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 Catalina Capri 25 Window repair
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Initially Posted - 08/28/2006 :  11:46:01  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
Everything on my list of stuff is now done on the boat as we are moving into the fall season. Sunday I again took the day and went up to the boat to try and finish up some small cleanup, and check for small leaks at the chain plates, and aft lower bolts that I had sealed up a week ago. I can say that this was the first time getting on the boat with out water in the builge. There was a small amount of water in the port cabin locker, so I traced the water back to a deck fitting, took some caulk and fixed that problem.

We have had strong wind and rain over the last couple of days, so seeing that little amount of water made me really happy. I have made a sunbrella cover for the cabin top of the boat so the leaky windows have just gone un-touched over the last year. It was a cool 81 deg. outside, no wind at all so racing was out, so I got out the screwdriver and started taking the port light appart. once the screws were removed I pushed lightly on the forward corner to pop the window out, then I removed the window from the outside of the boat.

On our windows, there was a small black rubber seal that pushes the window back flush with the aluminum frame, there were two screws that held the frame together, I removed these and then took the glass out of the frame. There was mutiple crap all over the window frame, and it looked like there was nothing sealing the glass to the frame except for the rubber, over the years the rubber seal has hardened up and is shorter, Rick had given me the Window repair seals from Catalina Direct (they dont work on the CAPRI25). I cleaned up all of the gunk stuck on the frames, I ran a small bead of 3M clear sealent on the backside of the winwow frame and set in the window, and watched the seal.

I let this set for about 10 min while I cleaned up the outside of the hull (there was crap everywhere) then I stretched the black rubber seal, then inserted it back into the fram to hold the window back towards the frame. For the first window I am using just the #M Sealent, I want to see how it holds, and 5200 I think in this applacation would be a real pain in the @#$ to take the window back out if needed. I ran two different beads of sealent this time, one on the boat and one in the window frame, I kept the bead on the boat thin, and built op the bead on the frame to make sure that I got good contact.

I placed the window back into the hull, and again let the sealent set up for about 10 min. Then I took the window chanel and tightened up the 4 corners of the window, and cleaned up and sealent that had squeezed out of the frame and the hull. This all took me about 2 hours to do. One the second one it should be a little fast now that I know what I am doing. I replaced all of the screws after it had time to set up, and got out the hose to check out for leaks. There was no water coming into the boat so that was a good sign, I am sure that after some time the windows will again spring a leak here or there.

I will take photos on the next one I do and write this up for the mainsheet, If I can squeeze this into my deadline, If not look for it in the spring issue.

I was sitting there in the cockpit of the boat working on the window, and a member comes up and asked the (heres your sign) comment "are you working on your windows" Then he asked "Did you take that out" Maybee it was the heat or something, I just said yep, and kept on working, I guess that I should have stopped and introduced myself to him, I kinda feel bad about it now that I look back, the guy semed interested in what I was trying to do, but I had sealent all over myself, and I only had a short amount of time to get the window back into the frame.

C.S. McKillip
Ericson 33

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