The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Prana was "splashed" yesterday, after 3 days of preparation in cold (35-40F), rainy (or snowy, on Sunday morning), miserable weather. Lake Superior is a couple of feet lower than usual, making many of the ramps unusable - so I got to watch my pride & joy slung off her trailer by a huge crane and plunked unceremoniously, but safely, in the water.
I had planned to sleep on the boat when I went up from Minneapolis (where it was in the 70s) to Bayfield, WI (where it was in the 40s). That idea got stupider and stupider as Saturday progressed and I got the new VHF (permanent - it's a big lake) installed, and tested it by listening to the weather reports. I found a nice hotel in Bayfield with warm rooms and hot food.
A couple of observations:
On lifting a 250WK with a crane: The crane operator got the slings in place, and started to lift - and then we noticed that the wing on the keel wouldn't clear the guides on the trailer if he lifted straight up. We got lucky - we caught that before he lifted the trailer, too.
We bought a new Nissan 9.8 HP, 25" shaft, electric start outboard this season. Thanks to all of you on the forum who recommended that motor (or its alias, the Tohatsu, which they don't sell around here). It seems great - easy to start, lightweight, quiet.
I also installed a solar panel for battery charging. As an aside, the panel has an interesting history: For 7 years, I sailed a West Wight Potter 19, which I powered with an electric trolling motor. I sized the panel for that, and bought a 32-watt rigid panel, which worked fine for the application. I sold the Potter but kept the panel - which now rests across the back seats when we're not on board.
At any rate - it was the weekend before Memorial Day, and I froze my @#$% off getting the boat ready to launch.
So what's this northerner's favorite w(h)ine? "I wanna move to San Diego!"
Bill Arden Prana - C250WK #898 Apostle Islands, WI
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.