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Initially Posted - 03/30/2018 :  13:50:44  Show Profile
Hey Fellows,

I've decided that I am finally going to install AC in the Lucky Duck. Its a big cost item, but there are too many times we don't use the boat because its too hot. There are quite a few weekend trips we would make if we could tolerate staying on the boat. Its tolerable anchoring out, but sweltering in a marina. Looking to take the boat to the keys for a month this summer so AC is going to happen. I like the boat too much to not use it, and really don't want to move up in size were AC would be more common.

I've tried the window unit in the front hatch, and that really didn't work for me. It got the vberth nice a cool, but required dancing around the deck with an AC when we stopped.

I would do the AC in the dumpster, but I've got a fuel tank mounted in there. Don't want to install a cheap window unit in a fuel space. All the fuel stuffs are installed to USGC spec, but that's still a big nope.

I tried the AC in the companion way. The admiral is a bit short and had a real hard time getting up and over the AC. With the bimini up it was hard for me to get in.

What I'm trying to get a handle on is if 5200 BTU is large enough for a built in unit. I'm going back and forth on the Mermaid Air 5200 and 6500. I've got two locations I can install the 5200 but only one spot for the 6500. By the calcs, 5200 should be big enough, but I'm looking for any feed back from someone that has been there before. Don't want to be short on AC, but like were I can install the smaller unit.

I've been reading up on marine ACs and have decided I want to stick with a built in the USA manufacturer. Would welcome any feedback on systems not built in China. I've gone ahead and taken them off the list.

Jeremy Duck
The Lucky Duck
1980 SKSR Hull # 1850

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/30/2018 :  14:28:54  Show Profile
That 5200 is a nice looking unit. Small compact design. It says it will handle a sailboat up to 28ft. Can also run off a small 1000 or better yet a 2000 watt portable Genny. With 2 outlets your distribution of cold air is much better than what you had so I guess lower BTU's would be ok. I'm no expert so keep that in mind and you are dealing with Fla. Heat and humidity.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

Edited by - islander on 03/30/2018 16:28:36
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 03/30/2018 :  17:20:21  Show Profile
My C&C 35 has AC. Sailboats aren't very well insulated. Consequently, when the temperature rises into and above about the mid eighties, you can put your hand on the overhead and feel heat radiating through it. The AC that came on my boat when new can't keep up with that much heat. When it's that hot, I tent over the boat's decks with silver tarps to shade it. I'd suggest you opt for the higher capacity, especially since you're in Florida.

Also, when it's hot I avoid standing, because the radiated heat makes it very warm and uncomfortable near the overhead.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore
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Response Posted - 03/31/2018 :  04:38:33  Show Profile
In my Watkins I have a 5000 BTU window unit mounted behind the steps leading into the cabin. (Watkins has a large empty space under the floor of the cockpit). The unit cools the interior space comfortably in the FL summer daytime heat, and although we don't sleep in the v-berth, I still use a fan or two to circulate the air.. Like Steve mentions, you can feel the heat close to the "ceiling". The use of tarps outside to keep the FL sun from baking the deck helps a lot, but I only use them if I'm tied up longer than a day or two.

The Watkins has more interior space than a Catalina 25 and I believe a mounted unit is more efficient than a window shaker, so I would think the 5200 should cool Lucky Duck to a comfortable temp.

Tom Curran
1981 Capri 25 Hull #101 "Dirty Debbie"
1988 Watkins 30
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Response Posted - 03/31/2018 :  04:39:57  Show Profile
Made in Fort Myers so why not give them a call. Tell them your boat size and see what they suggest as to the BTU's. IMO AC is almost useless during the day with the hatch open and people going in or out unless your idea of a weekend out on the boat is to lock yourselves in a small cabin for days on end. It's main use is evening and sleeping.Do you have a pop top? I would think that if you have it up it would severely affect the AC's capability.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

Edited by - islander on 03/31/2018 04:52:09
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Davy J
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Response Posted - 03/31/2018 :  16:12:44  Show Profile
There are quite a few weekend trips we would make if we could tolerate staying on the boat. Its tolerable anchoring out, but sweltering in a marina. Looking to take the boat to the keys for a month this summer so AC is going to happen. I like the boat too much to not use it, and really don't want to move up in size were AC would be more common.

Cooling the boat overnight while in a marina or at anchor with a genny is different than having cocktails in the cabin at 3:00pm.....

This is FL, bigger will always be better. I'd say if you are going to invest the time and money, go as large a unit that will fit and you can afford.

Edited to add: Paul, Britinusa added a built in system to his C250
for his trips in Biscayne Bay. Try to find those posts and see what unit he installed.

BTW, my current boat has a 12,000 btu unit. I wish it were at least 16,000 btu.

