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 I sold my Catalina 25.
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Leon Sisson
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Initially Posted - 12/09/2024 :  10:19:34  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Check out my ad in the swap meet.  Comments and suggestions are welcome.  Thanks for looking!

— Leon Sisson

Edited by - Leon Sisson on 02/27/2025 09:55:41

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Response Posted - 12/11/2024 :  13:50:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow..... I wish I lived at CoCo... Id be all over the!


Ray in Atlanta, Ga.
"Lee Key" '84 Catalina 25
Standard Rig / Fin Keel
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Response Posted - 12/12/2024 :  06:25:52  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Given the long term and excellent support you have given to this Forum, I would think that signing your name somewhere on the boat should raise the selling cost a bit!

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/12/2024 :  22:47:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Given all that we've seen from Leon over the years, this is most likely not only the most "well-found" 1979 C-25 out there--it might be the most well-found Catalina 25 currently afloat from any year! The accounts of maintenance and improvements could (or should) go into the archives of Practical Sailor or a collaboration with Don Casey, not just the Catalina 25 Association. It has been a master-class in "How to do things right."

Best of luck, Leon! Let us know when you change your mind and acquire "Last Boat II".

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Response Posted - 01/29/2025 :  11:58:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any action, Leon?

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Leon Sisson
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/27/2025 :  09:44:41  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The boat has been sold.  I encouraged the new owner to check in here ASAP.

— Leon Sisson
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/27/2025 :  20:46:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"The two best days..." I'm not sure I agree with that old saw. But with some things going on here, my days as a mariner might soon be numbered as well.

All the very best in your next chapter, Leon--you've long been a revered contributor to this community! Join us in the Admiralty (or Peanut Gallery, if you prefer)--our numbers seem to be waning.

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Jerry Bennett

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Response Posted - 03/08/2025 :  21:39:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all. The forum wasn't letting me post, but the admin got it fixed looks like (ty admin).

I am the lucky new owner of Leon's boat... and yes, I paid his asking price... to do otherwise would have been an insult considering the care the boat has received. Also, thanks to Leon for the obscene amount of line, rigging and spare parts that came along with the boat as well as giving me a great deal on the dinghy and a Honda 2HP 4S.

The boat is in terrific shape as you all know. But having said that, I plan to invest in the old girl significantly to build upon Leon's upgrades. Much of this will be cosmetic, but one significant hardware upgrade that is already in progress will be to convert to a 12v 600ah lithium house bank w/ 2000w AC inverter. To feed this beast, Ima need and to add a solar arch and probably a custom hardtop as I will need real estate for the KW of solar panels that will be added.

I plan to chronicle my journey on the forum.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/09/2025 :  21:23:52  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Congratulations on your boat purchase and posting on this Forum.

So, I am curious why do you need all this power on your boat? Are you building one of those mammoth data centers onboard? If so, you may need to look into small nuclear power plant modules like Google and others are starting to build.

I( guess it is mostly for an AC unit.)

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 03/09/2025 21:27:43
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Jerry Bennett

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Response Posted - 03/12/2025 :  17:11:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice lol... the very first reply on here comes in the form of a sarcastic taunt... screw this.
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/12/2025 :  17:54:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/12/2025 :  21:12:17  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Not sure but maybe you were offended by my posting ?

I have very few electrical loads on my boat. Mostly just to start the outboard (though when it is running it's recharging my 2 batteries), running my fishfinder and the few times that I use my mini-boombox, 2 fans I installed and/or the few times I have my cabin lights on for a significant length of time. Also, there is the minimal daily trickle discharge from the batteries. So, my 20 watt solar panel is all I have needed since I purchased my boat back in 2005.

But there are many on our Catalina 25s that have installed 30-40 watt solar panels to handle their higher electrical loads and then a few that perhaps have installed an AC unit or fridge or whatever and so they may have a need for an even larger solar panel capacity. You indicated what seems to be quite a significant solar panel project and so I was curious regarding the details.

