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In 2004, we had 22 boats register for the National regatta in our area, the most since 1984, I am told. Unfortunately, one boat returned home due to a tragic death in the family, and we did not get the good air we expected for this 3 day event, and some folks were disappointed, including those of us in local Fleet 94.
I have rarely heard anything all that positive about this regatta for some reason, though we had great SUN, great beer, a nice clubhouse, good socializing, decent prizes and lovely trophies (all for a modest entry fee). I think all we DID NOT have was great WIND that year, (though we did get in 7 of 8 scheduled races, if I recall correctly).
However....we DO typically get great wind (10 knots PLUS) in the EVENINGS in Portland during the summer and I am pretty sure we could get local RC assistance in the evenings even though there ARE other events several nights of the week.
I think we hosted a pretty decent event in 2004, and might be willing to do it again if we thought there were several boats that would travel IN for the event. In 2004, we had boats from several Western states, plus Bill Meinert who towed clear out here from Indiana! I will always highly respect that!
I suspect that SEVERAL of the local boats who faired poorly in the last event would not opt to race. Frankly, we often don't get more than 5 or 6 locals who race very regularly. 3-5 SRs, 1-2 TRs...maybe a 250 this year....
It SHOULD be noted that we race on the Columbia River with a 1-2 knot CURRENT, making downwind legs "apparently" longer, necessitating the use of at least an asym spinnaker to be very competitive. In 2004, in VERY light air, mostly, the first 2 boats had spinnakers with poles, my boat was 3rd with an asym. The highest finishing, very well sailed, JAM boat was 6th out of the 15 entries in the C25 SR class and that was with the modest PHRF-NW handicap for a JAM boat.
I would HATE to see us sail in this venue and OUTLAW spinnakers as is often done elsewhere. Seems to me that a "National Champion" ought to be able to handle a chute, or be able to BEAT one with a JAM boat, if so opted.
What think you? If I thought folks would attend and support another regatta in this venue, I would try nudging my local Fleet 94 in that direction. If not,.....why push a chain?
We ARE getting a few more 250s in our club, but only one so far with much interest in racing....Kevin McKenzie, our Ass'n Secretary........
I'd love to hear from you who might want to play....from Eugene? E. Oregon? Seattle area? Washington? California? etc. We are ON THE PATH to the San Juan Islands for boats coming up from down south.
Personally....I think a Nationals should try to get as many entries as possible; a Nationals with 8-10 boats sprinkled about in several classes is HARDLY a fair test, IMHO. Even though the race on Lake Cheney in Kansas (2005, which some of us FLEW to and raced a 'borrowed boat") had good AIR and was very well run, it just seemed "little" with only about 9 boats total (6 or so 25s and maybe 3 TRs?) No OFFENSE intended; I know Frank tried hard to get more entries from around the country..... I think the Cleveland event, though folks raved about it, still had fewer than 10 entries or so......
And, YES, we'd welcome Capri 25s!!!!!!! (though I am not currently award of many/any who race regularly in this area at present).
Gary Bruner (former V. Commodore) s/v Encore! 78' C25 SK/SR #685
Rita & I would show up, our C-250 TR won the 2004 nationals, albeit before we owned it. It'd be a shame not to defend the title. Neither of us have raced in a long time, but there's time to practice, and I'm pretty sure I have some folks who'd crew.
Frank, It's possible that I just focus on the "negatives" (and we had them...controversy over spinnakers/handicaps/ etc. plus the "light air" situation). I tend to hear those much louder than the "rave reviews". You rounded up some great prizes and ran a great regatta, as I hear was done in Cleveland. I thought the 2005 regatta was WONDERFULLY run and organized.
My only wish is to find a venue with more participation than usual....Maybe the 2004 situation was an abberation with a better than average entry list, but I would like to find out what interest there is in a proposal to come back out West.
Gary, the only real negative about your regatta was because of something beyond your control, i.e., lack of wind. Your organization was one of the best <u>ever</u>.
When racers complain about handicaps, etc., it's roughly akin to them maneuvering for the best position before the start of the race. No need to take that seriously.
I think another Regatta-on-the-river is a great idea!
I would absolutely make it to that one. I lived just outside Portland in a town named Estacada and my brother (Pat) bought our house and still lives there. That would be the perfect excuse to go see him. Cheers.
Gary - ignore the so-called negatives and the naysayers. It was a wonderful regatta and the lack of wind was definitely NOT your fault! The off-water evening activities were most enjoyable. We had a dran good time.
Hey, I might even show up for another Portland Nationals!
