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 A rigging question and cabin lighting question...
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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 02/13/2023 :  09:53:55  Show Profile
I have two quick questions- first the rigging question. Does anyone have a detailed diagram or instructions on running rigging? Below the lower shrouds, there are more of the special fittings just like the ones used for the lower shrouds. These are further down the mast. I know the larger/longer slots are where the internal halyards exit the mast. But these other fittings I am unsure what they are used for.

Second question, about cabin lighting. At the aft end of the forward berth, I have two small gimbal type reading lamps on the ceiling. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the bulbs out. I have one that has a burnt out bulb.

Any help on these two items would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


P.S. I can include pictures, but I'm not sure how to post pictures on here exactly. This is a link to a facebook group post I made which has pictures.

1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/13/2023 :  10:17:50  Show Profile
Originally posted by Jacob
I'm not sure how to post pictures on here exactly.

Ok I think I figured out how to add pictures so here a a couple of the cabin light I'm working on and the mast fittings that I'm trying to determine the use for.

Ok nevermind still not working exactly right but there are links at least.

Edited by - Jacob on 02/13/2023 10:28:30
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/13/2023 :  10:17:54  Show Profile
No idea about the bulbs, I had a different assembly on my boat before I changed them out for LED's. But on the mast, those are where the mast raising stabilizing wires go to keep the mast straight when you are raising or lowering it. You have a set of those right?

2004 250WB #781
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Response Posted - 02/13/2023 :  10:22:44  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage
Originally posted by Jacob

first the rigging question.....Below the lower shrouds, there are more of the special fittings just like the ones used for the lower shrouds.

These are for baby stays for the mast raising system. They have t-bar fittings for the connection to the mast and pelican hooks for the connection to the stanchions. The baby stays support the mast left to right when raising and lowering. See the following on Catalina Direct:

Originally posted by Jacob

Second question, about cabin lighting. At the aft end of the forward berth, I have two small gimbal type reading lamps on the ceiling. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the bulbs out. I have one that has a burnt out bulb.

Push in and turn. I believe counter clockwise to remove.

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/13/2023 :  10:23:59  Show Profile
Originally posted by k3fuller

No idea about the bulbs, I had a different assembly on my boat before I changed them out for LED's. But on the mast, those are where the mast raising stabilizing wires go to keep the mast straight when you are raising or lowering it. You have a set of those right?

Oh, that's great to hear about the mast fittings! I actually don't have a set of the mast stabilizing wires, but I don't think I will be getting one. I'm in the process of converting a 25 mast over for use on my 250. The 25 mast obviously doesn't have these fittings, and I probably won't install them since they aren't really necessary. Installing these fittings, for the lower shrouds, looks like it will be the most difficult part of converting the mast.

And yeah, now that you mention it, the cabin lights I have may not even be original, who knows!
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/13/2023 :  10:30:45  Show Profile
Originally posted by DavidCrosby

Push in and turn. I believe counter clockwise to remove.

So you think my lights may be original after all? I couldn't seem to get anything to turn but it seemed like there may be a little corrosion in there. I'll mess with it some more and see if I can get it to wiggle any.
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