The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Does anyne elses portlights leak? My port side ones do. I've taken out the screws, removed the aluminum frame and the inside rbber gasket, but can't get the rest of the assembly apart. I'm afraid I'm going to break the glass or ruin the gelcoat. Anyone else done this repair?
I have not done this repair yet, but my ports leak alot. this is why I made the canvas cover for the boat. I get around 3 to 4 inches of water standing in the side compartments. Catalina direct sell a new rubber gasket for the Capri's ports. you can try this link
I hope this helps out. I think if you follow in the forum you will find your awnser, post a message on there server and let us know about your replies. I have also found that Catalina direct sell almost everthing you need for the Capri 25.
And I found this information from a post on Catalina Direct
This seems to be a common problem, here is how I fixed mine. All 4 windows leaked and I always ended up with water in the billage .
First look at the window, the outside seal should have a small bevel about 45 deg if not then the seal has been installed backwards. To fix this remove the window, once done you will notice the separation of the outer hull shell and the inner shell, this is where all your water is coming from. Most likely the lights under the windows are also ruined. Remove and replace them. Clean the inner and outer shell removing any and all goop that you used over the years to stop the leaking.
Now for the windows, they are most likely split aluminum frames. If you have a gap on the inside and outside seal at the bottom the seals have shrunk. Not really a problem but a leaking area. Remove your inner seal and place it aside if its cleanable does so for reuse.
On the side of the widow remove the screws to the upper half of the frame.and slowly separate both halves, this may take some force but take your time. If you used RTV in the outside to fix the leak earlier clean this off first, the shell comes apart easier that way. I did mine on board keeping handy a water hose. Put on some dirty shorts ,have a beer and lay all the parts on the deck floor The saftyglass pane should be set aside away from all. Don't cut yourself on the edge this glass is not finished I cut myself twice and with the next step and a cut on your hand this will burn.
I know we all have some of that bottom cleaner left over somewhere after cleaning off last years scum. Find it and put some in an old Windex sprayer. Now spay all the parts on the floor completely and let it set for ten minutes to soak this actually serves two purposes. One you're going to clean the deck floor. It needs it anyway, and two. It will shine up the aluminum a bit. Go to the kitchen and get your wife's dishwashing gloves, the ones that are always too small. Now sit in the boat and take that deck cleaner and a small brush and scrub all the parts and seals. If your brave and do it without gloves that's fine ,but your going you feel that cut you got earlier on the window. Ok now your really dirty ,get that water hose and rinse everything down including yourself. Get another beer. Your OB drains do work don't they?
Its time for reassembly I reused my old seals the were not bad you may purchase replacements from Catalina. Get that window now ,as well as some armorall, and the lower frame and outer seal.
Place the window in the right direction in your lap with the saftyglass writing to the outside lower rite side. You should be able to read the writing the proper way when the window is installed. Place the glass in your lap, grab the outside window seal and the LOWER frame this is the one with the large 45deg angle and the tabs that you did not remove earlier, right!!. Your widow leaked because the seal shrunk we are going to install the seal so that the two halves meat a the top ,not the bottom, if it shrinks it wont leak. If your using the old seal the curves wont match, stretch it a bit first.
Now place the seal on the lower edge, wrapping it around the window as best as possible. MAKE SURE THE 45DEG BEVEL IS TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WINDOW. or it will leak again.
Now spray the armorall onto the lower frame and starting with the sharp bend slowly slide the frame around the window. Grab the rag in front of you and place it over the edge of the top of the glass ,stand it up between your legs and with both hands slowly apply pressure.
The frame should slide into place with the seal set. Take your time its a bxxx. Time for another beer.
You should now have the upper seal halves meet or overlap at the top with the bottom seal at least somewhat set in place. It does not have to be completely tight yet this will come all by itself later. Take the top halve of the frame and spray unit with armorial, Place the frame in place on the front where the lower half of the angle meet the upper half and slide the metal tab into place this process will work like a hinge effect .
If the seals overlap take a pair of cutters and cut it back into only about 1/8 th inch overlap. grab both ends. If you have to stretch it to get the contour to match do so at this time. Slowly lower the upper frame down until it touches the backside of the lower frame Let go of the seal the should not overlap at this point and may even have a small gap, We can live with that because its at the top of the window not at the bottom. With your left hand hold the upper seal end ,and with your right pull out a bit on the upper frame and then push down slowly . all should now slide into place. If you don't pull out you will pinch the seal on the backside. If this has happened you must start the upper process all over. And since you've already had three beers by now, It's your call. Once in place Place the frame between your legs and push together hard until the side plate holes line up . Replace the two small screws that you put aside earlier There lost right!!!!. Congratulations your window is now ready for reinstallation. Coat the entire frame outside lip with a silicon sealer Its your choice as to type ,there are many on the market. I chose a clear
Line your window up with the opening and grab the inside retaining ring and the screws. Do the top center screw first start it, but don't tighten it. Once started take the frame and push it up as high into the window opening as possible and tighten down the screw lightly to hold the window in place. Do both corners the middle halves at the bottom and then the rest. Then tighten everything down uniformly. That's it you've done your window It should not leak anymore. Let it dry do the other three and then put the water hose to her Have another beer. All four windows took me 4 days to do its not a quick project but a fun one
Thanks Chris for all the info. I've already ordered the repair kit from Catalina Direct. I think one of the previous owners may have used Maine Tex to try to fix the leaks. These should not have to be hammered out with a chisel! You're right about Catalina Direct having a lot of stuff for Capri's and of course the Capri shares some things with the Cat 25, so it's good to lok through that stuff too. is useful as well.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.