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Initially Posted - 01/29/2025 :  07:03:00  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
At least in my region, this January was predicted to be very cold and that turned out to be true. When snow predictions are over 4”, I usually install my winter cover and then remove it after the snow recedes. This year, due to the cold, I left the cover on Louth a check of the extended weather forecast for Feb/Mar, surprisingly indicates fairly moderate temps and little chance of a big snow the rest of this winter….at least for mid-Atlantic region. So, I plan to take my cover off by this weekend. Hopefully, the weather forecasters have this right….but I’ll keep my cover with read access if I have to re-install it.
Not sure what you guys will come up with as far as extended forecasts in your regions. Hopefully, you will find it as well better than was anticipated. Hope it holds true. Looking forward to sailing again!

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

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Response Posted - 01/29/2025 :  07:03:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Larry, a few quick observations from this month. In NE we’ve had several polar fronts that’s driven cold dry weather here up north, and cold snaps down south. when pacific storms have raced across the US, they’ve taken a southern track. They’ve been emerging the east coast as snow in the mid Atlantic region between NC and MD. This pattern has been driven by the Greenland Block which is predicted to persist for a few more weeks at least through February. The NWS is predicting a warmup in later Feb in the SE and mid-Atlantic, so perhaps the guidance is wait a few weeks?
If the Greenland Block breaks up, we should return to a zonal flow, west to east with milder rainstorms in your area and a bit snowier in NE.
That said, the batteries in my crystal ball died, so it’s really anybodys guess

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT

Edited by - Voyager on 01/29/2025 07:23:03
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 01/29/2025 :  11:24:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Coincidentally, at this moment my snowblower is outside running until it runs out of gas. Then it'll go in the shed until next winter. It got a pretty good workout this winter, but here in southern Ohio, it doesn't look like any more heavy snows are likely.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
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Response Posted - 01/29/2025 :  16:20:36  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ditto regarding snowblower. After last snow, gas had stabil in it and I ran it dry and put it back in the shed. (Small snows - I use my electric snowblower.)

In my region, oftentimes I have no need to use my gas snowblower. Do not believe I used it during previous 2+ years. I can usually get by with my electric snowblower….but then when you need the big one…it then seems like a necessity!

This year, I was a little bit concerned if my gas snowblower would breakdown - Could not recall when the rubber belts were last replaced - Bought new belts but blower worked fine. I probably will install the new belts before next winter since it is no fun dealing with a broken belt when you are busy clearing the driveway.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va
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Response Posted - 01/30/2025 :  06:33:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Steve, do you get heavy Lake-Effect snow in December and January? Once Lake Erie freezes over (like now), that’s pretty much it for heavy snow. For those downwind of Lake Michigan and Superior which are deeper than Erie, it’s a different story.
Glad your snowblower is hanging in there.

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT
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Response Posted - 02/10/2025 :  22:18:59  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My initial post regarding the extended forecast appears to be a little premature and overly optimistic that temps in my region were moderating. Compared to the bitter cold of January, The first 10days of February and what is predicted for the next 10 days, the temps have been a bit warmer but.......looks like another snow storm is rolling in late tomorrow and into early hours of Wednesday. I have been checking every day as to the snow prediction as it keeps changing multiple times each day leading up to tomorrow.

Update: As of right now, they upped the snow count to 9" at my marina and 7" at home. The hourly temp and snow count on indicates that at least half the snow occurs when temps are 33F. The other day, the marina snow count was predicted to be 7" at the marina but now that they upped it, well...I have nothing better to do today, so I am heading down there to put my boat cover back on !

This storm is mostly tracking east thru the mid-region of the US and then thru Virginia, so most of you won't be affected. But I believe there are 2 other storms making there way thru the US and so most will probably not feel left out.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 02/11/2025 08:07:37
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/11/2025 :  21:54:03  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
As it turned out, due to the temps initially above freezing, the snowflakes did not stick to the road surfaces until much later in the day. By then the weather reports revised their earlier mid-morning snow estimates in half....or less. Now if had not gone this morning to put the boat cover back on, I am sure we would have had much high snow accumulations!

