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 Forstay - Tuff Luff - Carbo Foil
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Initially Posted - 06/13/2006 :  16:08:49  Show Profile  Visit Ericson33's Homepage
Ok looking at the new information I see that the forstay should be 31'-3" Pin to end of thread. Does anyone know of the sizes of the Pin at the top of the mast? And does anyone know the tread size, and the pin dia of the lower pin that attaches to the tang.

I was up at the boat again today to get all of the Furler stuff off of the boat. I noticed that the block on the top of the mast head for the spinnaker halyard was getting caught up on the furler extrusion. So I will leave this alone for now. I took a look at all of the sheaves, and all of them look really good. I did notice that they are metal, not plastic like the ones at the base of the mast.

I called West Marine here local and they quoted me a price of 110.00 for the forstay, thats 30.00 cheaper than Defender. We have a local cable supply here in town and I am going to give them a call today and see what kind of markup the sailing world is putting on the cable.

We also have a local supply that can get a discount on both the Tuff Luff and Carbo Foil. I am still unsure this is the way I am going to go. 320.00 for the tuff luff and 430.00 for the Harken Carbo Foil.

Thanks agian for all of the advice.

C.S. McKillip
Ericson 33

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