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Finished up getting my new antenna cable run through my mast today. The shoe is back on with a 1/4-20 bolt holding it in place instead of pop rivets so it's easier to get off next time if necessary. The cable now goes through grommets at both ends and is inside the conduit so it won't chafe on the sharp edges of the holes or get abraded by the halyards as before. There's a drip loop at the top now instead of wrapped up and over the antenna mount. The connectors are gold plated and will be wrapped in silicone tape which should keep them further protected from the elements. There are now pull lines both inside the conduit and inside the mast should I need either. Not exactly related, but I also replaced the original dimpled festoon bulb in the masthead light with a Dr. LED all around, although I haven't proved to myself that it works yet.
Next project is to remove the original antenna cable run along the overhead of the main cabin so it can be rerun along the starboard side & across the roof on the inside so it can't be seen. Then put in the cable clam cabin top penetration.
After I'm done with that, here's the "list": Re-bed both of my turning blocks, over-drill & fill with epoxy, etc. Maybe do the same with my clutches. Neither of them leak currently so I may just leave them for next winter. Mount new anchor roller. Replace the radio with our new DSC enabled one. Try to sell the old one. Mount the new GPS. Mount the new auto pilot. Connect the GPS to the new radio & auto pilot. Connect the new solar regulator between the charger & battery. Install a 12v outlet in the starboard coaming pocket. Install a 120v inlet in the opposite end of the same pocket. Eventually install an AC run too, but no particular hurry. Replace the quick disconnects for the trailer lights with new disconnects that were designed for the job.
I suspect I'll be rewiring as I go, I haven't been too impressed with the electrical work I've seen so far. I know I want to replace the compass light switch, which is in the head, wired through the head's light, and there's burnt wiring in my charging circuit which needs replacing as well. I'll also be investigating how I want to run battery cables from beneath the V-berth back to the breaker panel, but that's next winter's project I think.
David C-250 Mainsheet Editor
Sirius Lepak 1997 C-250 WK TR #271 --Seattle area Port Captain --
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.