The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
You may have hit the nail on the head when you suggested overheating.
Last time down at the marina, I was prepared to check the fuel issue and I even had bought a replacement bulb if I thought the check valve may have been causing the fuel problem.
Again, it started up with one pull which tells me it's something other than soot on the plug causing the problem (I had not cleaned the plug since it last choked out). It ran 2-3 minutes before cutting off. This time I noticed that there was no water coming out of the top of the motor. In other words it was not peeing water out when running. So I assume that is causing it to overheat. All the water openings at the bottom of the shaft looked clear so I may have to blow it out with compressed air if that's the proper thing to do.
I haven't had time to get this resolved. Since my last trip to the boat I've been diagnosed with a tumor in my parotid (saliva) gland. Biopsy tests say it is benign. Drs. say it looks malignant. CT scan and MRI help locate it but a diagnosis will only be made during surgery. We'll find out this Thursday when it is removed. Surgery is complicated by veins, arteries and nerves surrounding the tumor. I should be hospitalized for about 2-3 days, so "I'll be home for Christmas".
I should have let everyone who contributed or suggested possible causes to my motor problem know before now what the status is. It's really great to know that there are those out there who take their personal time to evaluate a members question and I thank each and every one.
If you have a prayer list, I simply ask that you put me on it. The surgeon I have is highly regarded by his peers and we have confidence in him, his experience and skills but we all know who the great healer really is.
I'll keep everyone posted on my progress during recovery and solving the motor issue.
Thanks to everyone and to all a Merry Christmas and Happy Sailing.
Bill, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Regarding the "pee tube". On a Honda it is a very narrow channel under the intake manifold and clogs easily, especially in a salty environment. If you pull off the intake manifold cover you can see the channels the water is supposed to flow through and clean them out with a dremel tool. You will also be able to reach the thermostat and clean or replace it. The water can still flow through the primary cooling channels even if the "pt" is clogged. A good test for overheating is to place your hand on top of the pull cord mechanism and if it is to hot to keep your hand in place, it is overheating. If I were in your shoes I would pony up the $30-$40 for the service manual and use it as the basis for my investigation. They can be purchased through whoever services Honda engines in your area.
This is an off the top of the head idea...BUT...I read somewhere ( I thought here) that the choke on some outboards work differently, that is to say some choke when pushed in while most choke while pulled out. If yours is the type that chokes while pushed in you may be choking your motor. Try pulling it out and starting it. Wishing you the best with both of your problems. That throat surgery is a little tricky but is easily overcome with time and good doctoring. In '92 I had my throat operated on for a malignant thyroid, removed the entire gland, used to joke that my head favors the starboard side to offset the tensions/fears involved. Make sure they put yours on straight
I used a copper wire to "catheterize" the pee tube...
All the best--it sounds like you're in good hands. The C-word is like a fire alarm, and it's a lousy way to celebrate Christmas, but we'll be pulling for you. Please report back at the earliest possible time.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.