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From: "chris mckillip" Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:26 am Subject: Canvas Companionway Cover cs_mckillip
I had seen another Capri 25 with a Canvas cover that covered the hatch area of the boat, I got out the sewing machine and went to work. The whole process takes around 6 hours and this was the first time using the sewing machine. I have posted the plans in the files section, and i will write detailed instructions to follow. Chris McKillip
Here is a list of supplies needed to make the cover by yourself.
Sunbrella @ 12.50 per yard--- 5 yards needed = 62.50 Shipping of sunbrella to Tulsa, Oklahoma = 20.00 8 button pack w/ screw in fasteners = 14.50 6 #4 brass rings = 14.50 Nylon Thread (light weight) White = 1.50 Nylon Thread (heavy weight) White = 3.00
Total Supplies =116.00
All Brass fasteners at corners are 2 plys of Sunberlla material. All of the sewing is double stiched. You might try and call a local sail loft with it being winter and see what they would charge. Kerr sails in Tulsa priced the one that I looked at at 225.00.
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