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 Association Deadlines - 2013
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Roy Hinrichs

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61 Posts

Initially Posted - 06/12/2013 :  09:35:47  Show Profile
<u>Mainsheet Summer Issue deadlines</u>:

Mar-01 Deadline for Members to submit articles to the Association Editors
Mar-10 Deadline for Technical editors to submit final article to Mainsheet
Mar-15 Deadline for Assoc editors to submit final article to Mainsheet
Apr-01 Deadline for Members to renew to get the Mainsheet - Summer issue
Apr-10 Deadline for Nanosec to send address list to Mainsheet publisher
May: Mainsheet - Summer issue mailed to members
Repeat this process next quarter.

Note: If a member payment is processed after Apr-1, they will receive the Mainsheet - Fall issue (mailed in August).
Note: Whenever a member payment is processed they always will receive 4 issues of the Mainsheet quarterly magazine (just which issue is the question).

<u>Association Calendar (2013</u>):

Mar-11: Officer's Quarterly Meeting (All Officers)
Mar-15: Mainsheet: Deadline for the Summer issue (Mainsheet Editor)
Mar-26: Minutes: Deadline to post the Officer's meeting minutes (Secretary)
Apr-1: Nationals: Deadline to issue call for bids to host the Nationals (Vice Commodore)
Jun-1: Nationals: Deadline to receive Fleet bids to host the Nationals (Vice Commodore)
Jun-1: Nationals: Begin to accept non-fleet bids to host the Nationals (Vice Commodore)

Jun-11: Officer's Quarterly Meeting (All Officers)
Jun-15: Mainsheet: Deadline for the Fall issue (Mainsheet Editor)
Jun-25: Minutes: Deadline to post the Officer's meeting minutes (Secretary)
Jun-30: Nationals: Deadline for voting to accept Fleet bids to host Nationals (All Officers)

Sep-10: Officer's Quarterly Meeting (All Officers)
Sep-15: Mainsheet: Deadline for the Winter issue (Mainsheet Editor)
Sep-24: Minutes: Deadline to post the Officer's meeting minutes (Secretary)

Dec-10: Officer's Quarterly Meeting (All Officers)
Dec-15: Mainsheet: Deadline for the Spring issue (Mainsheet Editor)
Dec-24: Minutes: Deadline to post the Officer's meeting minutes (Secretary)

Additional Calendar Items for Elections held in even years (2014)
Aug-07: Election: Deadline to issue a call for nominations in even years (Secretary)
Sep-07: Election: Deadline to distribute ballots in even years (Secretary)
Sep-30: Election: Deadline to complete member voting in even years (Secretary)
Oct-01: Election: Officer term begins in even years (All Officers)
Oct-14: Election: Deadline to post election results (Secretary)

Roy Hinrichs - 2015 - Association Treasurer (treasurer at
Steve Auerbach - 2010 to 2014 - Former Association Treasurer

Edited by - Commodore on 06/12/2013 10:30:08
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