The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Woo HOOO! I finally got under sail, and y'all were right - whatta ride!! Makes the ol' CP26 look like a truck.
As luck would have it, it was even Race night. So we opted in and had a blast (myself and 1 crew). We ran gen/main only as we've yet to figure out the kite (see below) and there was a nice cell moving in. DAM, but this boat can accelerate! Responsive, too - I had a bad tendency to over-steer, will be working on that one.
Sooo, in looking thru the line selection I'm not sure what's what. Assuming I need to start fresh, what do you all recommend for spin sheets (length, dia, type)? What about pole downhaul? And where do you store the pole upwind?
Thanks in advance, this forum has been a HUGE help! Jim #183 - Team Short Bus
CP25 #183 - Team Short Bus Capri25 Measurer 2007(ish)-2010 Douse: [dous] v, a: to lower or take in suddenly; b: to stow quickly; c: ease, with vigor --- Regret is the bastard child of desire and inaction.
I have two different sheets for the spinnaker, One is 5/16 and the other set is 3/8 for heavy wind. The lenth is right at 60'-0" on both sets. The downhaul is 5/16. As for storage of the pole upwind, we have another spinnaker pole car set at the bottom of the track, this also has a snap shackle attached to it to hold the topping lift. We just snap the pole on the ring when we store the pole, and snap the topping lift in. I have found that this keeps the downhaul and topping lift from twisting up, and allows for the topping lift to remain attached to the pole. All of the sheets are a double braid Sampson. I think I bought ours from Milwalkee Rigging.
I snap my pole on the starboard shroads so it's easy for the foredeck to access from the rail when approaching a weather mark on starboard tack. This way, they can unsnap the pole, pull it back, feed the guy through the end and then push it forward, all from the rail.
Don't get spin sheets that are too short, mine are about 18" to short and I'll tell you, IT MAKES ME INSANE.
Every Capri 25 I've seen has typically been oversteered. These boats are extremely sensitive to the touch and even a bit squirrely due to the size of the rudders, as well as the placement of the rudder. My experience has been with J24's and the adjustment in rudder placement is a huge change.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.