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 Should have taken a picture
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Initially Posted - 04/02/2007 :  08:10:46  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
We cut our trip short this weekend, seems our batteries were not 'fully charged' in fact they are most likely total history.
But that's another story.
We got back to black point marina at about 1pm Sunday, there was a Big motor fisherman in the next ramp. The boat was about 30+ feet long and 12' wide, fiberglass held together with 4x2 timbers and some very old rope. Sounded like the best part of the boat was the engine.
The young guy owner had assembled a makeshift trailer with 8 wheels (4 axles) and they managed to get the boat (using the word loosely) onto the trailer in the water. Now they were trying to pull it out... with a new F150!
The Ford was in the water further than the rear axle, the boat was secured to the trailer (using that term loosely too) with a length of old rope (yup, Rope!)

Now they start to pull it out, at least they start to.
I asked the young owner where he was taking it, 'Home' and how far is that 'A long way'

Next I suggested that he might want to reconsider, the boat was an oversize load, the trailer was clearly not roadworthy, and the boat was definitely not secure on the trailer, even if they were able to pull it out. I commented that they might get a ticket, like from the first cop that saw them on the highway and that could be quite an issue. Next I explained that they might also have a problem getting through the toll booths on the turnpike. At that point the put the breaks on.

None of them had considered the consequences of their efforts nor the danger they were putting others in had they got it onto the main roads.

They sensibly backed the boat off the trailer and reconsidered their next move. Not sure what happened next because we were able to pull JD out of the water easier than ever.

makes you think... do they have a forum for really crappy old boats that need more than a bucket of TLC?


Joint Decision. (Sold)
PO C250WB 2005 Sail # 841.

Moved up to C34 Eximius

Updated August 2015

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John Russell
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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  08:42:20  Show Profile
I've often thought there ought to be a test of some kind before one is allowed to do certain things. Problem is, I probably wouldn't pass it.

I'm reminded of Bill Ingvoll's comedy routine ---- "Heerrrre's your sign!"

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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  13:08:35  Show Profile
They are probably out looking for an F"250".

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Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  15:20:45  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage
That does indeed create a mental picture of a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Once upon a time, a buddy and I were in Miami on a sunny Sunday afternoon looking for cheap entertainment. We bought a six-pack and settled in at a busy public boat ramp on Biscayne Bay. No comedy writer would have the imagination or audacity to make up the things we saw.

At a tiki bar in Port Canaveral next to the public boat ramps closest to the ocean, printed on the drink glasses are words to the effect of "<i><b>Come join us for drinks on the weekend, and enjoy the Boat Ramp Follies!</b></i>" And they're right. For the price of a drink, you're guaranteed a ring side seat at the circus every time.

-- Leon S.

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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  16:33:28  Show Profile
The Tiki bar next to the boat ramp is a great idea. It ties in with the axiom that the chance of doing something stupid varies directly with the number of people watching.

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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  16:33:32  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
Leon, I think you described Black Point Marina where this event happened.

We refer to the onlookers as 'The Peanut Gallery'. For some reason, this weekend their turn out was really light, I doubt there were more than 20 members of the gallery all told.


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Tom Potter
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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  16:57:38  Show Profile
Reminds me of the [url=""]Porch Pirate Judges[/url] in Oriental,NC.

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Happy D

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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  19:11:30  Show Profile
Thank you for stopping them before they killed someone.

I'm gonna launch my boat while it's still snowing so I'll be alone at the ramp. I already dread it. First time and all....

Edited by - Happy D on 04/02/2007 19:12:11
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John Russell
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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  19:56:50  Show Profile
I'm gonna have the marina launch it while I'm far, far away.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  22:42:23  Show Profile
I was watching one day as my marina prepared to launch Passage with a travel-lift... They politely asked me to go elsewhere so something wouldn't go wrong. I agreed... No point in adding to the pressure!

