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 Sail Trim advice.
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Dick Dyer

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Initially Posted - 09/20/2005 :  01:51:00  Show Profile
I had my 250 out today for the first time on a beat. Wind was light (5-10) with occasional gusts of 15 or so. With a 110 jib and full main we took a puff, and wound up rounding up sharply to an accidental tack. So the questions I have are on trim.

I don't think the boat is particularly "tender", I was able to recover and crack off the main, so I am able to control weather helm by adjusting the mainsheet ok, and the boat stays on its feet.

My question on the main is in gusty conditions, is it better to give up some pointing ability by opening up the main like this or have people found it better to reef? In my case, I have a roller furling main, so reefing will move the center of effort somewhat forward.

I also have a question about the jib, which has some "twist" as it is set up now (The top of the jib stalls when the bottom is full. Normally, I would move the fairlead forward to get some more tension on the leech, but I'm concerned that the angle of the fairlead track also move the jib further in as well.

I'd apreciate any "pointers" (yeah, bad pun) on sail trim going to weather.

Edited by - on

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/21/2005 :  17:28:11  Show Profile  Visit aeckhart's Homepage
Depending on wind conditions, reefing may not be adequate to keep the boat from rounding up. You may also have to open the leach by moving the main sheet traveler to leeward. This spills air from the sail but allows you to maintain speed. See Frank Hopper's explanation of traveler use in the open forum section. he does a very good job explaining it's use.

Edited by - aeckhart on 09/21/2005 17:31:54
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