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Roy Hinrichs

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Initially Posted - 01/10/2013 :  17:07:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anyone can join this Association for a mere $22 per year ($28.00 outside US;US funds). And the benefits are plenty.

Did you know you get 1/2 off annual membership dues to BoatUS.
Saltwater or freshwater, you pay $15 instead of the usual $30.
Your membership to BoatUS includes $50 On-Water Towing AND $50 On-Road Towing!
BoatUS is the only organization that helps boaters by additionally offers:
Low cost marine insurance and low rate boat financing
600 TowBoatUS and Vessel Assists Towboats in 300 ports
Member Rewards for shopping at West Marine and 4%back
Discounts at marinas on fuel, overnight slips and repairs
Free On-line boating safety course
24/7 On-the-Water and On-the-Road towing dispatch
and much, much more.
Additionally, if you buy Marine Insurance thru BoatUS, our Catalina 25 Association will receive $4 for every application we generate. Shortly we will have a link on our site for you to click on to purchase insurance.
This should be enough to entice you to join Catalina 25, C250 and Capri25 International Association in our First Annual Membership Drive. We the Officers, Staff and current membership understand you know the value of what this Association offers. Over the next several months, we will describe additional benefits. You will get a chance to hear from members as well.
We want to CONTINUE to be the BEST online boating association EVER. That can only happen by building on our membership. The experiences, information and knowledge we share with one another is invaluable. We need your help to continue to make this work for all of us.
We, the Officers, hope you take advantage of what we have to offer by becoming a Member. On the top right of any page, there is a link to "Join". Payment can be made by PayPal or check(US and Canada only).

Edited by - piseas on 01/22/2013 21:43:36


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Response Posted - 01/10/2013 :  19:35:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To be quite honest, I haven't signed up or paid membership for any forum/association. There are numerous forums that I frequently visit as now days there is a forum for any hobby you can think off. So usually I just lurk around. But... based on wealth and quality of information I decided to officially join this association - in fact just few days ago :-) as I hope to see this association grow.

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Response Posted - 01/10/2013 :  20:27:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Likewise...I joined tonight. I have found that other forums have information to offer but they are more dedicated to the 30 ft(mainly 40+ cruisers). This forum is dedicated to what we enjoy. I have gained tremendous knowledge from this site, much more than $22 worth. Take a few minutes and signup, help this group grow and prosper.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/10/2013 :  21:42:14  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Many may consider the $22 a lot considering there are many forums you can get onto for no cost at all...and actually can do same as a guest on this Forum. However, as mentioned above, you do have many benefits besides the wealth of knowledge and shared Catalina experiences. I find that the Boat US discount for the membership card that gets you the West Marine rebate discount is a big plus as well as the quarterly catalina magazine. These two benefits are alone are worth the $22.

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Joe Diver
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/10/2013 :  22:33:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It takes money and effort to put forth a website/association such as this....with a discussion forum, tech section, resources, negotiated discounts, etc.....and also the efforts of volunteers to lead it, upgrade it, take care of it, fix it when it breaks, chase off trolls and bots......

Our officers are the volunteers and our dues are the money. Please consider the $22 our share of the effort....

AND.... consider purchasing an [url=""]Association Burgee[/url]! Fly it proudly......

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/13/2013 :  09:30:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joe Diver

...AND.... consider purchasing an [url=""]Association Burgee[/url]! Fly it proudly.
I would, but.......

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/13/2013 :  18:49:21  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage  Reply with Quote
If I get my 30+ yo fiberglass looking spiffy for spring, I'll be decking it out with a burgee!

No question things here are improving, and getting better daily!

