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Frank, I'm not really a religious person, though I was raised in a Catholic school being an Episcopalian, I still have great respect for the Pope and what he stands for and am sorry for his passing. Though it may not affect our lives directly, the world will be a lesser place without him.
As a former Catholic (my knuckles are still sore from being whacked by the nuns), and of polish descent I respect what the Pope did to help free eastern Europe from the grips of Communism the most.
I hope there are some good hiking trails in heaven for him to enjoy, that's what he did when young.
With the passing of this Pope, we also lose another eyewitness to the horrors of WWII in Europe. America's WWII vets are passing at the rate of about 7000 per week this year. Soon, there will be none left. As Tom Brokaw wrote, they were "The Greatest Generation".
With all due respect to my father and his generation of veterans, it's hard for me to single out one "Greatest Generation:" the Founding Fathers and their peers were pretty great; Lincoln, Lee, and the generation that died in the Civil War were amazing; those who died in a war of far more questionable virtue in SE Asia were brave and heroic; my children and their friends are idealistic and committed and trying to build a better world than the one their selfish and greedy parents are leaving them. I believe the greatest generation, and our greatest days, are yet to come.
That being said, John Paul was a remarkable, courageous man. I especially admire his great passion for youth. I agree with his politics more than his ecclesiology; his successor will have to deal with how to distinguish between that which is truly essential and enduring and that which is not. Since John Paul and I share vocations, I have great sympathy for the difficulty, the loneliness, and the glory of his work. Rest in a well deserved peace, servant of God: may eternal light shine upon you.
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