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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 05/17/2006 :  00:28:20  Show Profile
At the suggest of several members last year I went out and bought all new rigging for my C25. In my haste to take advantage of my available help, I overlooked putting on the new shroud covering tube material (for lack of a better descrption) before raising the mast. Is it posssible to put on the majority of this material without having to again lower my mast.
Any help ssuggestions would be greatly appreciatedd.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  00:48:28  Show Profile
You should be able to install the covers using a stepladder.


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Brooke Willson

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  04:55:56  Show Profile
Are you talking about the PVC covers for the turnbuckles at the base of the shrouds? If so, you can undo them one at a time and put the covers on without any problem. On the other hand, I decided several years ago when I replaced my standing rigging to leave the covers off. The jib doesn't come inside the lifelines anyhow, and it's actually better for the stainless steel to have more oxygen (as if there's any real difference with the covers on and off). The only shroud where a cover might make a difference is the forward lower, since the jib may actually brush that when tacking. A rolling cover may reduce the possibility of the jib clew hanging, but only if the cover is high enough. I haven't noticed any problems, and removing the covers eliminates the visually irritating separation between the covers and the caps.


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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  09:03:21  Show Profile
If you mean the PVC material that covers the shrouds (not the 1" PVC schedule XXX irrigation pipe but the 3/16" material)it's split on one side so you can slip it right over the shroud. Bring along a beer, or two, I spent about 20 - 30 minutes peeling the old, brittle stuff off and slipping the new stuff on.

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  09:59:34  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
It really is a bad idea to have the tight vinyl covers, most shrouds develop corrosion under them, not everything for sale is a good idea.

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Derek Crawford
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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  11:19:06  Show Profile
"removing the covers eliminates the visually irritating separation between the covers and the caps."
I just superglued the caps onto the tubes.
P.S. I also agree with Frank regarding the tight vinyl covers - best not to use them.

Edited by - Derek Crawford on 05/17/2006 11:20:28
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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  11:50:44  Show Profile
Going along with Frank, both a rigger and a surveyor recommended that I remove the vinyl covers a PO had put on. They only went about 6-7' up each shroud. When I did, the picture inside wasn't pretty--lots of dirt and salt embedded into the cable (which I replaced a year later). The smooth wire isn't going to chafe a sail that occasionally brushes it during a tack. Now, rollers (PVC pipes with end-caps) could be worthwhile to a racer who doesn't want the jib clew to hang up during a tack...

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  12:35:28  Show Profile
I did the PVC pipe thing, works well.

Harken also makes these which can be used on your lifelines as well.

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Brooke Willson

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  16:07:34  Show Profile
Yes, Derek, glue works wonders, until you want to remove the danged things. So, as other have said, leave them off.


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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  22:13:01  Show Profile
Thanks to everyone for their input on the tight shroud line covers. I will go with the consensus.....and leave the things off....especially after the hastle of trying to put one of those lil puppies on!!

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