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 She's on the big pond now...
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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 05/14/2006 :  19:31:24  Show Profile
Mix of feelings of glee and wow, I've got a lot to learn, but Swimmer is on her mooring. Went out to her and hooked up the VHF, wouldn't have gotten back other wise and covered the cabin back up with a tarp.

She's the one with the mustard colored tarp over the cabin.


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Buzz Maring
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Response Posted - 05/14/2006 :  19:38:53  Show Profile
Congratulations, Rick! 'Looks like you're just about all set for a new season in a new venue ... 'looks cold and windy, too!

Best of luck for a GREAT sailing season ... it sure is pretty up there!

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Response Posted - 05/14/2006 :  20:37:56  Show Profile  Visit allencl's Homepage
Congratulations Rick! How did Handy Boat treat you? We put in there about a week ago- they do a good job in my opinion. Too bad we've started off with a week of easterlies- definitely a bad stretch of weather! It's quite a feeling to get back to land and see her out there, isn't it?

Hope to see you,
Chris on Peregrine

Edited by - allencl on 05/14/2006 20:38:13
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/14/2006 :  21:08:36  Show Profile
Okay, this is going to sound weird but my first reaction when I saw the picture was "Poor thing, out there in the wind and waves all by herself." But then, I felt the same thing about all the boats in the picture...except the powerboat.

Having never kept a boat in anything but a protected slip it would take a real psychological adjustment on my part to start keeping her on a mooring. (Although I'm sure after I worked through my abandonment issues, I could adjust. )


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Response Posted - 05/14/2006 :  23:00:31  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
I had our Capri 25 on a morring for over a year untill we got her slip. I had to watch for storms because the lake would come up 10 to 12 ft. Just out on the dingy and adjusted the lines. I myself think that the mooring is safer out there than in a slip, If the water went down too low and the keel got stuck in the mud then she would just start to lay down onto her side as the water went away, Its happened before in 1986. all of the boats that were tied to the docks were all layed up ontop of the catwalks, and all of the boats that were on a hoist I think were ok...I will look for a photo. Best of luck with the sailing, I would like to here all about the install of the head, I would love to do this update to our boat. I am also in need of the plywood material for the port side locker, Ours has rotted out on the hinge side.

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Response Posted - 05/14/2006 :  23:04:10  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
here are the photos

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/15/2006 :  08:06:47  Show Profile

I installed The Thetford 885MSD. Sort of a cross between a head and a portapotti. It is able to be pumped out. The top can be disconnected from the tank, so you don't actually lose the vberth for sleeping as I originally thought. I question whether it is adequately vented with only one vent line, but time will tell. I'll retrofit a second vent for cross flow if I need to. I installled the pump out next to the port forward stanchion and the vent next to the port upper shroud deck hardware. No toe stubs in that location. The locker behind the potti is essentially sacrificed to plumbing. I'll take some pictures once the vberth isn't full of equipment.

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Response Posted - 05/15/2006 :  19:03:50  Show Profile
Rick - she looks great out there. I wouldn't have hassled you to get going if I'd have known your picture was for publication!! You back on Saturday?

For those worried about moorings, the wisdom around here is that you're much, much safer on a (sturdy) mooring than you are at the dock. The boat moves however it wants to and nothing gets shock loaded. Many with slips maintain moorings, too, and move their boats there in advance of storms.

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Response Posted - 05/31/2006 :  12:09:52  Show Profile
I've my boat on a hook for 6 years at least and on the North Shore of Long Island you'd be hard pressed to get a slip. Major Boat Units for one of those. Never had a problem with the mooring and actually like it better. So tell me again, what happened to all the water in the lake. Did someone forget to close the drain?

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 06/01/2006 :  06:35:53  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
When I see photos like the one with the boats over in their slips it just reinforces my personal preference for owning a trailer. It also reminds me of all the boats that are neglected by owners that don't deserve to have a boat. It also brings a few Okie jokes to mind but I will let that go in the spirit of détente.

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