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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 11/11/2005 :  17:04:08  Show Profile
I'm happy to report that the hull on Swimmer looks to be in very good condition after the complete strip, repair of blisters, cracks and hull to keel joint, the application of a barrier coat and 3 coats of VC17.

The underlying coats of VC17 were red with the final coat blue. Obviously, the outer coat wore off to some degree, this is to be expected.

I also need to treat the rudder a little differently as the top portion sits out of the water when she is in the slip.

This was my first year on the lake and it has a lot of rocks, most but not all are adequately marked. There are some that come up to only 2 and half feet out by Fish Island. They are about 60 feet OUTSIDE the markers. I know exactly where they are now.

Easily repaired.

I still have some blisters, but 99% of them are under the boot stripe and back near the rudder tube and none are where I previously repaired. I expected this and will grind them out this month, let them sit open to the cold dry air we have here and fill them with vinyl ester (3M) next spring.

I'm delighted to see how well the hull looks. I put a lot of research and effort into her last spring. Many here offered excellent suggestions for which I am grateful. I'm a real fan of 3M and Interlux products.


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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 11/11/2005 :  20:55:22  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
You have done a heck of a job and are now one of our most valuable experts. A lot of people are going to benefit from what you have learned and continue to share.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 11/12/2005 :  06:32:13  Show Profile
Thanks Frank for the kind words. I don't think I qualify as an expert with only one bottom job and one season on the bottom job under my belt, but I'm glad to share my experiences, good or bad so others can benefit.

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Response Posted - 02/28/2006 :  16:34:58  Show Profile  Visit SailCO26's Homepage
Starting on mine now! First timer, as well.

So how do I manage to sand "under" the poppet pads (boat on trailer). This one has two extra poppets about midships, so that might help. Does one just lower one at a time and work that way, or ??

Hopefully there's a not-so-obvious trick that I'm missing...

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/01/2006 :  06:35:05  Show Profile

I don't have a trailer. When I did the painting, I had the boatyard move Swimmer out of the cradle and onto jack stands so I could do under the pads.

Perhaps you could use jack stands on one side at a time with the trailer to get access. I wouldn't know for sure.

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