I have in past years provided significant details of the many improvements, I have made to my boat. They are also described on my website, below. But the last few years, I have not done much of anything except maintenance type stuff. So, no major projects. I did order a new Quantum main and furling rig genoa last fall and now that I received them, I will be replacing my sails very soon. But no major projects - I probably have lost some of my steam maybe in direct proportion to getting older. Anyway....

Postings on this Forum have been fairly quiet this past winter and now that we are fast approaching spring, hopefully things will start picking up. Your posting is one of the few recently indicating the beginning of a major project and so just trying to encourage the posting of more details.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 03/12/2025 21:27:08
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Jerry Bennett

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Response Posted - 03/13/2025 :  08:47:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for that Mr. Larry. Your post took me off guard and yes it came across as though were saying that I am being silly with adding all the power to the boat.. nuclear reactor indeed :-) although I have to admit that if you could buy one of those on Amazon Prime, it'd be here next week.

I have been a significant contributor to other how-to forums in the past.. I stopped posting to them due to all the rude folks nowadays .. so I apologize for jumping to conclusions and for misreading your intent.

Yes, the added power is primarily for AC, but it will also power an air fryer and an induction cooktop.. I've decided to not rebuild the old alcohol stove that Leon retrofitted to run off the little propane bottles as it needs a fair amount of work and I prefer induction anyways. Even at the power levels that I'm planning to add, I will still be limited with running the AC.. maybe only a few hours a night. I plan to have the boat in some pretty warm places.. ie Keys and Bahamas over the next five years. Why? I just am not a fan of generators... the suckers never work when you actually need them is my experience. Finally, much of the added solar and Li batteries will likely get transferred to my next boat which I plan to take West in 5 years when I retire.... that is if there isn't a WWIII or an AGI takeover (Terminator scenario) before then. This boat will be handed down to my daughter for day sailing around ST Simons as I don't think that I would ever be able to bring myself to sell it

A pic is worth a hundred words so I'm going to brush up on the forum codes to post pics - Commodore sent me a link to a practice posting... funny enough, I was posting to forums 20 years ago and I recognize the format so I should get it ok.

I've power washed her and have her back under the shop roof. Now I'm cleaning the bilge and storage compartments. Here's a quick list of the upgrades she's getting in the near future. I am very fortunate that her bones are so solid... thanks to Leon, I can focus primarily on cosmetics and comforts:

- Paint bilge and storage compartments with Total Boat epoxy paint... unless you all recommend a different product.
- All new cushions (already ordered)
- New flooring - will be hoping for advice from you all here
- New gelcoat and bottom ablative paint... my first time fooling with gelcoat - probably pay somebody so I don't jack it up
- I want to be able to launch the boat from the trailer, but I will need to replace most all of the rollers looks like... really considering replacing all hardware with stainless at the same time... loads of rust on the bolts and the rollers are at end of life.. gonna be pricey though.... if I counted right, there's 64 rollers
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Buzz Maring
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/13/2025 :  14:35:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jerry,

Welcome to the group!

Originally posted by Jerry Bennett

I have been a significant contributor to other how-to forums in the past.. I stopped posting to them due to all the rude folks nowadays ..

I know exactly where you are coming from. Some people get behind a keyboard, and all they want to do is to make pests of themselves. IMO, our membership has done a really good job of policing what goes on here. We just don't tolerate a lot of nonsense.

This Association has a lot to offer. We have plenty of members who no longer own a 25-foot Catalina, but they still hang out here for the resources and the camaraderie. We are glad you've found us.

BTW, I am really jealous that you ended up with Leon's boat! I was hoping to win the lotto so I could buy it myself. I have no doubt she's in good hands now, and we are looking forward to hearing about your upgrades and adventures.

Buzz Maring

C-25 SK/SR #68
Lake Dallas, TX
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Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 03/19/2025 :  12:11:04  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Re:  "I am really jealous that you ended up with Leon's boat!"
Thank you Buzz, Ray, Larry, Dave, and everyone else who has complimented my work on the boat over the years I've owned it!
And yes, I feel my former Catalina 25 is in good hands.
I also agree with the rest of your post.  As Internet forums go, this website has been an increasingly rare oasis of civility, comradery, and common sense.
— Leon Sisson

— Leon Sisson
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