The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Just wonder what everyones plans are for the 3 day weekend? Any exciting sailing adventures or just local day trips. I would to sail to Catalina but know it will be a zoo. Same principal as to why I am not driving anywhere. Hate traffic and crowds. So at least 1 day trip and maybe just sitting around the boat, for me.
Previous Owner PiSeas II 2003 C250 WK #692 Newport Beach, CA
Well, I am on call this weekend, so it we have to stay around. However, we do get to participate in a chili cook off as judges, and will watch the races on Sunday. It's not on the water, but it'll have to do for this holiday. I am not on call for others this year, so later will have to do.
We'll be putting the stick up and trying to hoist the new spinnaker, check out the new LED anchor lights, finish off the new hard link (rudder to outboard), replace the main halyard, replace the jib halyard with new 3/8 line, finish refreshing the trailer bearing grease, installing new spare tire holder, 50lb of sandbagged in the bow, and a few jobs around the house inbetween.
And taking some time out to remember the fellow servicemen that didn't make it to retirement (like I'm retired!)
No sailing here also not because of crowds, but I am off on my annual pickup detail to bring my Granddaughter to Florida from Texas. For some reason Uncle Sam can't seem to get by in the Summer without my Son in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Not that I mine. I like having them home for two months straight. Last year was PaPa Jerry's watering skiing school, this year will be PaPa Jerry's sailing school.
Frog, God bless your son and all the other brave men and women who serve, and have served, their country!
Brit, you MUST post photos of the "hard link" system!!
I'll be doing some racing on a Santana 20 along with working on our 250 - stanchion boat pole holders, teak magazine rack, reefing set up, put some telltales on the shrouds, try out the rail grill, and test the new "Nauti Duck Dock-A-Matic" system. If it works there will be photos next week.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.