The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Hard to believe, but we're home... to be exact, we moved in yesterday afternoon after spending a full year "Living on board full time and going South". We experienced, much to our surprise, tumultuous feelings especially when the boat went under its tarp late yesterday afternoon.
We say to each other that it is only because of the dismal weather and we want to keep the boat reasonably clean that the tarp is required but, by this evening the outboard is back in the garage, all food stuff, clothes, footwear, toiletries and lots more stuff has been removed. The boat all of a sudden is like duck out of water.
Sure it makes sense to remove the stuff but something nagging tells us the trip is memory... homebound again from now on. Oh... don't worry we're happy to get home and things back in shape... we'll settle in after a few days.
Now the only thing remaining is to summarize the entire trip, do's and don't s, highlights, costs and other observations including all boat modifications. To be posted soon
Henk & Johanna "Floating", a few off your "barnacles". "Someday Lady" '95 C250WB #151 ('03 - 2016) "Sea ya" 30ft Bayliner (04-2018 - 09-2018) "Mariah" '96 C250WB #191 (05-2019 - 15-05-2023) "Lady J" '00 C250WK #499 (05-2021 - 09-2022)
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by zeil</i> <br />...something nagging tells us the trip is memory... homebound again from now on...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">You wouldn't or won't do it again? There's something to elaborate on...
On the last day of our year long voyage Milwaukee to the Bahamas we all cried. We were happy to be going home. But sad to end the most wonderful year of our lives. The feeling of a dream come true is something wonderful. I can relate.
Steve: Help me to locate a trailerable 30 ft, make that a 38ft with refrigeration and inboard we'd sell our C250 WB tomorrow but... until then we'll hang on to ours for a little longer. Must confess though that we have been eying 36 - 40 footers lately in exchange for our home.
Jim: Via this forum we located someone in Holland who has a (the only one?) C250 WB and e-mailed them some questions. Hopefully they will respond after their return from holidays. We would love, as our next trip, to canal sail the 700 km from Holland to Paris, France with ours or a similar boat. If theirs happens to be for sale/rent we would not have to containerize and ship ours.
Dave: Nostalgic perhaps rather than nagging... although if I see the mountain of yard work ahead I'll be an old nag by the time the next sail season arrives. San Diego is becoming more attractive by the day... The guys there made us totally welcome and... we got to race with Jim Baumgard and Gary Norgan. Yes.. we would do the same thing again and spending even more time... One year is still too short!!
Welcome home!!! I loved my C25 but am having a blast on the 36'. My wife and I are making plans to sail her back to Norway in five years. Should be fun. Cheers.
Hi Dennis: We envy you with having already made the move to a lot more feet... How does it feel... Why 5 years??.. Can we come...?? Johanna is handy and I can cook (just kidding)
Thank you for welcoming us home... Thank you also for your initiative to forward the 15 trip reports for inclusion in 3 issues of the Mainsheet magazine. It could have more interesting had the editor included the submitted pictures. We're pleased nevertheless...
We've almost completed, at Jim Baumgards suggestion, a trip's synopsis describing highlights, costs, do'd and don't s etc. and will submit this in time.
Just today we posted the first installment of the boat modification pictures, some 40 in total and hope that they are of interest to the forum.
Glad that you're still talking to us mere 25 ft owners...
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by ChrisandCheri</i> <br />So sweet! I can't wait to hear your stories. My wife and I just bought our very first boat ever in July. Congratulations on a safe and happy trip. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
Congratulations first time boat owner... and welcome to the forum... I'm sure you'll like the exchange of information and perhaps will want to contribute to the forum. The conclusion of our one year trip should be forthcoming very soon
Henk and Johanna, so glad you made it home safe. After a year living in your C250, it might feel more like home than home .
Susie and I are intertaining the idea of trailering ours to the Northwestern US and sailing the San Juans. This would be a long trailer trip for us but nowhere as long as yours. We're free after mid-June until around the second week in August so the question is, which part of this time period might you also be sailing? I also wonder if there might be others sailing June to August who might join us trailering north and cruising, or just cruising....
Well, anyway, you are both welcome down south, our boat is still in the water, and I wish I could use it more.
Do have fun with all that yardwork
...and "AP" means Advanced Placement..Susie in English, me in chemistry.