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay

Edited by - Davy J on 03/31/2018 16:27:46
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Response Posted - 03/31/2018 :  18:34:43  Show Profile
Thanks for the input fellows. I think I'm forgetting how hot summers are down here. We typically use the AC at night for sleeping, but I would like to be able to cool the cabin down to at least low 80s in the afternoon. I've been known to nap through the afternoon thunder storms if I don't have anywhere better to be. I'm going to go ahead and figure on the 6500 for now. Its a harder install, but I don't want to be caught short.

I did try and find Paul's post on the his AC. I remember seeing, but I'm not getting the right keyword in to find it. I shot him a message on FB. Hopefully I'll here back from him in a few days. Depending on what hes says I may even look at the 9k unit. Its the same size at the 6500, just a bit pricier.

Jeremy Duck
The Lucky Duck
1980 SKSR Hull # 1850
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Response Posted - 04/01/2018 :  04:51:26  Show Profile
I'm curious as to what interior you have and where you plan to install it.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Response Posted - 04/01/2018 :  11:19:16  Show Profile
I've got a dinette layout. The easy install is across from the head where the sink would normally be. The 5200 will fit there, but not the 6k.

The other location is under the bench seat against the bulkhead. This location will be a bit more challenging to get everything in and out of the space.

Jeremy Duck
The Lucky Duck
1980 SKSR Hull # 1850
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Davy J
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/01/2018 :  12:18:14  Show Profile
One thing to consider when installing the unit is where the raw water intake will be. You will want easy access to that thru-hull fitting.

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay
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Erik Cornelison

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Response Posted - 04/01/2018 :  13:07:07  Show Profile
5000 isn't enough. In the mid 1990's in Humid Charleston SC I was given a small home window AC unit for my Dutch Craft 23. It didn't cool much at all and I gave it away a few weeks later. I had the air blowing into the front hatch, it might of been ok when sleeping in the V berth, but with the doors open not enough cooling.


Erik Cornelison
6th Generation Professional Sailor, First Gen Submarine Sailor.
1986 Standard Rig SW. #5234
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Response Posted - 06/13/2018 :  11:10:14  Show Profile
Here's an update on air conditioning for you fellows. The decision between a 5200 and 6000 is a moot argument for tropical waters. Both are too small. I'm thinking at least a 12k unit is needed. I'm thinking about installing a 16.5k at some point. We are going to start spending more time during the summers as short time live aboards and I'm thinking more cold air will be needed next year. I've thought about moving up a boat size or two, but then we lose our ability to trailer the boat if we want to go far from home.

I did get the AC installed. I'll post some picks of the build later. The starboard side bulkhead had a water leak around the chain plate that I didn't catch. So an AC project turned into a bulkhead project. It did give me the opportunity to increase the space for the AC some. I picked up a good working 6k unit off of Craiglist it works great.... Its just not big enough. We are currently docked up in Stock Island, FL for the next month. If your close, stop by and say hi. The AC can keep the cabin in the mid 80's during the day and is able to get it down into the low 70's at night. The water temps are in the mid 80s and the sun load is hot, really hot. I did block off the windows with some insulating board. Otherwise, the AC couldn't keep it below 90. Might as well open the hatches at that point. The 6k unit makes it sleepable, but there is no relaxing or taking a nap below during the day.

Jeremy Duck
The Lucky Duck
1980 SKSR Hull # 1850

Edited by - jduck00 on 06/13/2018 12:48:09
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/13/2018 :  11:43:49  Show Profile
In Kansas we have 100*+ blowing at 20-30mph. I was looking at a 12.5 Mermaid long ago, Mermaid said a C-25 should get by with just 5k btu. My point is local knowledge is better than calling the manufacturer on this issue.

Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 06/13/2018 :  12:06:56  Show Profile
I think a silver Poly tarp over the cabin would really help the AC.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Response Posted - 06/13/2018 :  12:32:19  Show Profile
I don't doubt that a bit Scott. The boom is going back on tonight so I'll have that option. There's a Home Depot in Key West so I can get my hands on a tarp easy enough.

Even then the water temp isn't doing me any favors. As hot as the water is, I can only make a 12-14* delta on the air. Running it off a cool water hose it was about a 20-22* delta. Even for night time hours its going to take a much bigger unit to make up for tropical waters. It takes longer than I want to cool off after the sun sets. If I can't get a better delta on the air temp, I'll have to move and cool a lot more air. If I had this in a lake with color water temps, I'm betting I would be good at night and marginal in the day.

Jeremy Duck
The Lucky Duck
1980 SKSR Hull # 1850
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Davy J
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/13/2018 :  12:49:47  Show Profile
If you can shade the side windows, you will probably get better performance during the day.

We are currently docked up in Stock Island, FL for the next month.

A couple of my favorite places:

Excellent but pricey dinner = A&B Lobster House, get the hogfish if it is on the menu....

People watching = Dante's Key West, barside pool, waterfalls, tiki

Best dive bar with a band = The Green Parrot

Of course Duval St........ try to find the smallest bar in Key West..... It's a hoot.....

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay
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