The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
We nearly have all the members in the new Members System. I want to thank all those renewing members who have taken the time to add themselves. This has saved me countless hours. There maybe some of you who are members but incorrectly shown in our new system as "Guests". Please send me an email to: Steve Auerbach, Treasurer
The member system has a couple of updates:
If your Member's account has your Forum ID and you use the same password for both the forum and the Member's login, you can now login to the Forum from the Member's area without having to re-enter your Forum ID and password.
The Member's menu now includes an option to edit your Member Profile. This includes the option to update your Email address and your Password.
If you wish to select an image for your member's profile, you can do that in the Manage My Images feature.
We are continuing to add new features, but any suggestions are welcomed.
Wow...a lot of work has gone into this. Have only quickly cruised through the various options, but it looks great and is easy to navigate. A sincere thank you Paul and all those who contributed. The Association forum has taken a big step forward. Well done.
I logged in and got one message that said my dies are paid until 3/31/2013, and another message that says I haven't been a member since Jan. 1, 1990. (I'm pretty sure the latter is incorrect. ) The system won't let me enter.
No problem Paul... I've been working as a software engineer for over 10 years and it seems like there is always some little glitch that made it past testing. :)
I appreciate all of your patience on this project. It has been massive undertaking to say the least. It has not been without its problems. There are bound to be bugs and Paul and Russ are working 24/7. They has spent an enormous amount of time. Paul deserves much of the credit as our webmaster and has Russ has been reviewing and making adjustments to make sure things work. We are extremely fortunate to have such dedication these two volunteers has shown and the amount of time they have put in. Its been a full time job. If you could please limit posting problems that are one of a kind, meaning you dont have to report having the same problem as another member. But we do want feedback. Thank you. Steve Auerbach, Treasurer
Unless it's the same feedback as someone else.....
I'm not complaining in any way....just pointing out an guys do a bang up job with the association and this web is hands down top of my list for internet haunts and everything from layout and functionality, to spam control and everything else that goes along with it is top notch.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.