I have my snowblowers ready to go tomorrow morning !! I think there is only about 2" snow on my driveway! But I am not complaining!

Hope you guys avoided the snow storms or at least turned out less than expected.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va
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Response Posted - 02/12/2025 :  07:07:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Larry, as I mentioned above, the Greenland block never broke. We have been seeing slightly milder temps however that seems to bring stormier conditions (which we’re seeing). This Saturday the mid Atlantic will see mix to rain as will southern New England. However the KY-TN-NC-WV area are expecting flooding conditions-just what they DON’T need.
I suppose that groundhog will be proven correct this year, meaning that the extra chilly and wet/snowy conditions will last until mid-March (as usual). Definitely keep the snowblower ready til then, since Arctic blasts will continue as well from time to time. You never know.

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT
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Response Posted - 02/14/2025 :  22:51:51  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
For now, I'm leaving my snow cover on. As I get older, I seem to be going out a lot less during the winter/cold season period (Nov-Feb maybe into Mar).

My marina has flow agitators on when weather turns bitter cold but still potential for ice to form near my boat. Awhile ago when we had very cold weather in January, I decided to take off my rudder. I tried to get off as much of the slime coat as I could and then left it in my cockpit. I brought it home a few weeks ago, sanded off the slime that dried on it - actually was not all that hard to remove. Then painted 2 coats of ablative anti-fouling paint. Did the first coat outside when we had a semi-warm day (50F). Painted the 2nd coat in my garage. May touch up one or two areas but no rush to do it.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 02/16/2025 :  13:07:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Heavy snow here this morning. I had to drag the snow blower through the snow from the shed to the garage to gas it up and clear the driveway. Next year I'll wait for the official groundhog opinion before putting it away for the season.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore
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Response Posted - 02/16/2025 :  13:22:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"...Next year I'll wait for the official groundhog opinion before putting it away for the season."
I could only smile when I read your earlier declaration. With what's happened even in FL and NOLA this year,.......

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge

Edited by - Stinkpotter on 02/16/2025 13:25:42
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/16/2025 :  22:44:11  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Our next snow is predicted for Wednesday afternoon and thru the night. A couple of days ago, this caught my attention since they were predicting 7+" in my area of Virginia. But that has been revised twice and now the prediction for us is down to 1.9". I suspect someone is getting those extra inches that we supposedly will not be getting....but then again, we still have 2 1/2 days till the main or minor event.

Sailing related: Not much I am planning in the way of boat maintenance except for reinstalling my rudder now that it is painted. But I do have new Quantum sails waiting to replace my old Quantum sails. I also have that mystery jib/genoa furling rig sail that was in my basement. My boat originally had a 150 Genoa on it and so this sail was in a sail bag I found under the cabin seats. I had taken it home and thought it contained a smaller furling genoa or jib that was not I kind of forgot about it. I still have to take that mystery sail outside and lay it over my new 150 Genoa sail to get an idea of what exactly this mystery sail is. I believe I indicated in an earlier posting that I was looking it over in my basement but too much clutter to fully assess its size....that's why I need to lay it on my driveway.

The one thing that puzzles me is that I did not see any manufacturer's label on the sail. It looks new. I do not think it was ever used! I believe it is one of the original sails when boat was purchased back in 1989. I thought most sails that Catalina provided with their boats (when new) were from Ullman.

In any case, any of you know if a manufacturer label was on the original sails furnished ?

I would think every sail maker, national or local, would sew a label on their sails I have to check more thoroughly for a label but from what I checked out in my basement, I did not see one. Once I figure out it's actual dimensions and what it appears to be...then have to figure out what to do with it....I just bought new sails and I will be holding onto my older Quantum sails for awhile.,,,so I do not need it. So, this mystery sail....I could sell it privately like on this Forum, maybe see if Bacon Sails in Annapolis, Md wants to buy it and re-sell it, offer it to a museum or send it off to SeaBags in Maine and they will give me a new ditty bag made out of recycled sailcloth in return. I am going to write a note to myself to remember to check that sail out on the driveway when we have a decent day with no rain, no snow and mild winds !

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 02/16/2025 22:47:23
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