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Initially Posted - 09/09/2003 :  16:31:50  Show Profile
I know this is gross but....there is an upsidedown, black, "U" shaped pipe that runs behind my head area. (It connects to other pipes together). At the top of the U is a little cap. The cap seems to be fizzing when I pump and the handle on the toilet wants to spring back up. It makes funky wheezing sounds sometimes too. What kind of trouble am I in for?
Thanks in advance...

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Bill Holcomb

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Response Posted - 09/09/2003 :  17:03:32  Show Profile
Hi Danielle,

Sounds like you have a vented loop installed in the system to help prevent seawater from siphoning through the head bowl and into the boat. The vented loops are installed so that the top of the loop (with the vent) is above the waterline. They are often mounted against a bulkhead. The vent itself may be made of bronze or plastic.

The sound your vent makes is when the vent allows air into the hose to break potential siphoning.

Bill Holcomb - C25 Snickerdoodle #4839

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Bryan Beamer
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/09/2003 :  19:05:21  Show Profile
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>and the handle on the toilet wants to spring back up. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Mine does that if the seacock the head draws water from is closed.

I agree with Bill about the loop.

Bryan Beamer
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Daylight Again
C250wk #495
2003 National Champion

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Response Posted - 09/09/2003 :  22:30:27  Show Profile
That little cap is a tiny check valve (one way valve) which is installed at the highest point in the outlet of the system, at the top of the plastic or bronze loop. The check valve is there to allow air to enter back into the hose system after you have finished pumping out the toilet so that no syphon can form and draw sea water back into, and possibly sink, your boat, and it should be closed when you are pumping and the hoses are under pressure.

If the check valve makes those funky, wheezing sounds when it is allowing air back into the outlet hose system and breaking the vacuum in the hoses, all is as it should be.

If it is defective and therefore, allowing some air and "matter" to escape while the outlet hoses are supposed to be pressurized, the entire plastic vented loop should be replaced.

If there is no accumulation of "matter" on the valve or in the immediate area of the loop, yours is most likely O.K. but is there is any doubt change the vented loop since they are cheap insurance.

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Response Posted - 09/10/2003 :  13:37:20  Show Profile
Thanks for all the input. When I went back to recheck, I did notice "matter" so a replacement part is due. Thanks again everyone.

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