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 Catalina 250 water ballast in Florida
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Initially Posted - 09/21/2007 :  20:27:29  Show Profile
I would need the advice of Catalina 250 WB owners leaving in Florida and sailing in the Gulf of Mexico. Currently, I keep my boat in a small lake in Central Illinois. Couple of years and I’ll retire in Florida (hope). Recently, I also purchased a slip in St. Pete Beach. I have to decide what to do with my 2004 Catalina 250 with a 9.9 Honda outboard motor: Trailer it to St. Pete Beach (shallow waters) and use it there in the Intracoastal Waterways and occasional cruising along the cost, or sell it in Illinois and buy another boat with a wing keel and an inboard diesel motor. Besides the cost, my main concern is the draft of a bigger boat. Would a Catalina 250 be an appropriate boat in Florida? I would appreciate your comments.

Thank you.


Edited by - tgyires on 09/21/2007 20:41:07

Bob Jack
1st Mate

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Response Posted - 09/22/2007 :  08:25:19  Show Profile
Hi Tibor,
I live in SW Fl and a few years ago I was faced with the same decision regarding wing keel vs WB. I wanted the wing keel because of it's traditional qualities and the extra head room but I had visions of getting hung up in the shallow chanels and harbor entances on Naples Bay. Around here, if your out of the channel even a little bit, you're likely to hit the muck. Not fun when you can see your destination but just can't get there.
My sailing habits are pretty close to what you anticipate for your new home port and I chose the WB. I have been very pleased with it's performance in this area. We cruise about 45 minutes to the pass and then have clear sailing in all directions ...south towards Marko or north towards the Naples pier...The boat sails very well out in the gulf and we always get compliments on her great lines.
If you are worried about shallow water, there are no glaring reason not to take advantage of the shallow draft capabilities of the WB.
I am getting better at not banging my head in the cabin. I think I'm down to one goose egg per trip.
Good luck with the move,

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