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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 12/19/2007 :  15:01:44  Show Profile  Visit Prospector's Homepage
Is it worth it to outfit a pop-top with Smoked Lexan Hatchboards?

I have found a local manufacturer, and am looking into cost of having a set fabricated, but I wonder if its really practical with the pop-top. Any thoughts?

If I get a quantity discount, is there any interest from other owners? What about for the forward hatch over the Vee berth? Basically I would have to take in the forward hatch off my boat, and they would make a mold from it to vaccum form a new hatch from the lexan - similarly the existing hatchboards would be used as the template to make the new ones.

My boat is a 1984 FK/SR #4040 previously enjoyed by a member of this forum.

1984 FK/SR #4040

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Response Posted - 12/19/2007 :  15:43:34  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Prospector</i>
<br />Is it worth it to outfit a pop-top with Smoked Lexan Hatchboards?

I have found a local manufacturer, and am looking into cost of having a set fabricated, but I wonder if its really practical with the pop-top. Any thoughts?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> We have Lexan (I think) hatchboards. They are on the boat while I refinish the wood ones. They do let more light in and look kind of cool. Hard for me to gauge if they are worth it but I don't see why they would not work as long as they are the same dimensions as the wooden ones (keep in mind the edges need to be "doubled" to fill the slides).

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/19/2007 :  16:12:02  Show Profile  Visit Prospector's Homepage
Thats a good shot of them. There are also some really nice ones at Cruising Concepts that I wouldn't mind trying to make, but for now, the basic slabs will have to do.

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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/19/2007 :  20:40:00  Show Profile
Another option is to go Lexan for the top board and teak for the lower two. Light and privacy.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/19/2007 :  21:01:58  Show Profile
Lexan hatchboards came on my Ericson. The fabricator glued small thin strips of teak on the ends of each board so make up the difference in the thickness of the lexan.
I'm not sure If I like them or not, but at least I won't have to refinish them like I would have to do on a teak board

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