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 Inexpensive carbon monoxide detector
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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Initially Posted - 04/04/2007 :  10:52:15  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
While wandering around HD yesterday, I found a <s>$40</s> $35 CO detector that runs on batteries instead of AC. Here's [url=""]one that's similar[/url], I couldn't find the exact one on their website. Mine has a digital readout, and no voice alert, just a noxious alarm. I've been weighing the price difference between a $150 12VDC detector or the $5 detection cards that you have to order from the UK and have to look at to see if there's CO present. This is a perfect happy medium for us. We get a detector that will audibly warn us, and we didn't have to fork out a bunch of cash for it.

With a propane heater as well as stove, this makes me feel somewhat safer using them in the confines of our boats. Now if they just made a cheap propane detector...

Crap, here's the [url=""]same one I've got[/url] for $5 less, with free shipping. Oh well, c'est la vie.

C-250 Mainsheet Editor

Sirius Lepak
1997 C-250 WK TR #271 --Seattle area Port Captain --

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  17:03:03  Show Profile
Watch out - the home versions don't necessarily stand up to the marine environment. Our 9 volt battery operated unit failed in under a year...


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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/04/2007 :  23:36:51  Show Profile
How much does a canary cost these days?

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  08:54:39  Show Profile
what kind of heater do you use ?
we have a heater we bought from lowes ,
I forgot the name, mr heater or something .

it has a built in oxagen shut off .
I was thinking the same looking at home depot for a alarm .

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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  09:04:21  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
Ours is just one of the Coleman heaters, I don't recall the model. It doesn't have any built in smarts like the Mr. Heater (which I wished I'd found first, should have done my research).

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Response Posted - 04/05/2007 :  09:59:34  Show Profile
Ya what can you do ,

but if you ever change the heater ,
I have been trying to find the best spot to put it ,
and came up with this .
The heater has two screw inserts in the back to hang on a wall or something.
so I backed off one screw on the gally trim, and added one more screw for the other side .

it getts in the way for a flip up table I was thinking about .
but its a great feet warmer laying in the bow .
its very secure and just lifts off.

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