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 1980 Lewmar 16 2sp Dis-assy
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Initially Posted - 06/20/2006 :  10:03:37  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
More boat neglect issues - been having winch probs when loaded up, should have tested them loaded when going over the boat this spring rather than just spinning 'em. Lesson learned.

Pulled the primaries yesterday, Lewmar 16's 2-speed, 1980's. Found Vol.10 docs on the Lewmar site, which worked (tho I think the 80's should be Vol.6 or so). MAN, were these things gunked up. A wonder they worked at all. Testament to Lewmar, in my book.

After about an hour worth of cleaning on each one (degreasing with engine degreaser AND brake cleaner, with dental pick, wire brush, and a toothbrush): got 'em cleaned, re-lubed (grease on the gears and bearings/surfaces, light oil on the pawls/springs), and re-assembled. Plus replacing 1 broken spring. All working well on the bench, will re-install and test tonight with race testing tomorrow.

BUT... when I got down to removing the main spidle from the center stem, the Lewmar docs say "ease out the retaining key". My ***, that pup wasnt "easing" outta NUTHIN! So the rebuild bypassed greasing the internal spindle/stem surface. Anyone know a good way to remove that key???

#183 - Team Short Bus

CP25 #183 - Team Short Bus
Capri25 Measurer 2007(ish)-2010
Douse: [dous] v, a: to lower or take in suddenly; b: to stow quickly; c: ease, with vigor
Regret is the bastard child of desire and inaction.

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Response Posted - 06/21/2006 :  11:55:47  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
Jim- There are two different keys that were on our winches. The first is right in the middle of the shaft. Its a shank of some sort and just poped out when a little pressure was applied to it. The other one was at the base that held the 2 speed gears into place. You have to turn this one to release it.

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Response Posted - 06/21/2006 :  14:18:27  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
Hmmm, the one that holds in the 2-speed gears is probably the idler spindle, got that one out no problemo. The key holding the spindle to the center stem is crescent-shaped, perpendicular to the spindle axis, and appears to be a white plastic. I couldnt get any action not matter where I put any pull or pressure (glad I dont have many dates like that...)

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Response Posted - 06/21/2006 :  15:36:24  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
HAAAAA Nope mine just slid right on out no problem at all. There is nothing holding it in place, you might want to just tap on it with the side of a screw driver next time.

Did you remove the c-ring one the bottom of the winch? you can gain access to the lower gears by removing the c-ring, then removing the metal plate exposing the lower gears.

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Response Posted - 06/21/2006 :  15:58:55  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
DAM, figures. Next time I'll work harder to be more persuasive, but I was under a bit of a time crunch. At least I've now got both speeds working, and working well! Yes, I did get the split ring off the bottom as well, to get access to the 2nd speed gearing. It was just that main spindle and the stem that I couldnt get separated.

Interestingly enough, when I was in the local West Marine to pick up some HD22 Racelube (already had the grease), they didnt stock it. The weenie behind the desk recommended using the winch grease on the pawls. Tried to tell him politely that somebody before me probably did that, and that's why I'm in the current situation. 'Splained to him the error of his ways, and even showed him the listing for Racelube in the WM catalog. He read it, then decided he should probably stock some extra. Sheesh... Had to settle for a light coating of Mobil-1 this time, 20W-50 IIRC.

Looks like t-storms for tonight's race, could be interesting. Glad I have that 2nd speed working!

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