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Arlyn Stewart
Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 09/13/2003 :  10:49:16  Show Profile  Visit Arlyn Stewart's Homepage
Below in the Members forum, JB raised the interesting issue of grasping a greater understanding of the association, C25/250 owners, members, forum contributors, lurkers, etc. One of his comments in that offering was that a survey might be helpful. One such was done by the association about three years back and my comments here are simply to draw attention to it, that we remember it is a tool available to help in any effort to gain perspective. Please interpret for yourself.

It was Bill Holcomb's idea and production... though the leadership team both shared with ideas for questions and authorized it be conducted. The survey deals with issues such as racing, regional events, nationals events, the Mainsheet, the forum, Telltales, etc. I think a re-read would be found both interesting and helpful.

The survey was the catalyst for my promotion of the 2001 Winter Cruise at Pensacola. Getting on board with that cruise was Ben Allen who lives much closer to Pensacola than me... Ben now owns an O'Day 26 but had owned a C25 which unfortunately was lost while cruising in the gulf. The 2001 Pensacola Winter Cruise evolved into the BEER (backwater something or other) cruise which is approaching it's 3rd annual and has experienced substantial growth. It's important to point out that the cruise was not put together as a Catalina only event... though there were several Catalina's there, including Mark Melchoir and myself. There were also Catalina 25 family that came and shared in the banquet meal not having free time for the cruise. In promoting the cruise, the locals were the greatest resource and the ones that enabled it to come together... their knowledge was indispensable. Another participant was Jerry Hardin... who now btw, owns among his other boats, a C25.

Some interesting stuff from the survey suggest that regional events are wanted. That they be 2-4 days in duration. That they are relaxing. That association membership is not critical. That the ability to get ones boat there perhaps not critical to sharing the event. That they be a reasonable distance to travel.

The Pensacola 2001 Winter Cruise and the subsequent Beer cruises were put together loosely... non - sponsored... every Captain responsible for their own boat... read no liabilities hanging on any association.

When Jerry Hardin put together the Bimini and Berry Bunch this last spring... he used the same style and it worked well. It becomes inclusive of many boat designs, avoids liability issues and at the same time puts people together for the comraderie and enjoyment of sailing with perhaps a little less load. Others have assisted with the planning, discussion of charts, strategy etc.

This past summer, I joined in with the Trailer Sailor group in the North Channel... Jack Metzel and others have sailed with that group for many years. There were quite a number of Catalinas among that group. Several friends were made... For Art and I who have cruised together often, it was the first time to link up with a group. The result was quite enjoyable. We interacted quite a bit with a Canadian family Mike, Shirley and their two small girls Amelia and Elisa aboard a Mac 26. Mike is a pilot in the Canadian Air Force and Shirley an Aeronautical Engineer... the smiles on the girls faces were a delight. Mike didn't have an outboard and dinghy.... I loaned him mine for an afternoon to explore Mill Lake, a beautiful Canadian remote location... the girls loved it.

I've noted the great time that is reported from those who attend the Nationals... and wouldn't for a second discount it's value to those who find racing fun, satisfying and exhilarating. Nor would I or am I suggesting that the Nationals not receive the ongoing support of the association. What I'm simply saying is, note the desire expressed for a more relaxing cruise or rendezvous a little closer to home. Note that a significant amount of forum participants are not members of a Yacht Club... that they may view other trailer sailors as their sailing fraternity. If so, then its good to get together.

There were several hot beds of interest suggested, the San Juans, Great Lakes,and Gulf Coast were among them... Presently, all three provide opportunities to join with others... these ought to be expanded. As JB points out in his comments below... there are a bunch of boats in his area.

Perhaps your area needs someone to kick something off ... it doesn't have to be fancy... loose is good. And remember, get on the other association forums... the key to it happening for you will likely mean going beyond the Catalina family to the trailer sailing family of which our C25s and C250s are a part...

Arlyn C-250 W/B #224
<img src="" border=0>
N/E Texas and Great Lakes

[url=""]Arlyn's C250 Mods n Cruisin Stories[/url]

Edited by - arlyn stewart on 09/13/2003 12:04:24

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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  11:25:31  Show Profile
Interesting responses... I'm particularly amused by the question "Why don't you race?" Around here, I could pose the question to our local yacht club, "Why don't you daysail?" The answers (from J-24 and Sonar skippers) would probably include:

- Don't want to needlessly stretch the sails
- Don't want the crew to get soft
- What, and waste the wax job on the bottom?
- When I gain on another boat, it reverses course on me
- When another boat gains on me, I can never get him to tell me his PHRF
- How can you sail without marks?
- Two words: NO FUN!

