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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 04/07/2007 :  09:20:40  Show Profile
Don't you just hate it when you read an article in a magazine and see something you intend to research. One thing leads to another, and you forget which magazine, and can't find the article?

A few weeks ago there was an article in one of the Sailing Mags (I think I get most of them, Latts and Atts being my favorite) written by some older gentlemam with many years of live aboard experience passing along his wisdom about saving maintenance time. He said that he recommends a teak sealer, not a teak oil, or varnish. You have to start out with bare teak, seal it and then you only reseal it once a year, and it doesn't take very long.
The Bristol Finish I put on my teak looks like crap and is peeling off in huge chunks. I'll never use a two part varnish again, especially one with an 8 to 1 mix ratio. You can't mix up a touch up batch easily.
So, my friends, does anyone know about teak sealers? Or have you seen that recent article which mentioned it, along with several other tips?

Frank Gloss
Formerly 89WK/TR
85 Ericson 32-3 shoal draft "Molto Bene"

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Stu Jackson C34

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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  10:28:42  Show Profile

Cruising World April 2007, page 82, "Semco" teak sealer

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  12:43:02  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Gloss</i>
<br />...The Bristol Finish I put on my teak looks like crap and is peeling off in huge chunks...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
I just <i>hate</i> saying this, but I think we told you so...

- Cetol Dave (They have a new "Natural Teak" version--I haven't seen an application...)

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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  12:57:26  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
I've always used cetol on exterier teak and on my tiller. Two coats regular Cetol and three coats cetol gloss. Gives it that "wet" look. I imagine the natural cetol tones down the shine a bit.

Remember, do NOT use your favorite varnish brush. It puts too many bubbles in Cetol and is mistaken for dust. ALWAYS use a small foam brush. Wrap in plastic wrap and you can get two applications out of one. At $.50 each you just throw them away. Gives a nice bubble free self leveling glossy finish.

Also remember, first coat goes on thick, second and subsequent coats should be as thin as you can apply. After all that - just one or two coats every other year. I always add at least one coat each year just to replace what gets scratched or rubbed off.

Edit: Do a light sanding with 600 grit to knock the shine off between coats and smooth any runs.

Edited by - Turk on 04/07/2007 20:39:50
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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  16:36:25  Show Profile
Is teak oil good for in the cabin ?
thats what i used

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  16:50:49  Show Profile
IMHO: The post above by Turk has it nailed.

"Is teak oil good for in the cabin ?"
Well, it will last a lot longer than outside.

I use Cetol inside and out.

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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  17:25:55  Show Profile
I agree with Turk - Cetol.

Heartbeat came with some 'never touch' crap. It took me years to get all that junk cleaned off. Belly up and realize you need to touch it up every year (or two?) and go to Cetol.


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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  20:44:20  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by ClamBeach</i>
<br />IMHO: The post above by Turk has it nailed.

"Is teak oil good for in the cabin ?"
Well, it will last a lot longer than outside.

I use Cetol inside and out.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I started using lemon oil inside on my teak. It keeps that natural look and smells great. It soaks in quicker than teak oil and doesn't run like teak oil. Requires 2 or three applications over a season to look nice, but the plus is, it freshens the cabin smell.

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  22:40:05  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Turk, I am glad to have you over on the lemon oil side on the interior, soon you will stop using that Cetol junk and go back to oil on the out side and my work will be done!!

If a person uses a sunbrella or canvas cabin tarp when they are not at the boat then oil holds up all season and looks great. As old as our boats are I can't figure out why everyone does not cover their boat when they leave it., no leaks, no bugs, no teak maintenance, no dirt...

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/07/2007 :  23:17:27  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by</i>
<br />...I can't figure out why everyone does not cover their boat when they leave it., no leaks, no bugs, no teak maintenance, no dirt...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
...and one more "project" every time you go out and come back in, or even step aboard to "mess about". A coat of Cetol once a season is a fraction of the effort.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  07:43:02  Show Profile
Well Dave, I don't remember being told about Bristol Finish, but if you did, then I deserve it. That stuff is crap. When I discussed the issue with the Bristol people they just told me I did it wrong. I explained that I'm an ex-engineer who follows directions exactly, but they were still jerks.

As far as Cetol, I really hate the orange finish

And Stu, I knew I could depend on you to come to my rescue. I'll look up Semco.

My friend Dwight uses some kind of dark teak oil on his 89 and it looks great. I don't like the slippery feel though.

