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From: "kaptainkriz" Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:37 pm Subject: Re: New Repair Files Uploaded
Nice files! :)
I know the deck and topsides of the Capri 30 are almost entirely foam core....I've been dealing with it directly for a couple weeks now. The hull on the 30 I have not 'opened up' to look at directly, but the strong ridged taper at the top of the hull where it meets the deck looks suspiciously like it is cored...and at 30' and only 4900lbs, I suspect it is cored. I need to drill a hole in the transom to re-route the motor electrical wires...I'll know for sure if it is cored when I do that. However, I'd be very happy if it were not cored. Don't know about the 25 though....the deck appears cored from photos I've seen, the hull, dunno.
From: "kaptainkriz" Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:02 pm Subject: Re: New Repair Files Uploaded
yes, I'll need to call them. I've sent a number of e-mails to their various sites and have not been able to get their attention that way. I've been too busy during working hours to call. :(
One of the things I'm deaking with is a tiller post design flaw...let go of the helm while going backward and the thing tears a hole in the deck kidding. Mine came with two holes, one on each side and have seen many photos with different wood and metal 'fixes'. I was going to get with Catalina to see what they suggested. :)
From: "chris mckillip" Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:49 am Subject: Thanks for the files
I just wanted to thank you for locating and posting the files for the windows and the rudder post. I have talked with Catalina several times about other issues and it was just a matter of time that I would have had to call someone on this fix. All of the windows on my Capri leak, Even after the PO said that the boat didn't get water into it. On a good rain I would get 2 to 3 Gallons of water in the boat. Some is due to the crack in the top side of the deck. It is right behind where the water channel runs, so it acts like a big funnel. I will most likly have to fix both the glass to metal and the metal to fiberglass. We got brand new cushions with the Capri, The are to nice to get even a little water on, Catalina made them for the PO, They are a simi dark blue velvit material with some darker blue and gray vains. The bottoms are made from vinyl. They are not as thick as the ones on the San Juan 24, But alot nicer. It seems that you could do the window fix in two stages, so it looks like I will get some silicon, razor blades, and paper towels and go to work. Thanks again
From: Skipper Rick Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:41 pm Subject: Re: [Capri25] Thanks for the files
No problem on the files, I figure that's what we want this group for a repository of information and help so everyone doesn't have to repeat what others have done.
As to the portlights, Call Catalina Direct (NOT associated with Catalina) they have a portlight repair kit that includes everything you need for about $100. Mine is on the way. Only question I have is whether the portlights I have on the port side are sealable, it appears a PO put in extra screws and these in the wrong places. The net effect is the "extra" screw holes negate the rubber channel! So I may end up having to replace the portlights entirely if I can't come up with a fix for that.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.