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 2008 Nationals in Portland, OR?
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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 03/24/2007 :  11:30:22  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
We could have a deck made up here: [url=""]Custom Playing Cards R Us.[/url]
The price gets fairly attractive at the 50 pack level. I'd buy a couple to have on the boat.

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Gary B.

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Response Posted - 03/24/2007 :  11:54:30  Show Profile
I know FULL WELL that a majority of C25/250 skippers do NOT race much. This regatta, if it happened would ideally be as much of a "Rendezvous" as a "RACE". The intent would be to have a ton of things to do beyond racing.

Those folks who fully intend to be last (or just not be dead last?) would be most welcome to come and play. That, in essence, should be the focus.

Continue to give this some thought and let me know. When we reach a "critical mass" that I think might make this worth the trouble, and when I know that enough of the "locals" are willing and ready to participate and HELP with it, we'll proceed. Trying to check now on local Race Committee options, etc.


Gary B.

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Response Posted - 03/24/2007 :  16:21:48  Show Profile
One of my favorite places too. Glad to share it and right there it's Labattes Blue time.

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Derek Crawford
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Response Posted - 03/24/2007 :  16:24:59  Show Profile
Any Promotional Products company can order decks of cards. Problem with a beautiful picture like that is that it would be 4-color process which gets more expensive than one or two color screen printing. We could have some made with the Association logo and sell them to the members...

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Response Posted - 03/28/2007 :  10:27:57  Show Profile  Visit andy's Homepage
You can count on "45 North" for the Portland Nationals. I might even be able to talk 2 more C25's and a C250 from our club into going as well. We're based at Payette Lake in McCall Idaho. I like light air!

Edited by - andy on 03/28/2007 10:28:51
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/28/2007 :  14:01:29  Show Profile
Count us in... Portland is where we clapped eyes on "Someday Lady" for the first time. Given the opportunity to expand our (beginners) racing experience gained from Gary and Jim while in California how could we miss this event. Besides... Portland, OR is a wonderful place anytime!!

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Gary B.

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Response Posted - 03/28/2007 :  15:52:42  Show Profile
Thanks, Andy and Henk,

We are negotiating.....still waiting to hear from a few more "locals". We'd LOVE to have a small fleet of boats come in from Idaho....AND California!

Waiting to get specifics from our local racing establishment about them running the regatta again. One honcho is in Costa Rica, the other in Hawaii right now, so I am trying to be patient.

We want as BIG and FUN regatta/rendezvous as we can get to make it worth the trouble!

Keep in touch,

Gary B.

s/v Encore! #685

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 03/28/2007 :  20:42:23  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
I think we should have it in Hawaii...

its a joke Gary, its a joke.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 03/30/2007 :  11:30:22  Show Profile
Hey Gary, if I remember correctly, in 2004 we had to give way to the Beer can racers in the evening when the wind was always at it's best! Is there anyway to secure an "anytime we want weekend" where we wouldn't have to worry about a scheduling issue and in case of light air we could wait for the SEA BREEZE? Racing at night is a good option too as we are "again"doing it at this years Nationals in Cleveland? Remember if we are going to pull thousands of miles I know I would like to wait for the best wind, it was 103 the first day last time I was there.

<font color="limegreen"><font size="6">OH Ya, I liked to see the big Tuna Frank pull out from Kansas to Oregon or anyother National location ;).</font id="size6"></font id="limegreen">

Edited by - on 03/30/2007 11:32:56
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Response Posted - 03/30/2007 :  22:47:10  Show Profile
Getting in on this a little late. We're 2 hours away, have a trailer, and therefore have no excuse not to come- just need to find a competitive headsail...


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Gary B.

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Response Posted - 04/02/2007 :  01:01:06  Show Profile
Bill, That is exactly what we're working on. You're right; the breeze is pretty consistent after 6 or so. We have to get SYSCO to commit (or Rose City Yacht Club?) to commit to running races in the evenings. SYSCO (our 2004 RC) hosts races already every Tuesday and Thursday nights. The beercans are on Friday nights and should not be a big deal.

Garner; if you have a C25 SR, I will LOAN you a 155% genoa. You aren't late at all; we are negotiating. I just wanted to assess interest before dedicating hundreds of hours to this, just to end up frustrated. We will have a local club meeting in a month or so to hopefully "finalize" a bid.


s/v Encore! #685 SK/SR

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 04/03/2007 :  14:37:03  Show Profile
Please Gary if you can finalize the BID by June 29th, so we can announce the next venue at this years Nationals for everyone to make plans. I have already checked airline dates for my wife to fly out and take a little vacation next year if we get to go back to Oregon. I'll plan on spending a week longer this time and take my family sight seeing.

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Gary B.

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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  10:44:06  Show Profile
Let me work on that, Bill. I think we should know easily by 6/29 if this is a "GO". I am no longer the Fleet Captain; the current leader is not much into racing, but he says he's supportive. Still waiting on the MAIN thing which is plenty of local INTEREST, plus a commitment from SYSCO or Rose City Yacht Club to run the races for us.

Gary B.
s/v Encore! #685

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Ed Montague

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  19:17:22  Show Profile
Gary, Yahoo had a wonderful time, mostly social, and I know that you nee d a very heavy boat to bring up the rear. We will certainly consider the trip.

Ed Montague

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  20:22:11  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
The Bylaws state you have to have them to me by June 1.....That should still be plenty of time though.

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Gary B.

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Response Posted - 04/08/2007 :  11:05:49  Show Profile

If we are going ahead with it, we'll know by June 1, I am sure. I doubt we'd have EVERY detail engraved in granite, but we should be pretty close by then.

I hope you can appreciate the fact that we must negotiate river space and RC equipment with other groups as there are already races going on in the evenings most nights of the week, plus weekend regattas. We need to find a week to "coordinate" so we have access to flags, RC stuff, people to run the regatta, etc. It is not as easy as it sounds if we want to avoid the afternoon sails that proved to be "light air". The breeze usually builds here around 6 PM or so......

Duane, is this a NEW bylaw? When we did this before, we did not submit a bid until NOVEMBER of 2003 and nobody complained.

Ed Montague, we'd LOVE to have you come back. I clearly remember Yahoo! (engine singlehanding....and doing pretty well in a race or two I think!)


Gary B.
s/v Encore! #685

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