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 To Do List nautical_britt
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Initially Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:38:25  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: "nautical_britt"
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:17 pm
Subject: To Do List nautical_britt

Hi Guys,
To let you know I am following the messages with interest!
Tried to put up pictures (Gadfly #294) but only managed to create a
folder- Now I can't get the pictures in there - What gives!!!?
My boat is due out of the water this week. We have better weather
here in NC at this time of the year but we are expecting a chill for
the next few nights!
My urgent problem is starboard bulkhead. I am planning to remove and
make a new one. This suffers from both excessive movement and water
intrusion! Of COurse!!
Been succesful racing when wind is light but abysmal in a chop and
wind 16 - 25k Won't point worth a damn under those conditions. The
bulkhead problem is part of this I think as I can't make the rig
stiff enough!
I sail / race PHRF and have to live with J 24's at rating of 174
while Capri is 171. Does anyone else have to give time to the J?
Enough for now - lots of thoghts etc for later

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:19:42


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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:39:07  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
From: Skipper Rick
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Capri25] To Do List existentialk...


I can't help you with the pictures, maybe Chris will
know the story with that.

As to the bulkhead, everything I've read recommends
you increase the thickness over the stock thickness
and make sure you use marine grade plywood if you can
get it, you don't want to be doing this job again.
Your Capri must have had some serious water intrusion
to have ruined that bulkhead.

Hope you can get some pictures up, I'd love to see how
you progress with the project.

Good luck.


Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:19:57
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Response Posted - 03/29/2006 :  13:39:59  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:09 pm
Subject: Re: [Capri25] To Do List

Since I got my boat in September, I have not raced yet. But I am hoping to do
some PHRF racing in the summer. In New England the PHRF rating for a J24 is 168,
and the rating for a Capri 25 is 174. So they owe us time. In the Marblehead,
MA area there is a J24 class, so they do most of their racing one design anyway.

Jimmy Kantor
Capri 25 #282

Edited by - Ericson33 on 03/29/2006 16:20:17
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