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 Pictures of Swimmer existentialk
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Initially Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:27:56  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "existentialkayaker"
Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 4:39 am
Subject: Pictures of Swimmer

I've put up 8 pics of Swimmer on the hard showing some of the work I
need to do to her. I've got most of the teak off of her and in my
should for refinishing. None of the instruments work (other than the
compass. It also shows the tent cover I made so I can work on her
during the winter. My to do list includes:
1. Teak refinish,
2. Motor mount replacement (will get pictures),
3. Port light leak fix, 4.
4. Remount and reseal of stanchions, rigging through hull mounts, and
bow pulpit.
5. Installation of chain plates on the stanchions as they don't have any.
6. Stiffining the bulkhead to deck connection,
7. Refinishing flooring
8. Remount hinges on 1/4 bunk hatches.
9. Installation of CD player and speakers.
10. Replacement of mainsheet traveler.
11. Installation of hatch vent
12. Installation of solar battery charger.
13. Replacement of spreader boots.
14. Replacement of running rigging
15. Turnbuckle covers
16. In the spring, a complete bottom job including repairs to hull,
rudder and keel. This may include some internal stiffening of the hull
as the hit the keel took flex the hull as it is prone to do.

As a note, I have my mainsail at Sail Care being reresined and a few
repair as well as having the logo attached. My 150 genoa is blown out,
I'll be sailing with my 110 next season, planning on replacing the 150
the year after.

I plan to take photos as I go along and will post as things progress
for the benefit of others and also to solicit opinions and suggestions.

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:20:53


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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:31:14  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:08 pm
Subject: Re: [Capri25] Pictures of Swimmer

Your repair list looks almost like mine. I was looking at your photos, and the
previous owners of my boat did the same damage to the keel. There has been a
repair at the botom of the keel in the same place as your keel damage. I also
have some damage where the leading edge of the keel meets the hull. When I
bought the boat in September, a repair in this area had been made. When the
boat was transported from New Hamshire to Massachusetts the vibration of the
keel cracked this not very good repair.

I was interested in what you are thinking about the solar battery charger. I am
trying to figure out how to keep the battery charged. I would like to use solar,
but I have not fully looked into it. Right now there is no battery in my boat,
and all the electrical wires are disconnected from the panel. Luckily the wires
are labeled and are hopefully correct.

Jimmy Kantor
Capri #282

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:21:10
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:31:46  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "existentialkayaker"
Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:20 am
Subject: Re: Pictures of Swimmer

Hi Jimmy,

I plan on using a flexible solar panel at this time as I don't want a
permanent mounted one. I will set it out to charge during the week and
then put it away on the weekend when I want to sail. I'm going to
install a connection by or in the companionway or on the bulkhead next
to it so as to be able to close the boat up. I don't have and don't
plan to add lot of elctrical gadgets at this point so I believe this
will be adequate. The PO had added shore power, but didn't have a clue
as to what he was doing, so I removed it. Nothing like seeing an metal
electrical box sitting in bilge water to give you warm fuzzies.

If you haven't run across this as a reference, you may find it useful:

There are many other articles of use there as well, here is a link to
the index:

As to the keel, mine has also had previous repairs. The keel bolts
have been replaced as well. There was also some flex about a foot
behind the keel which I will have to fix and possible reinforce on the
inside. You may want to look for cracks back there yourself.

Hope this helps.


Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:21:25
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:41:23  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "existentialkayaker"
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:27 pm
Subject: More Swimmer Pictures added

I've added a few pics from this weekends activities. Of all the things
going on with my boat, the only thing that really has me worried is
those cracks around the keel mounting. Does anyone else boat exhibit
this? They don't leak, but I'm wondering if the hull core is rotting
in that area. I have used the butt end of a screw driver to "rap"
around the area and it seems solid. At the very least I'm going to
seal them.
I also included a picture of the access port on the starboard side. If
you don't have one, you may want to consider putting it in. There are
4 bolts in there that secure the bulkhead to the hull. Mine were
loose. As a matter of fact, every bolt on both bulkheads were loose.
Perhaps some of that is attributable to the cold and dry winter air in
this area.
There are also a few shots of the mangy rotted motor mount backing
plate. The motor mount itself seems fine though.

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:21:45
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:41:55  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "kaptainkriz"
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:54 pm
Subject: Re: More Swimmer Pictures added

I'm not all that familiar with the Capri construction yet (just got
mine a couple weeks ago). However, looking at your photos, it almost
looks like the boat was improperly put on stands, possibly causing
the gelcoat cracks in the 'needs work' picture, and maybe an
explanation for your bilge cracks (which don't look all that bad from
the photo). The bilge cracks may also be a result of the very hard
grounding (or a drop) that took the giant chunk off the keel.
Keep in mind that keel joints are usually way over built and that you
can lift the whole boat (keel and all) from just a pair of
bolts.....when heeled over 90 degrees, the entire weight of the keel
is supprted by the joint and hangs out vertically.

C-30 Rezny Anne
T-25 Akoni

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:22:01
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:42:57  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "kaptainkriz" Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:09 pm
Subject: Re: More Swimmer Pictures added kaptainkriz
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Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:22:24
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:44:46  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: Skipper Rick
Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:06 am
Subject: Re: [Capri25] Re: More Swimmer Pictures added

Thanks John,

Hopefully my damage isn't as bad as theirs, but I do
believe this is one where I will call in some expert
advice before attempting the repairs. I could spend a
lot of time and effort doing the wrong thing only to
have to do it over.

Thanks for the link to that archived forum, I didn't
know it even existed.


Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:22:51
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