Gary and Susie: For the first couple of days after our arrival home I had the notion to sleep under the kitchen table just to get used to the space again.
Lucky me its raining again... yard work will have to wait
Great to hear that your plans are still on track for this summer to come North... We would love to be of assistance any way we can including accommodation, trailer storage etc. We'll definitely do some serious planning now that we know you guys will be here...
Perhaps it would make sense for you to start a "new topic" on the forum to explore if anyone else would have an interest in travel/cruise the San Juan's together during the summer period.
BTW Just in the last few weeks we discovered that there are two more people (both first names are Peter) in the Fraser Valley who have acquired '95 C250 WB boats It would be exiting to see if we can get a Canadian group to join.
Henk: Glad you to hear you and Johanna made it home safely and enjoyed such a successful trip. I really enjoyed the time spent sailing and visiting with you.
Gary: I am very serious about joining you on a trip to the San Juans. I have been talking about doing it for a long time. Now is the time to start planning it. We have an incredible resource of information right here in the archives. I have to make the trip before the five foot-itis bug starts taking bigger bites. Just a few more mods to complete and the boat will as ready as ever.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Henk: Glad you to hear you and Johanna made it home safely and enjoyed such a successful trip. I really enjoyed the time spent sailing and visiting with you.
Gary: I am very serious about joining you on a trip to the San Juans. I have been talking about doing it for a long time. Now is the time to start planning it. We have an incredible resource of information right here in the archives. I have to make the trip before the five foot-itis bug starts taking bigger bites. Just a few more mods to complete and the boat will as ready as ever. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> Charlie: Good to hear from you and thank you for following our road/float trip... It would be a lot of fun to have you, Gary & Susie and perhaps a bunch of others here for some San Juan's cruising... keep us up-to-date Will you be willing to share your boat mods??
Charlie: This is sounding better every day. Susie and I prefer early in the summer, after June 15. Probably sometime then through end of July. Time to start staring at the calendar and suggest some options. What date to leave? How long for the trip up and then back. How long should the water part of the trip last? Where would we go? So many options..... Henk: We'll definitely take you up on storage of trailer and truck and then sailing somewhere up there. Maybe we can start a thread on the cruising part of this website. I'll start it sometime soon..... Do either of you have commitments during the summer when you cannot sail? I don't think I have any but I need to ask the family if any of them have plans....specifically daughter and son with boyfriend and girlfriend, all of which will have graduated from college by then....
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by gnorgan</i> <br />...daughter and son with boyfriend and girlfriend, all of which will have graduated from college by then...<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">Ooooooh--GIANT raise!
Gary and Susie, we hauled our C250 back from Iowa. San Diego to the San Juans on I-5 will be no problem. You need a good truck and an Equalizer hitch. Also, not sure how flexible your time is but it is best to go when the Seattle area schools are still in session. We went in September and <u>no </u> crowds anywhere, never a problem finding a slip or a mooring in the marine state parks. I hear that in the summer it can get crowded. The San Juans are sweet. So too, I assume, is San Diego.
I hauled mine from Salem, Oregon to Calgary, Alberta (about 1000 miles). With a 2004 F-150 supercrew without the equalizer hitch. Through the Rocky mountains with no problems at all. Not saying an equalizer hitch does nothing since I have never experienced it. What does the equalizer hitch do Randy?
Just a thought for those of you thinking about a San Juans cruise. If you don't mind the thought of customs don't overlook the Gulf Islands in Canada. They are just an extension of the San Juan's. My wife and I were there this summer on a bicycle trip. Really very nice. They have a large number of ports that would appear to be cruisers heaven. Poets Cove among others was wonderful. Anyway you go it is win win.
The best bet for getting back into the USA is to sneak in at night.
Steve, the Equalizer hitch does two things. First it shifts some of the weight to the tow vehicle's front axle so the vehicle is level and handles well and steers well. Second it helps prevent trailer sway. Cost is about $450 and worth it in my book. Pickups probably tow better then their SUV brothers.
Looks like we may get an Armada headed to the San Juans and I do hear that the Canadian Gulf Islands are also very beautiful. We plan to visit them. Read about Poet's Cove and agree we should stop there. We like the luxury marinas.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.