Gary, you did a bang up job! (Somebody had the nerve to tilt their outboard up, making it stick out as far aft as it could and I did a bang up job on that with my bow rounding a mark - it wasn't my fault, was the d&%*mn river current, <font size="1">yeah, that's it</font id="size1">. And I screwed up about everything I could trying to fly that new assymetrical, but I had a blast while I was there! And the beer WAS good!)
HEY HEY Gary, I'm so glad you have piped up to ask about a bid! Good on ya. But have you thought about next years Capri 25 Nationals as part of the big picture? It's not a big deal, just one more group of fine spirited sailors like the rest of us. I will look forward to pulling out there again, it was a great time. Just have a Keg of Strictly Sail Ale nice and cold and next year I'm going to bring a keg back for my new freinds at the LSC. Go for it Gary, I'll be there defending my title again.
Hell, that's 10 Yes responses I gotten in less than 24 hours (counting a few locals who have emailed me)! Thanks for all the kind words, folks. Bill....not "sure" I got the Capri comment, though I am a bit aware of the current controversy. I would want to be as "inclusive" as possible.....
I am no longer the official "fleet captain" of Fleet 94, just the "Race Captain", but I am encouraged. There will be no "official" bid for awhile yet while we get our "nauti-Ducks" in a row and see, but I'd love to eat more of John Mason's food and watch ole' Bill suck up the Full Sail Ale, and Derek would come out, I'll bet, if just to CREW the winning TR.
There ARE a lot of C25s and 250s on our part of the river I am sure that some folks aren't too into racing and would LOVE to have crew fly in....maybe some with sails, etc.? Maybe some of them might even loan a boat? Dunno for sure yet.
Actually, I think I would like to call it a "Rendezvous/Regatta" and work on the socializing part/learning part as much as the racing. It's really the getting together that is the most "memorable", although a trophy on the mantle ain't BAD, either!
Thanks all; keep those cards and letters coming. Spread the word around to any Left Coast C25s/250s/Capris and have them contact me. I'd like to see the San Diego folks tow up here on their way to cruising the San Juan Islands.
OK, while I'm 1000 miles away without a trailer, there's something that really caught my attention ..............<i><b>Strictly Sail Ale.</b></i> I suppose you have to show up to partake in this heavenly elixir. Home brew? Sounds outstanding. I might be willing to sponsor the brewing if I could have a bit shipped to FL
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DaveR</i> <br />OK, while I'm 1000 miles away without a trailer...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> Ummmmm... FL to OR is a bit further than that!
Portland Nationals were <b>OUTSTANDING</b>! Gary and his committee did a great job and everything went very well. River sailing, especially with no wind is very challenging and provides opportunity for great gains and on the other hand great losses. Go for it Portland Fleet 94!
Gary I don't trailer my FK C-25 but I'd definately be willing to crew or help out on the committee boat. My Daughter just moved back to Portland last year and we visit her a couple of times a year (In fact I'll be in Portland a few weeks from now) so I've been following fleet 94's progress the last few years with an eye to the future possibility that I'll be spending even more time in out there after I retire.
Dave, That was just a round number off the top of my head. Still, that "off the head number could have been <i>a little</i> more realistic! Google Earth is telling me the mileage is actually 2,514.25 miles from Portland to Daytona.
San Diego Boats? You can count me in and this time I will NOT be flying over during the start of your first race as I did last time. We were on our way to a family reunion cruise to Alaska....that was fun but I couldn't get the racing out of may head! I sure wouldn't miss this one if you managed to make it happen.
BTW, my wife and I will be pulling another 25 footer (Airstream) north this summer, most likely at the end of June. We will visit my brother near Medford, then head up north to the Columbia River Gorge for camping, etc., then up somewhere in Washington. I sure would like to see what sailing the Columbia is like.
Maybe when we retire from teaching in three years my wife and I might move up to that area. It's getting close....
So my vote is in....I'm encouraging you to go ahead and make the arrangements. OBTW, someone mentioned a tall rig winner above? You know, I sure would like to add another trophy to MY mantle
Hey, there's Henk from Vancouver, BC....he crewed for me on my friends C30 last New Year's Day race in San Diego Bay. You remember Henk and Johanna. They're the couple towing their C250 all around the country, using it as an RV. They "stopped in" for a month to visit all of us down in Mission Bay on L Dock. It was his first race, I think, so now he's an experienced crew . Right, Henk? And Dave could crew on Classical Cat, too!! I'll have to find some $$ to buy an assymetrical by then.
Count on me to be there. I trailer North any chance I can and will be going by this summer. Will look in to see the facilities. Haven't sailed with any members yet and do look forward to the chance. Gary and Susie, we met several years ago on your docks when my Granddaughter was with me. Will be looking for a crew.
A bit heavy for my tastes... but if you can get your crew to toss down a case a week (apiece) you'll have no trouble getting enough ballast on the rail. :>)
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.