I don't want any exterior teak on my retirement boat, but since I really like Island Packets and Cabo Ricos, I guesse I'm doomed

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  07:53:14  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage
I think Frank mentions agood point that should be an important consideration. Teak oil really looks good and is probably the best to be using will not go an entire season or beyond without having it covered or attending to it more frequently. I have debated getting the sunbrella covers for the grab rails along the side but that then still leaves wood exposed including the companionway. Perhaps, if I had sunbrella covers for all my wood, I wood I would consider teak oil. But I do not have all those covers and until I do if I ever do, the best way for me to minimize maintenance and maximize sailing time is to use treatments that look good and require minimal treatment thru the year and each year. This is why Cetol is a decnt product. After the initial 3 coats or so, then the instructions indicate if you keep it up with say 1 coat every 6 monhs after just wash and soap over the previous coat, the finiah holds up, looks good and does not have to be brought back to parade rest.

So....if you have the sunbrella covers, maybe teak oil will not increase maintenance all that much and it looks excellent. If you do not have the covers and/or you want to really miniumize the maintenance while having a very good finish, then go with Cetol.

The inside cabin does not need a Cetol finish to remain well season after season. Teak oil or a finish such as Howard's Restore-A-Finish are an easy wipe on and forget type application. Maybe reapply every other year or and no real preparation required - An easy job finished in one afternoon.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  09:47:45  Show Profile
A few seasons back, I made some teak steps for my swim ladder and just used oil on them. They looked good for a couple of weeks, but soon thereafter they started graying and it seemed like I was applying oil constantly to keep up with the sun and weather. I decided this was too much work so the next season, I went the easier route and used Cetol.

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by</i>
<br />If a person uses a sunbrella or canvas cabin tarp when they are not at the boat then oil holds up all season and looks great. As old as our boats are, I can't figure out why <u>everyone</u> does not cover their boat when they leave it...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

It's because everyone doesn't have the same priorities and tastes.

I'm with Dave, I don't need the additional work when I go out sailing. Since I sail at just about every available opportunity, which could be almost daily, I need to get underway and return as fast and efficiently as possible. In my pre-furler days, if my sailing window was only an hour or so, I would most likely take a pass due to the extra work of going below, choosing a sail, hanking it on, hoisting it up, dousing the sail, unhanking the sail, folding it, then stowing it below. Toying with a boat cover would be in that same category.

That is why I use Cetol on my exterior teak. Is it the best looking stuff?...No, but spending a few, easy minutes putting on a maintenance coat before I launch and then forgetting about it for the season (sometimes two) is a big advantage for the way I use my boat. Your requirements may differ.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  12:03:56  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Gloss</i>
<br />...As far as Cetol, I really hate the orange finish...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
There's also "Cetol Light" (a more milky tone) and the new "Cetol Natural Teak" (I don't know what that looks like, but will find out since I will be using something on my new boat). I've been told West Marine's Woodpro is actually Cetol, but it's a darker brown. My PO used it on Passage--it was too dark for my taste. (Apparently Woodpro Plus is something different.) To me, regular Cetol is a fair representation of the color of varnished teak. I've been told the pigment is part of the UV protection. And BTW, Island Packet, Tartan, and some others often put it on their new boats--they tell me it's because owners want it.

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 04/08/2007 12:14:32
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Master Marine Consultant

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Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  12:37:17  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Dave Bristle</i>
<br />To me, regular Cetol is a fair representation of the color of varnished teak.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I think so too.

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Response Posted - 04/09/2007 :  06:13:05  Show Profile  Visit Turk's Homepage
Nothing like Cetol in the morning!

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Response Posted - 04/09/2007 :  09:23:13  Show Profile
O.K. My two cents. I use a ten dollar plastic tarp from Wal Mart, with snap hooks, it takes about one minute to take it off or put it on. If I drop the boom down most of the companionway wood gets covered. The grab rails and cabin top slides are covered. If it were a little longer, it would cover it all. If I had the money I'd get a nice fabricated boom tent thing that was appropriately sized, but. . . I have to change the tarp about once a year. Last Sunday we had a nice afternoon, and thanks to our mild winter, I've been sailing right along. Used a TSP mixture and about 15 minutes to scrub all the wood. Ditto oxalic acid as a brightener. Took a walk on the dock while it dried. Two coats of teak oil. Total time investment, maybe an hour, most of that walking the docks waiting for teak to dry. Really, our boats don't have much teak. If they did, it would be a different story. I put this up against one problem with cetol or varnish. If you let the teak get ahead of you with oil, it is a pretty straightforward matter to bring it back. Once cetol or varnish gets ahead of you, you have a major project on your hands. Now for those who never get behind on anything, well, I ain't one of them.

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At Ease

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Response Posted - 04/09/2007 :  11:38:36  Show Profile
Another vote for Cetol. It is tough durable stuff.

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