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Initially Posted - 12/23/2007 :  08:17:35  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
I get several emails from members of this forum wishing to unsubscribe from a forum or topic. So here's an overview of this feature, when to use it and how this works.

<b>The Feature: Subscribe to a Forum or Topic</b>
From time to time, you may wish to be alerted to new topics in a forum by email, similarly, you may wish to be notified about a new posting to an existing forum. This is a particularly useful feature for those that do not visit the Association forum on a regular basis (unlike myself as I visit it multiple times a day.. hooked!)

The following is true for both forums and topics, so when you read the word 'forum' you can replace it with 'topic'

When you subscribe to a topic, each time a new post is submitted to that topic you will receive an email notifying you of that event. It doesn't tell you much except that a post has occured.

Here's a scenario: You place a topic into the swap meet forum and would like to receive an email when someone responds. So you subscribe to that topic (there's a subscribe link with all the other options, see the top right set of links above this topic.) Now that you are subscribed to the topic, you will start to receive emails notifications.

Seems pretty simple so far. So how does it work, turns out that is simple too. The forum program uses the email address you used to register. Sadly this is also a problem because folks change their email address and do not neccessarily update their forum profile with the new email address. When that happens, those emails come to me! Yep, all of them! Hence the reason I'm taking the trouble to write this.

<b>Now to the baby steps:</b>
Before you subscribe to any forum or topic, ensure your email address on record is correct. PLEASE don't assume that it is, test it. Lookup one of your posts on the forum and click on your user id at the top left of post and send yourself an email via the forum.
If you don't get that email (I will if it is undeliverable) then please log into the forum, and update your profile.

Now that your forum email address is known to be correct you can go subscribe to a forum or topic. Just click on the 'subcribe to this forum' or 'subscribe to this topic' link.

<b>To unsubscribe</b>, Visit the forum or topic and click on the 'unsubscribe from this topic' or 'unsubscribe from this forum' link, you will be asked to confirm you wish to unsubscribe, your choice at this point.



Edited by - britinusa on 12/23/2007 08:18:10
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