<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Dave Bristle - 1985 C-25 #5032 SR-FK-Dinette-Honda "Passage" in SW CT

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  11:58:43  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Was that an CGI online survey? When people can simply click an answer they are far more likely to respond. Or, was it "print this; fill this out; mail this" The reason I ask is it seemed that the sampling number was low and I was wondering if the process had anything to due with it.

Frank and Martha in Wichita KS. Lake Cheney

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Sea Trac
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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  12:30:54  Show Profile
Thanks, Arlyn. I did find the survey interesting. However, I developed slightly different interpretations, some of which I believe support my comments on the other thread:

1) Low response may be indicative of low active boat owner usage.
2) Wide geographic dispersion of active members, as defined by survey responses.
3) Fairly even distribution between those self-identified as primarily interested in racing and those interested in cruising.
4) Surprising neutrality regarding all things Association-oriented.

Which somewhat mirrors my own personal views of the world:

1) Mainsheet is take it or leave it, but Technical Tips and Sailor's Forum are the tops.
2) Due to lack of sailing/maintenance interest of C25/250 owners locally, Forum and participants provide the only means of Class association.
3) Marina-mates represent primary sailing association (i.e., social/cruising/racing group).

Furthermore, one of the issues that kicked off all these discussions related to ensuring that the Association did not disenfranchise non-forum participating members. Therefore, we need also be sensitive to those (e.g., me) who do not in any way, shape or form consider their C25/250 to be a trailer sailor (i.e., fixed keel, no lift, no trailer, no one-ton).

These discussions, while not sailing related, are great! <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

J.B. Manley
<img src="" border=0>
Antares '85 FK/SR #4849
36°29'58" -94°59'59"

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Arlyn Stewart
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  12:39:12  Show Profile  Visit Arlyn Stewart's Homepage


If my memory serves me correct, it was both... with an online click and answer open to all visitors to the forum as well as a Telltale copy, which by nature is mailed to all members without an email address. Further, in this case the mail list was broadened to include those addresses of record where membership had expired.

In reading Bill's comments in his report on the survey... he offered that a result of the survey was the renewal of several elapsed members, though I recall that was a bi product and not the intent.

There seems also to be a section that hadn't been reported because of compilation effort needed. Bill only generalized a bit about that in the report... but I'm sure he could be more specific if asked.

Arlyn C-250 W/B #224
<img src="" border=0>
N/E Texas and Great Lakes

[url=""]Arlyn's C250 Mods n Cruisin Stories[/url]

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  12:43:02  Show Profile  Visit Douglas's Homepage
Getting a group of sailors together is like asking everyone in the family where they want to go for dinner. You cant please everyone. Someone gets left out or upset. Thats life. I do think however that regional activities are needed even if its only one a year. Since I moved up to Triska I have joined several cruising clubs. We have done more and been to more cruises that ever before. The groups I have joined are not for any specific boat type. I find this a lot more fun. I also attended the Latitudes and Attitudes magazine North West annual cruise this year. WOW what a party. We had between 200 to 300 people in attendance. Live entertainment, free beer from Scuttlebutt brewery, live music by Eric Stone and friends, Pot luck and bon fire. If I ever do anything once a year from now on this will be it. So here is what I recomend at least for the Pacific Northwest. Set something up for the San Juan Islands. If anyone is going to make an effort to do something once a year going to the Juan's would be it. The Portland group often heads north as do others from California. I would recomend rather than a regata or race that there should be just a cruise in. Meet others and make friends and if several boats want to race well that would be fine. I find that if there are no time limits or scheduals people will have more fun.<img src="" border=0>

Triska (Alberg 29)
Tacoma Wa.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  13:17:42  Show Profile
(IMHO stuff)

Yes, 'geographically dispersed' is the operative word... I think most of us have probably a (2 days + -) trailering range that we would consider practical for anything less than an "full-on" 2 or 3 week 'cruise'.

West coast... I see several 'attractive' venues...

Southern California - Catalina Island
San Francisco Bay and Delta
Clear Lake (Ca)
Shasta Lake (Ca)
Puget Sound and San Juan Islands
Lake Tahoe ?

East coast...

Chesapeake Bay

Great Lakes

If you're on the west coast, you're possibly familiar with the Baja-Ha-Ha... a cruise originally produced by Latitude 38 and now having a life of it's own. The organization & layout of that cruise makes a pretty good model that could be scaled down to boats of our size.

