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 Bimini and mainsheet options
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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 01/31/2023 :  10:06:16  Show Profile
Hello, just wondering if anyone has installed some form of mainsheet system on their 250 that would get it out of the middle of the cockpit. Clear cockpit space is highly valuable for us with several kids aboard. Ideally I would like to be able to install a bimini over the forward part of the cockpit for shade as that's one of the biggest complaints I get on the boat.

1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/08/2023 :  16:21:30  Show Profile
I installed a traveler for the mainsheet two seasons ago. I purchased the traveler from Catalina Direct. I wanted the traveler primarily for racing. It improves the handling of the boat significantly. It does also allow you to move the mainsheet out of the middle of the cockpit. This is a link to a picture of the installation.

Amber Waves

Edited by - alippold on 02/08/2023 16:24:06
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/08/2023 :  19:49:46  Show Profile
Thanks for the picture Alipold; my traveler blew apart last year while my boat was moored. I suspect the the constant movement of powerboats going by and creating waves caused it to loosen up from the boom swinging back and forth. Got to the boat to go for a sail and found nuts, bolts and associated parts all over the deck. Found everything except one of the silver/gray sheaves. Unlikely that I'll find a replacement so I may need to purchase an entire system - but they are quite expensive. The only thing about the long traveler that you have is that the cockpit seat cushions would need to be modified. Did you have to do that?

2004 C250 WK hull# 739
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 02/08/2023 :  20:04:26  Show Profile
I replaced the original traveler on my C&C 35 with a new one from Garhauer. I provided the length that I needed and they cut it to that length. To give you an idea of their customer service, they had me make a simple template of the screw holes holding the old traveler, and they drilled and countersunk the screw holes in the new traveler. Their prices were much better than the other brands, their hardware is nicely made and their customer service was extraordinary. I ordered it at a boat show and recall getting a small discount.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore

Edited by - Steve Milby on 02/09/2023 09:48:05
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/10/2023 :  05:39:14  Show Profile
The only cockpit cushions I have are ones I made, so it wasn't a problem to modify them. The longer traveler does reduce the cockpit seating area. I was more concerned with sailing performance for racing than with seating. It might not be a good option if seating is your primary concern. The longer traveler allows better sail shape downwind and more options to control heeling in heavy weather.

I purchased everything for this upgrade in 2021. I just checked Catalina Direct and the prices have almost doubled since I purchased!! It took a very long time for me to get the traveler due to the pandemic.

Amber Waves
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/28/2023 :  14:54:08  Show Profile
Thanks for the reply Steve - I agree that Garhauer components are both good quality and good value. When I checked into the pricing a couple months ago, I still had a bit of sticker shock. Even the lowest cost MT 3 which appears to be a direct replacement for the stock traveler costs $675.00 after I convert the $ to CDN before shipping and duty etc. I might see if I can jury rig a standard block in lieu of the two sheaves on the traveler car and see if it will work.

2004 C250 WK hull# 739
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/28/2023 :  15:19:11  Show Profile
Thanks for the info Alippold; Shocking how much hardware has gone up in the past couple of years. The stock cockpit cushions butt directly against the companionway bulkhead so modification would be needed - and I dont have the necessary skills or a heavy duty sewing machine. LOL. As much as I'd love to race my boat, she'd need to go on an extreme diet to be competitive....starting with the inboard diesel, saildrive leg, 40 liter diesel tank, bow thruster etc. I guess I'll just be relegated to crewing on other boats for racing.

2004 C250 WK hull# 739
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