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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 09/14/2003 :  10:54:22  Show Profile

Our area in the NE is also well within the error margin.

Stay safe... Boats can be replaced.

Dave Bristle - 1985 C-25 #5032 SR-FK-Dinette-Honda "Passage" in SW CT

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Brooke Willson

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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  20:19:41  Show Profile
When I got home from church today, there was a message on my answering machine from the owner of our marina in Urbanna, Virginia. Jim was calling all the boat owners to tell them to come get their boats ready for Isabel. I spent several hours at the boat this afternoon, first spinning the boat in the slip so she's facing NE, doubling the bow, stern, and spring lines, putting the outboard in the cabin, adding some hatch tape here and there for tighter seals, stowing the mainsail and cover below, and taking all the charts, books, and removable electronics home.

When Camille, a Category 5 hurricane, hit Mobile in 1969, the storm surge was 30 feet. I asked the marina yard manager how in the world you prepare dock lines for a ten foot or more surge. He simply shrugged as if to say, "You don't."

I told "Chance" I had done everything I knew to do, and wished her well. The marina owner asked me to ask the 60 churches I superintend to pray. For him to ask that is the most significant sign I've seen that people are really, really worried.


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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  21:21:10  Show Profile
Wish I could offer something beyond a prayer, but it's you and yours that count. They can make another Even Chance.

If the Isabel turns further North than predicted now, I hope to be able to put Passage on a mooring in our harbor rather than leaving her in the slip, which is well protected in normal conditions but a disaster in major storm surges. If she washes up on the beach, that's better than what's likely to happen on the dock.

All the best to everyone on the coast...

Dave Bristle - 1985 C-25 #5032 SR-FK-Dinette-Honda "Passage" in SW CT

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Response Posted - 09/15/2003 :  09:14:32  Show Profile
Dave, I agree. People first, boats second. The last hurricane to hit Martha's Vineyard was Bon in '91. It wasn't a real bad hurricane, but a lot of boats were lost when the storm surge lifted their mooring blocks and the harbor became a bowling alley. I moved to a hurricane hole this weekend, and if the storm moves north, I will be out on Wed or Thurs stripping everything and putting and extra line on the mooring. Also adding extra chafing gear.

Good Luck to all, and let's pray for Isabel to head off toward France (nothing personal...)!

Dave on "Wood Duck" (#2616)

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