I think a race + cruise format packaged to occupy a week would have a broad enough appeal to entice people to make the effort to trailer.

Sunday... sign in, 'communal' launch, raft up, anchor out etc.
Monday (late morning)... class racing + evening 'party'
Tues - Thurs.. 3 day 'coordinated' cruise
Friday... communal 'haul out' and farewell tailgate barbeque.

This fills 2 weekends and a week.. so it burns one week of vacation time...

Currently maintaining two holes in the water...'77 Venture 23 and new to the family,
'78 Catalina 25

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Arlyn Stewart
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  16:18:45  Show Profile  Visit Arlyn Stewart's Homepage
I thought 165 respondents was a pretty good number. The association at that time was at a low... there was a middle years sales slump of C250's. Remember, that new sales account for a significant part of replenishing the association..(See my notes in members response forum) There were probably less than 500 members... so with 96 + 15 elapsed members responding that was 20%... not too bad.

A significant item was that "All Catalina Association" identification was mostly disliked. My take on this is a hesitancy to want to be involved with the bigger boats. In part I do think that a lot of that is because C25/250s are considered mid range boats and also produced in far greater numbers than the big boats..

I think this issue can be dramatized slightly by what happened with the C22 National Association and the Mainsheet. There were 16,000 + C22s produced, 6,000 c25s... but yet the big boys with sometimes only a hand full of members in a National Association wanted equal pages in the Mainsheet and got it. The C22 bunch responded by pulling out. There was IMHO an attempt by the big boys to have our greater numbers subsidize the cost of organizational overhead for their small organizations... ala... All Catalina Associations, which they would more than likely overbear. This leaves some foul taste in the mouth and I think these numbers in part represent that.

I don't know that conclusions can be drawn that racing and cruising interest are equal.... I don't see that in the survey. I do see that 50% more don't race than do. And of those who do, only 13 had attended a Nationals compared to 140 that said they hadn't been. Very clear causes were also outlined which clearly show the uphill battle of getting a boat to the nationals. Only 11 gave the cause for not racing as having no opportunity.

Participating in a rendezvous or group social activity saw about 50% more had than not, with almost 75% saying that they would like to, but that dependent upon reasonable distance and time frame. [ ie - a regional event ] Of those interested in an event, 1/3 wished for a racing leg to be a part.

So, my conclusion are a bit different... in generalizing, I think that regional events will be more favored than National ones by a very wide margin and that a more relaxed experience is wanted compared to racing. While its likely that this years National Reggata which had 60 people involved may be the single most participated event by members, nationally a far greater number of members will participate in some sailing fellowship on a regional basis.

Some of those events will be local Yacht club activities, Catalina sponsored regional rendezvous, other association sailing events or loosely organized races, day sails, social events, or cruises. As has been pointed out so many times, the challenge of getting a boat from point A to B. JB is right, many do not consider their boat a trailer sailor... my implication was simply that all of them have been trailered depending on the desire and commitment to do so by the owner. An interesting question on the survey would have been, "Do you ever trailer ?" 24 gave no trailer as the specific reason for not participating in the National Reggata. Of the sixty participants in the regatta, there were ten boats. We had that many during the very loosely organized 2001 Pensacola Mid Winter Cruise. That regional event saw 40+ boats last year and I think is forecast to go to sixty. The regional event in the North Channel had 22 boats in the first wave and 8 in the second. There have been other regional events in the San Juans and around the country... add those up.

It appears that according to the survey, that we have been successful in providing the prime need of a forum and tech tips to enhance the sailing skills, maintenance, and modifications of our boats. 148 of 165 respondents check in at least monthly. It also seems that the greater amount are not members of a yacht club, so in some sense the association serves as a National C25/250 Yacht Club providing online interaction and occasional shoulder rubbing where opportunity exists. Why are the majority not members of a Yacht Club? Probably the answers would be as dispersed as our membership is.

If I recall correctly, another result of the survey which isn't visible are some write in comments that collectively said that we weren't doing a good job with business affairs. In part, there was some reasons for that... heck, there is always an excuse.

For a couple of years, we had a very austere budget while trying to get out of the red created by voodoo economics. We had spent more than we were taking in... this made possible by the advances by Catalina for boats built... but which an owner name hadn't been yet supplied. Of course the cost of providing them the Mainsheet and Telltales would catch up. We labored hard in consideration of a dues increase but decided to hunker down and wade thru it...holding postage and mailing to a minimum... and we did. The reasons for overspending were corrected and we came thru. In response to those concerns, the association got on board with a service to handle renewals... and it seems to have solved the complaints issued on the survey.

