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Chris Z

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Initially Posted - 09/17/2007 :  00:06:57  Show Profile  Visit Chris Z's Homepage
Well, I bought my boat back in November 2006 and only had it in for two months this year and took it out of the water due to the lack depth in our lake this year. I spent a good part of the summer rehabbing the boat.
I have to say that I am impressed with the boat in many ways. I also have to thank everyone here and their input that helped me get it in order and in the water.
Now I need to put together my list of upgrades for next year. I want to have these done in a timely manner so that next season can be from April till October.

Chris Z.
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1982 Force 5

Former Owner Blown Away - C25

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Response Posted - 09/17/2007 :  05:31:28  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage

Good luck with your upgrades. try and take care of the difficult ones first to ensure if there are some you do not get to it does not interfere with next year's sailing. many of us have our upgrades listed on our websites. My biggies for last year was replacing the mast wiring, interior wiring, installing a new 8 circuit breaker switch panel, moving most of the circuits onto it and then installing 2 multi-directinal, multi-speed w/timer fans.

Made the mistake of starting a late spring upgrade which I then put on the backburner for this Fall/Winter. That is an approximate 12" width portable extension to the port cabin seat to make it usable as a bunk. I wanted to put it on that side beacause an extension on the starboard side would block access to the port-potti. I have the wood structure just about done except for one support mount and the slats. Then it is deciding fully how to make up the added cushion.

Edited by - OLarryR on 09/17/2007 05:32:51
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/18/2007 :  08:18:04  Show Profile  Visit DaveR's Homepage
Really sorry to hear you were only able to sail 2 months. I bought Bamboo A year ago as well and have been lucky enough to sail most months. This boat has reconnected me with my childhood and all the sailing I did then, I just love it. And I would mirror your thoughts about this forum. It sure is nice to be able to talk to people who have already been through and solved the problem that's making me scratch my head now. Saves a lot of time and money:)

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Response Posted - 09/18/2007 :  15:09:18  Show Profile
Do not beat yourself up over it. We bought Antares a year ago March. Last year we were out quite a bit. However, we are empty nesters and the Admiral wanted to move closer to the lake. So, even though I swore to NEVER build another custom home, we started one in March of this year. The last time we were out, or even at the lake, was April 29th.

Then, the mortgage chaos hit us and we own two homes now. So you can guess our funds are somewhat spoken for even before sailing. We do intend to go to the lake this weekend and clean her up, but not sure if we will get out or not.

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