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From: "chris mckillip" Date: Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:52 pm Subject: forward bulkheads cs_mckillip
The ones on my Capri have been Changed 5 yrs ago. Use some marine plywood for the job If you want a stiffer bulkhead go with a 1" material instead of 3/4". To stiffen up the bulkhed even more I would suggest tabbing in fiberglass at the lower part of the bulkhead to the hull. This would require you to remove part of the liner or you could put some 8" inspection ports in both of the storage areas and under the porta pottie. I am adding one there anyway because of the water being able to get between the liner and hull. What was Catalina thinking? I have thought of filling this with a marine polyurathane foam to stiffen up the floor of the liner. But I have started to think about water that would get trapped over the winter and expanding in these areas. So I have gone to LOWES and bought a 18 volt 2 gallon cord and cordless wet and dry vac. Let me say this thing it a workhorse. The travler I belive is the stock one that came with the boat. I have read that the lines get stuck in the travler at the most inconvenient times. I would like to get a winward sheeting car and raise the trace with a solid piece of teak. Harken is having a close-out sale on all of there stuff from 2003 around a 60 % savings. I got 2 ratchet blocks and a travler car for 80.00.
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