Yep, you found it! The road intersects way up north and is too low for a sailboat to go under. The other side (north) is a nature preserve anyway. South of the bridge is about 7 1/2 miles long N to S and 1 1/2 miles wide. Great sailing lake with winds almost always out of the west or Southwest. Can sometimes go 7 miles north and seven miles back on one tack. No hills to block or deflect the wind.

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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 12/19/2007 :  06:33:53  Show Profile  Visit brrit's Homepage

We are over at Chandler's Landing on Ray Hubbard now. We gave up on waiting for the flood waters on Grapevine.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/26/2007 :  23:43:54  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
Fees are always changing with promotions etc. There is also a tiered structure based on Age... but the general gist is as follows

One time 4k to join and if you don't have a sponsor they will find you one
40 bucks at the bar minimum (billed regardless) Except Jan when club closed
Monthly Dues $130 (plus or minus a few based on Age)
$20 Capital project dues (monthly

Dockage is around 22 or 23 a dock foot for the season(not sure it will go up soon) and the smallest dock is 42 feet. Includes Electric, Water.

Storage is around 800 a winter plus mast which is a buck a foot or in my case 40 some bucks

Staff will step/unstep the mast for about 35

(future expense- Kids Sail camp - I am afraid to even ask them how much)

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/27/2007 :  09:54:50  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by stampeder</i>
<br />Our fees just went up. Now paying $800 for a mooring ball and $1 per day for yard storage for the trailer. This is a 40% increase over last year.

My daughter is in the Navy - she has a slip in what has to be one of the best equipped marinas in Canada for ....$32 per year. I'm thinking of signing up
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Canada has a Navy

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/27/2007 :  10:07:54  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
I did a bit of analysis broke down the number and tried to get a common apples to apples on the docks. If you have additions, changes or adjustments let me know and I will add them to the file.

I did this in Excel 2007 and saved it down a version. If you get an error saying file formats don't match you can ignore the error.

check out

Edited by - Champipple on 12/27/2007 10:09:18
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Chris Z

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Response Posted - 12/27/2007 :  11:21:36  Show Profile  Visit Chris Z's Homepage
Okay, mine is easy to add to the list. I have a mooring at Pymatuning Lake for $150 for the year.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/27/2007 :  11:40:27  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage

Great spreadsheet ! Leaves the door open now for expanding it and adding it sort of to the owners listing. I see possibilities to understand the cost breakdowns and also other attributes that figure into the sailing experience. For example:
How close to a resort area (miles) ?
How close to a major metropolitan area (miles) ?
How close (miles)/time (Hours/minutes) from work ?
How close (miles)/ Time(Hours/minutes) from home ?
Floating slip (Yes/No), Mooring (water taxi service - Yes/No) ?
Access of marina to sailing area (Nautical miles/Feet) ?
Percentage (%) of sailboats to power boats in marina ?
Insurance annual cost
Percentage (%) of sailing time in races versus Cruising time
Sailing days per year (This would be good to compare against distance convenience from homw or work) ?

Not expecting these comparisons to be provided and then worked into a spreadsheet. Just that your spreadsheet got me thinking. I certainly wouldn't want to saddle myself nor anyone else with putting it altogether and then just how useful would it all be other than ...interesting.

Thanks for the spreadsheet comparisons ! It was nice of you to put it together !

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/27/2007 :  11:46:19  Show Profile
Add Percy Priest Lake on my line in the spreadsheet, please.

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