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Former Treasurer

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Response Posted - 01/22/2013 :  21:42:34  Show Profile  Visit piseas's Homepage  Reply with Quote
A big thank you to the following new and renewing members who have paid their dues this last month. Without our paid members, we would not be what we are and could not offer what we do. The officers want to thank all of the following <u>50</u> individuals:

David & Janet B, Randy C, Dale K, David R, Jon R, Ken B, Alan B, Michael B, C. William B, Richard B, Sam B, Mark & Erlinda D, Mike D,
Richard E, Eric E, Ken & Kathleen G, John G, Dwight G, John H,
Dwight Q, John H, Joe H, Denny H, Michael L. L, Jeff & Elaine L,
Alan & Deborah L, Tim M, Steven M, Noel N, John & Jean N, Lee P,
Mel P, Michael P, Douglas & Jennifer P, John P, Jeff P, Ron R,
David R, Doug and Kelly S, Jim S, Bryan S, William S, Paul S,
Daniel S, David & Gwen T, Richard T, Dale V, Benjamin W, Phillip W, Scott K W, Joseph W.

Steve Auerbach, Treasurer

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Web Editor

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Response Posted - 01/23/2013 :  04:51:44  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Stinkpotter

Originally posted by Joe Diver

...AND.... consider purchasing an [url=""]Association Burgee[/url]! Fly it proudly.
I would, but.......

Quote from the Association By-Laws:
<font color="green">Honorary Member: An Honorary Member shall be defined as any other person that joins the Association and whose membership dues are paid current. Honorary Members may not vote, may not hold office and may not skipper a Catalina 25, Catalina 250 or Capri 25 sloop in sanctioned races unless approved by a vote of the Officers (Article VIII, Section B).</font id="green">


Edited by - britinusa on 01/23/2013 04:52:22
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/26/2013 :  17:19:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just renewed. For some reason, the email reminders get filtereed into a subfolder on my email, so I miss seeing them.

Originally posted by Treasurer

Anyone can join this Association for a mere $22 per year ($28.00 outside US;US funds). And the benefits are plenty.

Did you know you get 1/2 off annual membership dues to BoatUS.
Saltwater or freshwater, you pay $15 instead of the usual $30.
Your membership to BoatUS includes $50 On-Water Towing AND $50 On-Road Towing!...

Please double-check this. I think your wording may be misleading. I think that BoatUS wil pay up to $50 toward towing costs, not tow your boat for $50. There's a huge difference between getting towed for $50 and getting $50 off a towing bill!

If they'll tow my boat for $50 please let me know, because I'll drop the $125 unlimited towing plan.

Edited by - TakeFive on 01/26/2013 17:51:05
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Former Treasurer

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Response Posted - 02/02/2013 :  16:12:34  Show Profile  Visit piseas's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Rick, First let me apologize for taking so long to get back to your issue. Yes, you are correct re the $50. It is toward towing your boat. I did a cut and paste from their website in the hopes that there would be no misunderstanding. Guess I missed the mark.
Steve Auerbach, Treasurer

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Former Treasurer

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Response Posted - 02/23/2013 :  12:13:16  Show Profile  Visit piseas's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by britinusa

Originally posted by Stinkpotter

Originally posted by Joe Diver

...AND.... consider purchasing an [url=""]Association Burgee[/url]! Fly it proudly.
I would, but.......

Quote from the Association By-Laws:
<font color="green">Honorary Member: An Honorary Member shall be defined as any other person that joins the Association and whose membership dues are paid current. Honorary Members may not vote, may not hold office and may not skipper a Catalina 25, Catalina 250 or Capri 25 sloop in sanctioned races unless approved by a vote of the Officers (Article VIII, Section B).</font id="green">


Dave, I think Paul was trying to say, as an Honorary Member, you do qualify to purchase and fly a burgee from this Association. I believe I have only 1 left with your name on it. I am still awaiting your order.

Edited by - piseas on 02/23/2013 12:15:23
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/24/2013 :  19:48:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been a member for a little while now - worth every dime. I see how hard the officers and Paul (Britinusa) works and how much they care about our association. That's what makes this association different - why it's more like great hangout. And finally, it's responsible for helping me find Passage (many of you know the story).
And oh by the way • check is def in the mail…

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Roy Hinrichs

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Response Posted - 03/02/2013 :  12:02:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just want to thank those(you know who you are) renewing members who have taken the time to add their info in the Members Area. This saves the Officers(me) from doing it manually. So please when you renew, add yourself. Many Thanks,

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/16/2013 :  08:19:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow! My check is still somewhere in the mail. One of these days, once they get the bugs worked out, I'll join paypal.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/19/2013 :  15:21:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just renewed. Keep up the great work, guys. not sure I did it right. May come in looking like a new join.