Gosh.... I'm rambling my life away... but maybe its helped provide some history for perspectives.

Arlyn C-250 W/B #224
<img src="" border=0>
N/E Texas and Great Lakes

[url=""]Arlyn's C250 Mods n Cruisin Stories[/url]

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  19:25:05  Show Profile
FWIW... We belong to a cruising-oriented all-Catalina group on Long Island Sound--not because it's Catalina, but because we found out about it from friends. We'd pick an all-everything group if it were closer to our interests and geography. For us, this organization is too dispersed to have any meaning for activities... and our vacation time has been mostly consumed by visiting daughters in Colorado and Africa. The real value (and fun) of this association to me is in the Web resources--the forums, tech tips, manuals, etc. Everything else is for the benefit of others. If all of that helps keep the association going, that's fine with me. As some might suspect, I drop in on the forum from wherever I am, anywhere in the country, and from my home office when I'm here. It keeps me going.

Dave Bristle - 1985 C-25 #5032 SR-FK-Dinette-Honda "Passage" in SW CT

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 09/13/2003 19:27:52

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Bryan Beamer
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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  23:10:58  Show Profile
There is one thing that the survey did not cover. I would really be interested in finding out how many association members actually have purchase an item from the Ship Store. The survey covered attendance at the National events, attending a Rendezvous, racing, cursing and other social events. There were positive, negative and neutral responses to all of the questions. Spending some of the yearly household clothing budget on articles of association clothing (witch by the way all net proceeds do go to the association and could be used to organize or sponsor some of the events covered in the last survey) is something each and everyone one of us can do to show support for the group. I think every member of the association should have and proudly display the association burgee.
If you don’t have one get one!

Being the quartermaster for the last 7 months I was completely in shock of how slow the items move. We sold more items in the 1-hour sale at the National event than we have the rest of the time. I volunteered for this position because I thought with the clothing and embroidering contacts I have I could expand the items that the association offers I.E. different color sweatshirts, t shirts and hats, offer spring and fall jackets, or a nice polo shirt. We could even offer to embroider boat names or personal name on the clothing. Fall is a week away perfect time to get a sweatshirt.

So I guess if there is anything that all of us can do it is buy and wear association clothing so when the next survey comes out and the question is asked

“ Have you purchased any items from the Ship Store within the last year”

We will have a 100% of those surveyed answer yes.

Bryan Beamer
<img src="" border=0>
Daylight Again
C250wk #495
2003 National Champion

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John G-

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Response Posted - 09/13/2003 :  23:35:00  Show Profile  Visit John G-'s Homepage
<font size=2> <font face='Comic Sans MS'> Bryan.
The “yacht” club I belong to offers a burgee, for extra cost, when you join or renew. Almost all our members get one.
I bought a C25/C250 burgee but maybe we could offer it (at the regular price) with renewal or when a new person joins. Also the TellTale is supposed to come out each quarter it could have a section with the ships store items listed.
I still see many forum posters here who don’t visit the web site so “out of sight out of mind”. We need to get forum posters to join and see the other sections of the web site.
</font id=size2> </font id='Comic Sans MS'>

[url=""]<img src="" border=0>[/url]
[url=""]"Peregrine"[/url] C25-#4762 FK

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  00:00:27  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
I'll be happy to organize and participate in a Southern California cruise to Catalina Island.

Come from near or far to raft up in Dana Point. They have an excellent anchorage.

Sail to Isthmus.

Sail around the west end to Catalina Harbor (best anchorage in Southern CA). We could make this a race!

Sail home.

I would also consider a cruise to Santa Cruz Island.

Since I have a fin keel and no trailer that is about as far as I can go.

<img src="" border=0>Indiscipline 1978 FK #398

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Arlyn Stewart
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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  07:59:11  Show Profile  Visit Arlyn Stewart's Homepage
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>The survey covered attendance at the National events, attending a Rendezvous, racing, cursing and other social events. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Bryan...your working hard at winning blooper of the week...<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Your reminder of the ships store is good for us... I have a hat and burgee... but do need some shirts... will get an order working.

