The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Oops! I tried to cut and paste the section from the FAQ instructions. Not sure why it didn't work, but guess that disqualifies me as a "forum expert". <img src=icon_smile_blush.gif border=0 align=middle>
Where I have used "<b>( )</b>" use brackets "<b>[ ]</b>". I did that so you can see the code. What will happen is the code will be invisible and the "Anything" will be blue and underlined and it will be a "hot" link. You can then use short descriptions for your links. I keep the code and all my links in a word processing document so I can just copy the code and insert the correct URL and description.
When you click on "Reply to Topic" the familiar box for composing your reply will appear. At the bottom of that box you'll see the word "Mode" with a dropdown menu next to it. The default selection is "Basic," but if you click on the down arrow you can select "Prompt" instead.
If you select "Prompt" the system will automatically ask you for a description and a URL address when you click on the "Insert Hyperlink" icon.
That's the easiest way I've found to do it ... 'hope that makes sense.
your web master is very busy working the with the new version of the SNITZ forum. Someday soon we'll transition. Lots of new features to look forward too!
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.