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/03/2007 :  06:39:35  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Dave Bristle</i>
<br />I was watching one day as my marina prepared to launch Passage with a travel-lift... They politely asked me to go elsewhere so something wouldn't go wrong. I agreed... No point in adding to the pressure!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

We get billed extra if we aren't there to assist on launch day.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/03/2007 :  08:03:51  Show Profile  Visit DaveR's Homepage
I love to go to Canaveral and sit at that Tiki Bar! Lately it's called "Grills Seafood Deck and Tiki Bar". "". You can watch the Cruise ships come and go, see the occasional Submarine or other Naval ship pass by, and yes, giggle at the folks next door at the public ramp. They make a good sandwich too!

Edited by - DaveR on 04/03/2007 08:16:44
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Response Posted - 04/03/2007 :  09:00:17  Show Profile
In my first marina, Stamford, CT, at my first haul out, the owner/manager said"you're entitled to be here when we haul and launch, but I'll tell you, you'll be happier if you're not." He was right. Sometimes you just have to assume that the pros know what they are doing. I make an exception for the yard crew in Puerto Rico who hauled my Cape Dory 30 with a big finger lift, cracking the depth sounder transducer and allowing the entry of WATER in quantities sufficient to have sunk the boat if the auto bilge pump had not been working right and the shore power not plugged up. Interestingly enough, when I motored back over to the travel lift to get her out, they wanted to haul her with the finger lift again because they couldn't find the keys to the travel lift. So I guess sometimes it is a good idea to be there.

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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  08:14:45  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
It's a function of trust. Would you let this guy date your sister? If the answer's no...

Some marinas are very professional, and I'd have no issue going off for a cold one whilst they go about their job. Others...

Oh yeah, and re public boat ramps: my slip is on the outside edge of the marina. Great view of 1) pulic boat ramp; 2) courtesy dock; and 3) channel out of the marina. We call it the "3 ring circus", and one of my neighbors used to sit atop his houseboat with a 6-pack and a video camera. Always said I pay for a good entertaining DVD...

Edited by - SailCO26 on 04/04/2007 08:17:14
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John Mason

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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  14:58:59  Show Profile
It's my boat and I will always be there at the launching. I would never assume they are necessarily pros and know what they are doing.

What if something happened and then to cover their butts they never told you and much later you found out there was damage, but you had no idea how or when it happened? No way, no how, no thanks!

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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  15:59:40  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by John Mason</i>
<br />It's my boat and I will always be there at the launching. I would never assume they are necessarily pros and know what they are doing.

What if something happened and then to cover their butts they never told you and much later you found out there was damage, but you had no idea how or when it happened? No way, no how, no thanks!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I'm with you, John! I saw a dealer ramp-launch a new Catalina 25 from a trailer years ago, and he disconnected the trailer from the hitch and tied a line from the tow vehicle to the trailer, to get it deeper in the water and float it off. Something went wrong, and the trailer tongue pointed straight up, and the boat sat there on its transom, also with its bow pointing straight up at the sky. If the buyer had been there to see it, he'd have needed someone to pound on his chest, to get his heart started again. The buyer took delivery on his new baby about 2 hours later.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  23:23:54  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Steve Milby</i>
<br />...Something went wrong, and the trailer tongue pointed straight up, and the boat sat there on its transom, also with its bow pointing straight up at the sky...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
That "something" was probably simply the boat's CG moving back when it started down the ramp (from tipping back, and maybe somebody in the cockpit)--with no hitch to hold the tongue down! BRILLIANT!

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  08:48:20  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
Hmmm, methinks the hitch should NOT be holding the trailer tongue DOWN! Sounds like an issue with how the boat was loaded onto the trailer. Even with the increased angle due to the launching ramp, there should ALWAYS be positive weight on the tongue, NOT negative.

I think we're missing some info here...

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John Mason

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  12:27:48  Show Profile
And these are just the people one would assume are pros.

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Response Posted - 04/06/2007 :  16:02:45  Show Profile  Visit ddlyle's Homepage
yeah ... assume

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Response Posted - 04/06/2007 :  16:03:56  Show Profile  Visit ddlyle's Homepage
I'm always gonna be there.
It scary sometimes to watch and you feel helpless.
But it's good to be a witness.

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