Arlyn C-250 W/B #224
<img src="" border=0>
N/E Texas and Great Lakes

[url=""]Arlyn's C250 Mods n Cruisin Stories[/url]

Edited by - arlyn stewart on 09/14/2003 08:02:43

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Sea Trac
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  10:00:26  Show Profile
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I volunteered for this position because I thought with the clothing and embroidering contacts I have I could expand the items that the association offers I.E. different color sweatshirts, t shirts and hats, offer spring and fall jackets, or a nice polo shirt. We could even offer to embroider boat names or personal name on the clothing. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>


The lack of availability of other colors, items and sizes is EXACTLY the reason I haven't placed an order, yet. I would love to have association merchandise, but I'm not a fan of white Ts and sweats because they get dirty and stained too easily. Also, I like to buy matching boat apparel for my nine-year old son to help him feel involved, instead of just dragged along. As far as the burgee goes, I don't have a flag halyard and hadn't installed one, mostly because I didn't want holes in the spreaders. Now that someone has mentioned hanging a block with a hose clamp, I will be installing a flag halyard this fall and will be ordering a burgee.

Having run an advertising specialty distributor [url=""](Incentive Works, Inc.)[/url] and having managed customer's catalog inventory programs, I certainly understand the carrying cost of bulk orders of product in-stock and, therefore, the need to carry a limited product line.

However, we also organized catalog programs for customers, similar to this association, that didn't need same day shipping. Those programs allowed us to fulfill one-off customer orders and to ship the finished product within two or three weeks. This allowed our customer to present a wide range of products (e.g., Dunbrooke jackets, sweatshirts, polos, Ts), styles, colors, sizes, and fully customizable to their customers, employees, members, etc.

Hit me with an email, if you'd like to discuss further.

J.B. Manley
<img src="" border=0>
Antares '85 FK/SR #4849
36°29'58" -94°59'59"

Edited by - Antares on 09/14/2003 10:31:14

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  12:06:15  Show Profile
JB & Bryan: Good ideas! Use your suppliers, and don't worry about same-day or next-day shipping. Even LL Bean does that.

I think I'll go visit the store...

Dave Bristle - 1985 C-25 #5032 SR-FK-Dinette-Honda "Passage" in SW CT

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Bryan Beamer
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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  13:48:39  Show Profile
I have talked to Clif about this topic since I met him at the Nationals. He said I could propose what I wanted to do but I thought I would wait until the new officers were elected to office so the prices could be set for the new items.

As for the Ship Store, we have white in stock and as it gets sold I will not keep stock on hand. It will be as J.B. mentioned. When I get an order from the Treasurer it will be ordered from my embroidering company. They have no minimum order and they get the orders turned around in about 10 business days.

The Ship Store will keep in stock: Burgees, Tech manuals, stickers and various colored hats.

As of now the Store offers all adult sizes XS-XXL. in white, royal blue & red

When the new officers are announced I will propose all the new item and colors with the prices. After approval we will get the updated list to “Spike” for posting on the web site.

I like John’s suggestion of putting a Ship Store section in the Tell Tale.
As John said some of the other Associations offer a burgee as part of the member ship fee but the problem with this is Catalina pays the first year fee. If it was offered this way it would be part of the first renewal fee.

Bryan Beamer
<img src="" border=0>
Daylight Again
C250wk #495
2003 National Champion

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Sea Trac
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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  13:52:41  Show Profile
<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Royal Blue and Red, huh? Guess I no longer have an excuse, expect an order soon.

J.B. Manley
<img src="" border=0>
Antares '85 FK/SR #4849
36°29'58" -94°59'59"

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John G-

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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  14:08:21  Show Profile  Visit John G-'s Homepage
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
As John said some of the other Associations offer a burgee as part of the member ship fee but the problem with this is Catalina pays the first year fee. If it was offered this way it would be part of the first renewal fee.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
<font size=2> <font face='Comic Sans MS'> Isn’t that for new boat (C250's) only? Catalina did not pay my first year when I bought my C25.
Our membership page could have the offer. Also the burgee price would be in addition to the membership fee.

One more suggestion. Maybe someone could boiler plate a welcome when we see a new owner post on the forum. It could say welcome and lead them to the membership page and tell them why joining is great idea, supports the forum and web site, gets them the Mainsheet and the TellTale, etc.
</font id=size2> </font id='Comic Sans MS'>

[url=""]<img src="" border=0>[/url]
[url=""]"Peregrine"[/url] C25-#4762 FK

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Bryan Beamer
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Response Posted - 09/14/2003 :  14:32:52  Show Profile

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>Isn’t that for new boat (C250's) only? Catalina did not pay my first year when I bought my C25.<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

You are correct new boats only.
Sorry I was forgetting there are other ways for people to be new Catalina owners.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> Also the burgee price would be in addition to the membership fee. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

The 1st year or first renewal membership price would be $20.00 plus the price of the Burgee.

Bryan Beamer
<img src="" border=0>
Daylight Again
C250wk #495
2003 National Champion

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