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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 12/12/2007 :  10:10:25  Show Profile
FWIW, over 575 people have used these forums in 2007--past, current, and prospective owners. Not bad. That doesn't account for lurkers who've never posted...

Association Port Captain, Mystic, CT
Past member and DPO of C-25 #5032
Now on Eastern 27 Sarge (but still sailing) and posting as "Stinkpotter".

Passage, Mystic, and Sarge--click to enlarge.

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 12/12/2007 10:25:46

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/12/2007 :  11:50:01  Show Profile
and there are a significant number of lurkers.
I lurked for about two years, and have spoken to several lurkers at my local lake, and in other ports of call.

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Response Posted - 12/12/2007 :  12:04:18  Show Profile
Does someone have the actual server statistics for this website? I am sure there must be many people who come to this website while doing google searches(or other search engines) for specific information, read the information and move on. That is how I found the site. It took a few visits back to the site before I decided it was good enough to pay for and paid my dues. Is anyone doing any analysis on that?

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/12/2007 :  13:52:01  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
We did some stuff at one point about a year or two ago. I'm not sure where that analysis is right now.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/12/2007 :  14:31:36  Show Profile
Great stat! This forum is an incredible tool. Thanks to all who make it happen!

Aarrrr, there be lurkers about.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/13/2007 :  06:52:39  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
2 years ago I recall that out of 712 members we found that about 58% of the membership had a forum login. 40% of that number posted at least once in the past year. There were also about 40 or so previous owners who were not members and still posted and about 20 that were still members that posted.

There were another group of names that I was not able to readily identify via forum name, email, boat name etc. These people all posted four or more times in the prior year and had visited the forum (system tracks last login) in the past 30 days.(again at the time of the analysis)

I wish I could remember the exact figure - I never actually posted that -but using statistical sampling there were an estimated 80% of the membership that had accessed the forum over a year. (again this was some time ago)

The hosting company has visit stats but with the world of random IP addresses it is difficult or impossible to narrow that down to individual people.

The other analysis I was looking at was between catalina 25's posted for sale here and Catalina 25's posted elsewhere and similar boats posted elsewhere (24,25 and 26 ft hunter's, C&C's etc.) My premise was that boats sold quicker here and for more $$ here. That was going to require a ton of tracking, inquiring and while I started I put that on hold for the 06 nationals. With the turn in the economy and my purchasing a new boat I never went back to it.

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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/13/2007 :  09:23:12  Show Profile
I can tell you my C-25 sold in under 48 hours after posted here... Another member notified a friend, and it would've been six hours if that person had been able to get over that afternoon. The advantage here is that people know what they're looking for, and many have already decided that these forums make the C-25 a top choice.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 12/13/2007 :  11:46:31  Show Profile
I bought my boat off of a listing in this forum. I had been on the forum earlier in the evening and then got side-tracked on another project. I just happened to check back in before retiring for the evening. The post was about 45 minutes old when I saw it. I immediately emailed the PO.

'89 SR/Wk #5862

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