Edited by - dmpilc on 03/19/2013 15:22:32
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Roy Hinrichs

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Response Posted - 05/23/2013 :  15:45:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am finding a lot of renewing members are not adding themselves to the Member System. I am wondering if you are aware of it or something else. Please let us, the officers, know. Thanks,

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Chief RA
Chief Technical Advisor

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Response Posted - 12/07/2013 :  21:17:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Treasurer: I just informed delliottg that I joined as I promised I would but, also informed him that my membership shows it expired the same day (today) I joined! See if you can correct my renew date to 12/07/2014 instead of 2013 for me. Thanks, Chief

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 08/29/2014 :  09:40:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sent renewal this week (last week?). Please let me know if it went through.

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Response Posted - 11/25/2014 :  10:33:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Returning member. I've had my boat out of the water for a few years. Actually it's still out of the water, but I intend to float her next season (2015). I used Pay Pal and I have access to the member's area, but I'm still showing up as guest.

Edited by - JB on 11/25/2014 10:35:10
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 11/25/2014 :  11:26:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by britinusa

<font color="green">...Honorary Members may not vote, may not hold office and may not skipper a Catalina 25, Catalina 250 or Capri 25 sloop in sanctioned races...</font id="green">
OK, OK,... Can't wait to not be able to do all of those things. (Wait--I already can't!)

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 11/26/2014 :  22:31:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since my membership does not expire until 6-30-2015, why do I continue to get EM and snail mail to pay my dues before my membership expires and I loose my Mainsheet subscription? I wander how many other members the association pays for to have these extra mailings?

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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 01/20/2015 :  22:05:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello all,

I am a new association member - didn't see an introduction sticky so maybe it belongs here? Anyway, I'm Jim and I live in Newport RI.

I can't figure out how to post pictures on the forum, yet but as soon as I do, I'll put up some of my boat: 1981 Catalina 25 Fin Keel, Tall Rig - "Believer". I'm not new to sailing, but she's the first boat I've owned. I bought her in pretty sad shape and spent the last year refitting... and sailing... and fixing... I have put a lot of work and she still needs more.

I've found Don Casey's book to be a really valuable (but general) resource. I'm looking forward to reading some of the great advice in this forum, and maybe offering some of my own.


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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/21/2015 :  04:59:22  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote

To post a picture, in the new or reply screen to postings, run your cursor over the icons in the Format Row (the Format row shows up in the new posting or reply posting screen, it is the list of icons in the 3rd row from the top of those screens)...toward the end of the icons is one that states "Insert Image" when you place your cursor over it. Click on that icon. That will place something similar to the following in your message part of your posting: "(image)...(/image)" except that it will show brackets in place of the parenthesis that I listed and it will list img instead of image.

Then you copy the url of your has to be a picture that is on the web. What you do is right click on the picture and select properties, then copy that url, for example,..."http://www........jpg" or something similar and then paste that url (but do not use the quotation marks in my example) in between the brackets of "(image)...(/image)", that is, you paste the picture's url in place of where I listed the 3 dots. Actually, there will not be 3 dots but just a space and what you do is paste the url into the space between the brackets. I showed the 3 dots to just make it clear where you need to paste the url.

Then you can click on preview to see if your picture does indeed show up in your posting.

Edited by - OLarryR on 01/21/2015 05:08:16
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/28/2015 :  04:31:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Where do I mail a check? for some reason when I select join my server at work blocks the site..

We are having some hickups as we convert to electronic medical records.

Ray in Atlanta, Ga.
"Lee Key" '84 Catalina 25
Standard Rig / Fin Keel
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Steve Milby
Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 02/27/2017 :  14:47:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
FYI, I just tried to renew my membership online, but was unsuccessful, so I am having my bank mail a check to the Fayetteville address. It will not be accompanied by an application form, but my personal info hasn't changed. My bank's check will arrive in 7-10 days.

The membership registration software wants me to log in, but it won't accept the password that I use for the forum. Thus, I can't get past the login window to a Paypal window. I don't know if it's a flaw in the software or my ineptness.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore
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